
Jeroen van den Bergh#

Short laudatio by Peter Nijkamp#

Since September 2007, Jeroen van den Bergh is affiliated with the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology and the Dept. of Economics and Economic History of Universtat Autonoma de Barcelona. In addition, he is professor of Environmental and Resource economics in the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration and the Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam. Previously, he was professor of Environmental Economics (1997-2007) and Professor of ‘Nature, Water and Space’ (2002-2007). He obtained a Master in Econometrics from University of Tilburg (1988) and a Ph.D in Economics from VU University Amsterdam (1991). He has more than 100 publications in international journals and wrote/edited more than 15 books. He was awarded the Royal/Shell Prize 2002 for research on ‘Sustainable Development, Environment and Resources’.

Jeroen van den Bergh has become one of the leading scholars in Europe in the area of ecological, environmental and resource economics. Most of his work is quantitative-analytical in nature. He has gained a high scientific recognition in mainly three fields of economics research:

  • Analysis and modelling of sustainable economic development (e.g., though dynamic simulation and cvm methods, with a particular emphasis on the economics of biodiversity and sustainable water management.
  • Design and analysis of evolutionary economics models in economics, in particular in the field of resource modelling.
  • Critical assessment of economic growth principles and operational contribution to modelling of ‘green economics?

He has published extensively in these fields (both books and articles in well known refereed journals).

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