Evangelia Adamou#
Membership Number: | 6164 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2022 |
Main Country of Residence: | FRANCE |
Homepage(s): | https://evangeliaadamousite.wordpress.com/ |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-6653-5070 |
X: | @EvangeliaAdamou |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2015 - present Senior researcher, CNRS
- 2005 - 2015 Junior researcher, CNRS
- 2003 - 2004 Lecturer, University Paris 5
- 2001 - 2003 Teaching assistant, University Paris 5
Fields of Scholarship
- Experimental methods
- Bilingualism
- Balkans
- Mexico
- Understudied and endangered languages
- Corpus linguistics
- Romani linguistics
- Fieldwork
- Language contact
- Psycholinguistics