
Øivind Andersen - Selected Publications#

2012: Relative Chronology in Early Greek Epic Poetry, Cambridge University Press, 277 pp. (ISBN 978-0-521-19497-6), edited with D.T.T. Haug containing Ø.A.'s paper "Older heroes and earlier poems: the case of Heracles in the Odyssey pp. 138-151.

2011: Nine articles (on 'Pisistratean Recension', 'Diomedes', 'Homeridae', 'Cynaethus', 'Creophylei', 'Thersites', 'Bellerophontes', 'Glaukos', 'Peira') in: The Homer Encyclopedia I-III, ed. by Margarit Finkelberg, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.

2009: "How Greeks came to grips with the past" in: The Past in the Past Concepts of Past Reality in Ancient Near Eastern and Early Greek Thought. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo 2009, ed. by H.M. Barstad and P. Briant, pp. 47-77.

2008: "Rhetoric and stylistics in ancient Rome" in: U. Fix, A. Gardt, J. Knape (eds.), Rhetoric and Stylistics. An International Handbook of Historical and Systematic Research. I, De Gruyter, Berlin/ New York. pp. 25-54.

2003: "Some Problems of hypokrisis in Aristotle's Rhetoric", in: A. Piltz et alii (eds.), For Particular Reasons [Festschrift Blomqvist], Lund, pp. 19-32.

2001: Im Garten der Rhetorik, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, pp. 355.

2001: "How good should an orator be?", in: C.W. Wooten (ed.), The Orator in Action and Theory in Greece and Rome [Festschrift Kennedy], Brill. Leiden, pp. 3-16.

1991: "Oral Tradition" in: H. Wansbrough (ed.), Jesus and the Oral Gospel Tradition" (Suppl. to Journal for the Study of the New Testament, no. 64]], Sheffield UP, pp. 17-58.

1990: "The Making of the Past in the Iliad", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 93, 25-45.

1987: "Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im frühen Griechentum", Antike und Abendland 33, 29-44.
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