Michael Aizenman - Biography#
Michael Aizenman, born 1945, received his BA degree at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Israel) and PhD degree at Yeshiva University in New York (USA), advised by Prof. Joel L. Leibowitz. His post-doctoral training continued through appointments as visiting member at Courant Institute and post-doc with Elliot H. Lieb at Princeton University. Subsequently, he was Assistant Professor at Princeton University and advanced to Professor at Rutgers Univ. He moved from there to Courant Institute, and in 1990 returned to Princeton on the joint appointment which he continues to hold as Professor of Physics and Mathematics. He is also a regular visitor at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
His works in mathematical physics have focused on spectra and dynamics of random operators, critical behavior, critical dimensions, and disorder effects in statistical mechanics. For his fundamental contributions in these fields he received the Dannie Heineman Prize, Brouwer Medal, Norbert Wiener Award, an honorary doctorate at Universite Cergy-Pontoise, and was elected member of the US National Academy of Sciences.
He served a turn on the executive board of the Int. Assoc. Math. Phys., and was the editor in chief of Comm. Math. Phys. from 2000 till 2012.
Further information is available at http://www.princeton.edu/~aizenman/MA_cv.html