
Gianfranco Agosti - Major Publications#


(1) Nonno di Panopoli, “Parafrasi del Vangelo di S. Giovanni. Canto V”, Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento, Firenze 2003 (pp. 1-558)

(2) Nonno di Panopoli, “Le Dionisiache. Canti XXV-XXXIX”, Introduzione, testo greco, traduzione e commento, Third revised edition Milano 2013 (pp. 1-902)

Articles, chapters in books

(3) “Niveaux de style, littérarité, poétiques: pour une histoire du système de la poésie classicisante au VIe siècle”, in P. Odorico, P.A. Agapitos, and M. Hinterberger (eds), “«Doux remède …» Poésie et poétique à Byzance, Actes du IVe Colloque international philologique, Paris, 23-24-25 février 2006”, Paris 2009, 99-119.

(4) “Literariness and Levels of Style in Epigraphic Poetry of Late Antiquity”, Ramus, 37/1-2, 2008 (= “Signs of Life? Studies in Later Greek Poetry”, ed. K. Carvounis and R. Hunter), 191-213.

(5) “Saxa Loquuntur? Epigrammi epigrafici e diffusione della paideia nell’Oriente tardoantico”, Antiquité Tardive, 18, 2010, 149-166.

(6) “Usurper, imiter, communiquer: le dialogue interculturel dans la poésie grecque chrétienne de l’Antiquité tardive”, in N. Belayche and J.-D. Dubois (eds), “L’oiseau et le poisson. Cohabitations religieuses dans les mondes grec et romain”, Paris 2011 (Religions dans l’histoire, 6), 275-299.

(7) “Greek Poetry”, in S. Johnson (ed.), “Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity”, Oxford 2012, 361-404.

(8) “Greek Poetry in Late Antique Alexandria: between Culture and Religion”, in L. A. Guichard, J. A. García Alonso, and M. P. de Hoz (eds), “The Alexandrian Tradition. Interactions between Science, Religion and Literature”, Bern–Berlin–Bruxelles–Frankfurt am Main–New York–Oxford–Wien 2014, 287-311.

(9) “Classicism, Paideia, Religion”, in R. Lizzi Testa (ed.), “The Strange Death of Pagan Rome. Reflections on a Historiographical Controversy”, Brepols 2014, 123-140.

(10) “Contextualizing Nonnus’ Visual World”, in K. Spanoudakis (ed.), “Nonnus of Panopolis in Context. Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity”, Berlin–Boston 2014, 141-174.

(11) "Chanter les dieux dans la société chrétienne: les Hymnes de Proclus dans le contexte culturel et religieux de leur temps", in N. Belayche, V. Pirenne (eds.), Fabriquer du divin. Constructions at ajustements de la représentation des dieux dans l’Antiquité, Liège 2015, 183-211

(12) "Praising the God(s): Homeric Hymns, poetry and religion in Late Antiquity», in A. Faulkner, A. Schwab, and A. Vergados (eds), "The Reception of the Homeric Hymns", Oxford, Oxford University Press 2016, 221-240

(13) «Nonnus and Contemporary Society», in D. Accorinti (ed.), The Brill’s Companion to Nonnus, Leiden-Boston 2016, 644-668
(14)«(Re)constructing a Christian Community through its Poetry», in J. Verheyden, T. Nicklas, E. Hernitscheck (eds), Shadowy Characters and Fragmentary Evidence. The Search for Early Christian Groups and Movements, WUNT, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017, 233-250

(15) «Poesia sul gioco e giochi letterari nella poesia tardoantica e bizantina», in Il gioco nella società e nella cultura dell’alto medioevo. Atti della LXV Settimana di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 20-26 aprile 2017, Spoleto 2018, 727-763

(16) «Late Antique Poetry and its Reception», in Wolfram Hörandner, Andreas Rhoby, and Nikos Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2019, 115-148

(17) «Metrical Inscriptions in Late Antiquity. What Difference did Christianity Make?», in F. Hadjittofi and A. Lefteratou (eds.), The Genres of Late Antique Christian Poetry. Between Modulations and Transpositions, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter 2020, 39-58

(18)«Nonnus and Coptic Literature: Further Explorations», in F. Doroszewski, K. Jażdżewska (eds.), Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III. Old Questions and New Perspectives, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2020, 139-157

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