Halina Abramowicz - Curriculum Vitae#
- 1988 Habilitation, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University
- 1978 PhD, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University
- 1974 MSc, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University
Fellowships etc.:
- 03.2014-02.2015: scientific associate, CERN
- 01.2008-06.2008: visiting professor, Max Planck Institute
- 01.2007-12.2007: physics chair of the ZEUS experiment, DESY
- 07.2006-01.2007: visiting professor, Max Planck Institute
- 11.1998-03.2000: coordinator of the ZEUS diffractive physics working group, DESY/TAU
- 01.1998-10.1998: Humboldt fellow, coordinator of the ZEUS diffractive physics working group, Hamburg University
- 01.1993-09.1993: deputy coordinator of the ZEUS structure function working group, DESY
- 11.1991-11.1993 visiting associate professor, Weizmann Institute
- 05.1989-09.1990 Humboldt fellow, DESY
- 06.1982-06.1987 temporary foreign collaborator, one year equivalent, Saclay-DPHPE
- 01.1980-09.1981 paid associate, CERN-EP
Research field: experimental particle physics
Present (1-2) and past (3-6) activities:
1) ATLAS experiment at the LHC at CERN - perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, in particular double-parton scattering, and application of neural computing to data classification
2) Linear e+/e- Collider (FCAL Collaboration) - design of the luminosity detector for future linear colliders: ILC and CLIC; design and tests of thin silicon detectors for the tungsten LumiCal
3) Bubble chambers - particle production in pi/p and K/p scattering and double scattering processes in pi/d interactions at high energy
4) CDHSW Collaboration - nucleon structure function determination from charge current nu/Fe and nu^bar/Fe interactions and precise determination of sin^2(theta_W) from neutral to charge current cross section ratio in nu/Fe
5) ZEUS Collaboration - deep inelastic electron-proton inclusive, diffractive and exclusive scattering
6) General - application of Artificial Neural Networks to particle identification (pioneer in the subject)