AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Physics & Engineering Sciences
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AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Physics & Engineering Sciences
- 2D Dirac materials such as graphene
- 2D materials
- 2D materials, growth, scanning probe microscopy and nanolithography
- 2D self-assembly
- CVD production of 2D materials
- Deterministic 3D assembly: using buckling to fabricate 3D structures from 2D platforms
- Graphene and other 2D materials
- Graphene, diamene and 2D materials
- Growth morphology of 2D materials
- Mechanical properties of graphene and other 2D materials
- Nanomechanics of 1D and 2D materials
- Nanoscale thermal transport in Si phononic crystals and 2D transition metal dichalcolgenides
- Novel nanofabrication methods for 2D materials and biomedical applications
- Physics of 2D Dirac materials
- Advanced discretization methods for fracture and fragmentation analysis
- Advanced thermodynamic analysis and modelling of solar thermal and photovoltaic applications
- Analysis of coupled processes between the unsaturated zone and the atmosphere
- Analysis of cultural heritage artifacts
- Analysis of electron emission in terms of photo-electron spectra and angular distributions
- Computational methods for life-time analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structures
- Data analysis and signal processing
- Data analysis of rare events in environmental sciences and climatology
- Developing analysis techniques for various experiments
- Elemental trace analysis
- Engineered Cell Access and Analysis: Interfacing nanoengineering and medicine
- Experimental set-up simulation and data analysis: algorithms and software for experimental set-up simulation and data analysis
- Finite element analysis
- Fluctuation analysis in stock exchanges (econophysics)
- Fracture and damage mechanics, and fatigue analysis of engineering materials, components and structures
- Functional analysis
- Functional analysis, spectral theory
- Image analysis
- Inequalities in analysis
- Intelligent data analysis
- Life-cycle cost analysis and design of infrastructure systems
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of structures (beams, plates, shells, membranes, cables) under static and dynamic loads
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of viscoelastic plates and membranes modeled with multi-term fractional derivative models
- Mathematical analysis of SPM data
- Mathematical physics, analysis, probability
- Mechanical property analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Microstructure analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Model-based data analysis and data-based modelling
- Multi-Field analysis
- Multi-Scale analysis of materials and structures
- Numerical simulations of diffusive processes for the analysis of the magnetic properties in new materials
- Qualitative analysis of hyperbolic systems
- Seismic structural analysis and design
- Stability analysis of earthworks
- Static and dynamic analysis of continuously nonhomogeneous functionally graded materials (FGMs) and structures
- Stochastic analysis
- Structural analysis and applied mechanics
- Structure analysis
- Thermal property analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Thermo/hydraulic/mechanical/chemical (THMC) analysis of the engineering behaviour of unsaturated soils
- Time-frequency analysis
- Tree ring elemental analysis
- Advanced control applications
- Advanced thermodynamic analysis and modelling of solar thermal and photovoltaic applications
- Application of machine learning to nonlinear dynamics
- Application of nuclear structure physics to nuclear technology, particularly, nuclear transmutation for radioactive waste
- Applications in mechanical engineering:
- Applications of detection methods in environmental physics and medical imaging
- Applications of high intensity ion accelerators to fusion energy
- Applications of lasers in medicine
- Applications of new power devices
- Applications of stretchable electronics: integration with humanbody for health monitoring
- Applications of ultrashort laser pulses to non-linear optics
- Applications of ultrashort laser pulses to study of ultrafast processes in polymers and quantum confined systems
- Complex Hadamard matrices and applications
- Complex networks and its application in finance and biology
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Developments of picosecond lasers and applications to photo-physics and to photo-chemistry
- Extended systems: solids, liquids, Applications
- Fiber composites, with applications to car crashworthiness, ships and aircraft
- Hygrothermal effects, with applications to concrete
- Interdisciplinary applications of physics
- Low-temperature plasma applications
- Mathematical system theory and its applications
- Medical application of lasers
- Novel nanocomposites for electronic, photonic and nonlinear optical applications
- Novel nanofabrication methods for 2D materials and biomedical applications
- Nuclear astrophysical applications - r-process nucleo-cosmochronology
- Nuclear weak interactions and astrophysical applications
- Pair production in strong fields, applications to high-intensity lasers
- Positron physics - including production and application of low energy positron beams
- Power conditioning systems for fuel cells applications
- Quantum networks and applications
- Quantum sensors and applications
- The self-assembly, properties, and applications of photonic crystals
- Ultra-low temperature techniques and their applications for cosmology
- Ultrafast and ultra-intense lasers and applications
- Astrophysics
- Experimental nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics, with expertise in nuclear structure and nuclear reactions
- Explosive events in astrophysics (novae, X-ray / Gamma-ray bursts, type Ia / core collapse supernovae, neutron star mergers)
- Fluid dynamics in geophysics and astrophysics
- Indirect techniques for nuclear astrophysics
- Neutrino physics and neutrino astrophysics
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear astrophysics (light elements in the Universe, CNO cycle)
- Nuclear astrophysics using radioactive-ion beams
- Particle astrophysics
- Theoretical and computational astrophysics
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Atomic and molecular radiation physics
- Atomic beam apparatus (Rabie Type)
- Atomic collision mechanisms
- Atomic collisions in solids
- Atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy (ALL-MBE)
- Atomic physics
- Atomic physics
- Atomic physics (cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation)
- Atomic structure and properties of inter-crystalline interfaces
- Atomic, molecular and optical physics
- Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases
- Bose-Einstein condensation, ultra-cold atomic gases
- Dense matter in supernovae, thermodynamics of atomic nuclei, nuclear collisions
- Electron dynamics of atomic systems
- Nuclear and atomic physics and
- Physics of atomic scattering processes
- Theoretical quantum optics and atomic physics
- Theory of scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy
- Ultra-cold atomic gases
- Ultracold atomic Fermi gases
- Understanding atomic nuclei
- Unitary atomic systems
- atomic and molecular physics
- Accelerator based particle physics
- Composition design of non-oxide based ceramics
- Crystal chemistry of non-oxide based ceramics
- Development of novel identification methods, mainly based on Cherenkov radiation
- Epitiaxial graphene based RF transistors
- Evidence based policy making
- Mechanical property analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Mechanics of materials: micro-scale plasticity theory based on dislocation models
- Microstructure analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Nanomechanics: continuum mechanics theory for nanostructures based on interatomic potentials
- Nanotechnology, solar blind nitride based UV detectors
- Optics of atomically thin quantum devices and emergent many-body physics based on layered materials heterostructures
- Phase relationships of non-oxide based ceramics
- Solid-state diffusion and kinetics, based on experimental, theoretical, and computer-simulation activities
- Thermal property analysis of non-oxide based ceramics
- Atom by atom fabrication by electron beams
- Atomic beam apparatus (Rabie Type)
- Atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy (ALL-MBE)
- Beam dynamics
- Elastic, inelastic scattering and transfer reactions with nuclear (stable and radioactive) beams
- Generation if high phase space density ion beams
- Introduction of Beam Foil Auger Electron spectrometry
- Ion beam modification of materials
- Molecular beam epitaxy of semiconductors
- Molecular ion beam studies (Coulomb Explosion)
- Nanofabrication by nanoimprint lithography, electron beam lithography, dry etching and directed self-assembly
- Neutral beam injection
- Nondiffracting laser beams
- Nuclear astrophysics using radioactive-ion beams
- Nuclear structure using radioactive-ion beams
- Physics of beams
- Plates with variable thickness, plates on elastic foundation, plates reinforced with beams
- Positron physics - including production and application of low energy positron beams
- Radioactive beams
- Radioactive nuclear beam theory
- Reaction physics with stable and radioactive beams
- Resonance fluorescence in intense resonant laser beams
- Thickness optimization of beams and plates under conservative and nonconservative loads
- Cell Mechanics
- Cell locomotion in vitro
- Design and architecture of solar cells
- Engineered Cell Access and Analysis: Interfacing nanoengineering and medicine
- Excitonic solar cells
- Fuel cell technology
- Microstructure evolution of Li-ion batteries and solid-oxide fuel cells
- Modelling salt and water transport across cell membranes and pumping epithelia
- New generation solar cells
- Power conditioning systems for fuel cells applications
- Solar cells
- Stem cells
- Tandem solar cells
- The science and technology of electrochemical devices, from sensors and fuel cells to batteries, supercapacitors, and actuators
- Thin film solar cells
- Bifurcation and chaos
- Chaos
- Chaos
- Chaos and other phenomena
- Chaos and turbulence
- Chaos communication
- Chaos in impacting system
- Chaos recognition, control and synchronization
- Complex systems and chaos
- Control of chaos
- Controlling chaos
- Controlling chaos and communication with chaos
- Lattice: chaos, monopoles, non-extensive Monte Carlo
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in dynamical systems
- Nonlinear dynamics and classical chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics, quantum- and wave dynamical chaos
- Nonlinear phenomena, chaos and transient chaos, fractals
- Quantum chaos
- Quantum chaos
- Random matrices and quantum chaos
- Relativistic Quantum Chaos
- Stability and chaos
- Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit design
- Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits
- Chaotic circuits
- Circuits and systems design
- Computer-aided design (CAD) of electronic circuits
- Design of ultra low power CMOS circuits
- Digitally-assisted analog circuit design
- Electrical circuits
- Future integrated circuits and systems
- Linear and nonlinear system and circuit theory
- Low-power Integrated circuits
- Low-power, low-energy electronic circuits
- Neuromorphic circuits and systems
- Nonlinear circuits and systems
- Nonlinear dynamic techniques for communication circuits
- Nonlinear function approximation for sensor circuits
- Quantum electrical circuits
- Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits
- Testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits
- Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit design
- Very large scale integration circuits
- Atomic collision mechanisms
- Atomic collisions in solids
- Collisions of nuclei at ultrarelativistic energies
- Construction and operation of large particle detector systems for studying electron-positron collisions
- Dense matter in supernovae, thermodynamics of atomic nuclei, nuclear collisions
- Formation and development of collective anisotropic flow in A+A collisions
- Freeze-out of hadrons in heavy ion collisions
- Hadronization and hadroproduction in high energy collisions
- Heavy Ion collisions
- Heavy flavor productions in high-energy nuclear collisions
- Heavy ion collisions and phenomenology
- Heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies
- High energy nuclear collision
- High-energy heavy-ion collisions
- High-energy nuclear collisions and emergent properties of QCD
- Hydrodynamic and thermal statistical models for relativistic A+A collisions
- Monte Carlo string models for the description of hadron-hadron and A+A collisions
- Phenomenology of high energy nuclear collisions
- Quantum collision theory
- Quark gluon plasma research in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions
- Quark matter in heavy-ion collisions and in compact stars,
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and the nuclear equation of state
- 6G wireless communication networks
- AI-empowered networking and communications
- Applied mathematics in information processing, social media, communication
- Applying artificial intelligence to wireless communication networks
- Cellular mobile communications
- Chaos communication
- Communication networks
- Communication theory
- Controlling chaos and communication with chaos
- Digital communications
- Machine learning for radio frequencies, wireless communications and radars
- Molecular communications
- Multimedia communications
- Nonlinear dynamic techniques for communication circuits
- Optical communication
- Optical communications
- Quantum communication
- Quantum communication (state transfer, quantum key-distribution)
- Quantum communications
- Satellite communication of video and audio signals
- Wireless communication systems (4G,5G,6G)
- Wireless communications
- Wireless communications
- Complex Fluids
- Complex Hadamard matrices and applications
- Complex correlated materials
- Complex molecular rotors and switches
- Complex network sciences
- Complex networks
- Complex networks
- Complex networks and its application in finance and biology
- Complex networks dynamics
- Complex networks structure
- Complex oxides, high-temperature superconductors
- Complex systems
- Complex systems
- Complex systems and chaos
- Complex systems and networks
- Coupled systems and complex networks
- Coupling hydrosystem compartments and complex flow and transport processes
- Dynamics of complex systems, especially finite fermion systems (nuclei, nano-particles)
- Emergent dynamics of large complex systems
- Modeling and control of complex industrial processes
- Modeling of complex networks
- Multiphase flow and complex fluids
- Nonlinear and complex dynamical systems
- Nonlinear and complex dynamical systems
- Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
- Selforganization in complex nonlinear systems
- Statistical physics of complex systems
- Statistical physics, Granular media, Complex systems, Random networks and Neural networks
- Statistical physics, fractal growth, self-organized criticality and complex structures
- Structure and dynamics of complex networks
- Theory of complex systems
- Band structures (pass-bands and band-gaps) and wave control in phononic crystals or periodic composite materials/structures
- Carbon nanotube composites
- Composite fermions
- Composite materials
- Composite materials and composite structures
- Composite materials and reinforced earth structures
- Composite materials and structures
- Composites
- Damage mechanics of fiber composites
- Fiber composites, with applications to car crashworthiness, ships and aircraft
- Interfacial phenomena in metal-matrix or ceramic-matrix composites
- Mechanics of composite materials
- Mechanics of composites materials
- Metal matrix composites (Ti-SiC fibre and Al particulate)
- Micromechanics of advanced composites and their interfaces
- Multiscale models for porous materials and fiber reinforced composites
- Stress/Strain measurements in crystalline materials and composites
- Structural, mechanical and spectroscopic characterization of polymers and composites
- Computational Physics with focus on method development
- Computational acoustics
- Computational and systems neuroscience
- Computational and theoretical biophysics
- Computational biology (MD)
- Computational chemistry
- Computational condensed matter physics
- Computational engineering
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion
- Computational intelligence
- Computational materials design
- Computational materials engineering
- Computational materials research
- Computational materials science
- Computational materials science
- Computational mechanics
- Computational mechanics
- Computational mechanics (boundary element method, smoothed/extended finite element method, meshless methods, etc.)
- Computational mechanics (finite element methods, boundary element methods and combination of them)
- Computational mechanics of materials and structures
- Computational mechanics, boundary elements and meshless methods
- Computational methods for life-time analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structures
- Computational methods for subsurface engineering and tunneling
- Computational physics
- Computational physics
- Computational science
- Computational science
- Computational system biology
- Experimental and computational biomechanics and mechanobiology
- Integrated computational materials engineering
- Neural networks and computational intelligence
- Theoretical and computational astrophysics
- Condensed matter physics
- Condensed matter physics
- Condensed matter physics - theory and experiment
- Condensed matter physics-surface
- Condensed systems of lower dimensionality-quantum size effect
- Diagrammatic perturbation theory as applied to condensed matter systems
- Experimental and theoretical research in condensed matter physics (metals, magnetism, magnetic nanostructures, spin electronics)
- Physics/Condensed matter physics
- Spectroscopy in Condensed Matter Physics
- Theoretical physics of condensed matter
- Topological effects in condensed matter
- AC-DC hybrid power system operation and control
- Adaptive and robust control
- Adaptive control
- Advanced control applications
- Automatic control plane for optical networks
- Automation and control systems
- Automation and control systems design (especially, nonlinear control systems)
- Band structures (pass-bands and band-gaps) and wave control in phononic crystals or periodic composite materials/structures
- Chaos recognition, control and synchronization
- Coherent control in semiconductors
- Control engineering
- Control of chaos
- Control of energy conversion systems
- Control of open quantum systems and decoherence
- Control of quantum thermodynamics
- Control of quantum transport
- Control systems
- Control systems
- Control theory
- Controlled waveforms of laser light
- Controlling chaos
- Controlling chaos and communication with chaos
- Data-based control design
- Dynamic optimization and feedback control design methods
- Finite wordlength effects in signal processing and control
- Force control
- Geometric control theory
- HVDC grid control and protection
- Identification for robust control
- Intelligent control
- Intelligent control and information processing
- Intelligent robotics and control
- Modeling and control of complex industrial processes
- Multiagent control systems
- Networked control systems
- Networked control systems
- Networked predictive control
- Non-destructive product quality control
- Nonlinear control systems
- Nonlinear control theory
- Nonlinear dynamics, control of quantum transport
- Optimal control theory
- Phononics, control and manipulate heat due to phonons
- Plasma control
- Power electronics converter control
- Quantum control
- Quantum optical control of spins and spin ensembles in semiconductors
- Renewable energy grid integration and control
- Renewable energy power system dispatch and control under uncertainties
- Robust adaptive control
- Robust control
- Smart dispatch and control
- Structural control and health monitoring
- Systems and control
- Time-delay control systems
- Time-resolved observation and control of atomic-scale electron motion on the attosecond-femtosecond time scale
- Vibration control
- Vibrations, dynamical systems, control
- Band structures (pass-bands and band-gaps) and wave control in phononic crystals or periodic composite materials/structures
- Crystal chemistry of boron-rich borides
- Crystal chemistry of non-oxide based ceramics
- Electron microscopy defects in crystals
- Graphene and other two-dimensional crystals
- Liquid crystals
- Nanophotonics: photonic crystals and quantum dots
- Nanoscale thermal transport in Si phononic crystals and 2D transition metal dichalcolgenides
- Photonic Crystals
- Physics of GaN-based crystals and quantum structures
- Single crystal growth
- Synthesis and crystal chemistry of alkali metal borides
- The self-assembly, properties, and applications of photonic crystals
- Thermal stability of crystals
- Analog-to-digital data converters
- Big data analytics
- Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in scanning transmission electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy
- Data analysis and signal processing
- Data analysis of rare events in environmental sciences and climatology
- Data assimilation in meteorology
- Data science
- Design of integrated data converters (ADC and DAC)
- Experimental set-up simulation and data analysis: algorithms and software for experimental set-up simulation and data analysis
- Front-end micro-electronics and data acquisition and storage
- Intelligent data analysis
- Mathematical analysis of SPM data
- Model-based data analysis and data-based modelling
- Nonlinear methods (support vector machines, multilinear algebra) for data processing and optimization techniques
- Sensors and Data Acquisition Systems
- Analog and mixed-signal design automation (EDA)
- Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit design
- Attosecond light sources designed for different goals
- Automation and control systems design (especially, nonlinear control systems)
- Circuits and systems design
- Composition design of non-oxide based ceramics
- Computational materials design
- Computer-aided design
- Computer-aided design (CAD) of electronic circuits
- Data-based control design
- Design and architecture of solar cells
- Design and construction of experimental equipment
- Design and test of electronic systems
- Design in nature
- Design of integrated and smart sensor interfaces
- Design of integrated data converters (ADC and DAC)
- Design of ultra low power CMOS circuits
- Designed innovative renewable energy systems
- Digitally-assisted analog circuit design
- Dynamic optimization and feedback control design methods
- Electronic design automation
- Electronic design automation
- Electronic device design in advanced technologies
- Evolutionary design, constructal law
- Experiment design
- Integrated electronic/electromechanical design
- Life-cycle cost analysis and design of infrastructure systems
- Logic design and representations of discrete functions
- Low-power analog IC design
- Nanomaterials characterization and design
- Optical design and manufacturing
- Probabilistic approach of the yield design theory
- Resonator design of solid-state lasers of high brightness
- Seismic structural analysis and design
- Stretchable/flexible electronics: using mechanics principles to design/fabricate silicon-based stretchable electronics
- Structural materials design
- Structured analog design and methods for analog design optimization
- Ultimate limit state design
- Urban design
- Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit design
- Yield design methods in the case of anisotropic soils
- Yield design theory
- Construction and operation of large particle detector systems for studying electron-positron collisions
- Cryogenic detectors of particles and weak forces
- Detector development (Calorimetry, Cherenkov detectors, RICH, photon sensors)
- Detector development (hadron calorimeter)
- Detector developments at Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)
- Detector physics
- Detectors for particle physics experiments
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Experimental precision flavour physics with the Belle detector
- Flavour physics with the ARGUS and HERA-B detectors
- Gravitational wave detectors
- Instruments for experimental physics - separator-spectrometer, pure Ge array and LaBr3 gamma detectors
- Luminescence and solid-state detectors
- Nanotechnology, solar blind nitride based UV detectors
- Novel germanium detectors
- Novel scintillator detectors
- Particle detectors
- Physics with the CMS detector at CERN
- Scintillator detector developments
- Silicon detectors
- Silicon strip detectors
- Technical detector developments
- Biosensor development
- Code development
- Computational Physics with focus on method development
- Detector development (Calorimetry, Cherenkov detectors, RICH, photon sensors)
- Detector development (hadron calorimeter)
- Detector developments at Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)
- Development of femtosecond lasers
- Development of laser-based spectroscopic detection techniques
- Development of laser-driven brilliant X-ray & particle sources
- Development of macroscopic or continuum models of populations of biologicalorganisms
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Development of new research tools
- Development of new techniques for medical imaging
- Development of new technologies for renewable energy sources
- Development of novel identification methods, mainly based on Cherenkov radiation
- Development of novel microscopy techniques
- Development of spintronics
- Development of the Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for reconstituted clays
- Developments of picosecond lasers and applications to photo-physics and to photo-chemistry
- Formation and development of collective anisotropic flow in A+A collisions
- Non-Equilibrium aspects of materials development
- Scintillator detector developments
- Technical detector developments
- The development of a sustainable geoenvironment - groundwater contamination, land regeneration, landfills, pollutants
- 4D Printing and Biomedical Devices
- Applications of new power devices
- Bandstructure engineering: Quantum phenomena in nanostructures and novel heterostrcuture/quantum devices
- Device physics, Josephson junctions, electrolyte field effect transistors
- Electronic device design in advanced technologies
- Functional nanomaterials and devices
- High power devices
- High speed optoelectronic devices
- Hot Electron devices
- Medical devices and systems
- Nanoelectronic structures and devices
- Nanoelectronics: Developing tomorrow's devices
- Optics of atomically thin quantum devices and emergent many-body physics based on layered materials heterostructures
- Optoelectronic and photonic devices
- Physics, materials, and technology of semiconductor devices
- Quantum structures and devices
- Superconducting technological devices
- THz semiconductor devices for telecommunications and imaging applications.-
- The science and technology of electrochemical devices, from sensors and fuel cells to batteries, supercapacitors, and actuators
- optoelectronic devices from the deep ultraviolet to the far infrared spectral bands.-
- Ab-initio molecular dynamics
- Adaptive dynamic programming
- Application of machine learning to nonlinear dynamics
- Beam dynamics
- Carrier dynamics in semiconductors
- Chaotic dynamics of nonlinear oscillators
- Classical and quantum fluid dynamics
- Climate dynamics
- Coherent vibrational dynamics in organic molecules
- Collective dynamics liquids
- Complex networks dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion
- Dislocation dynamics
- Dynamic Failure of Materials: Maximizing blast and fragment protection
- Dynamic contact problems
- Dynamic deformation
- Dynamic failure
- Dynamic optimization and feedback control design methods
- Dynamic spectrum access
- Dynamic systems
- Dynamics of 3He and 4He small droplets
- Dynamics of clusters in strong fields
- Dynamics of complex systems, especially finite fermion systems (nuclei, nano-particles)
- Dynamics of inertial particles, reactions in flows
- Dynamics of interfaces and fronts
- Dynamics of machines
- Dynamics of viscous compressible liquid
- Elastodynamics and structural dynamics (impact loading, dynamic effects, vibration isolation, vibration control, etc.)
- Electron dynamics of atomic systems
- Emergent dynamics of large complex systems
- Environmental fluid dynamics and related laboratory experiments
- Experimental fluid dynamics
- Film flows, Wetting and Spreading Dynamics
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics in geophysics and astrophysics
- Fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics, e.g. fractal basin boundaries, Wada basins
- Fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics: fractal basins, Wada basins, basin entropy
- Fundamental studies of phase transitions, relaxation dynamics of magnetic excitations on macroscopic, mesoscopic and nanoscopic scales
- Interfacial dynamics
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of structures (beams, plates, shells, membranes, cables) under static and dynamic loads
- Molecular dynamics
- Non-equilibrium dynamics
- Nonlinear (initial/boundary value) problems of static/dynamic instability of conservative and non-conservative systems
- Nonlinear dynamic techniques for communication circuits
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in dynamical systems
- Nonlinear dynamics and classical chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
- Nonlinear dynamics of wheels
- Nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics, control of quantum transport
- Nonlinear dynamics, quantum- and wave dynamical chaos
- Nonlinear lattice dynamics, Soliton-assisted electron transport (Solectron transport)
- Novel approaches in system dynamics
- Open system dynamics
- Out-of-equilibrium dynamics
- Population dynamics
- Relativistic fluid dynamics
- Seismic engineering and structural dynamics problems
- Spectra and dynamics of random operators
- Static and dynamic analysis of continuously nonhomogeneous functionally graded materials (FGMs) and structures
- Structure and dynamic properties of monolayers, micelles, thin liquid films, foams, emulsions and microemulsions
- Structure and dynamics
- Structure and dynamics of complex networks
- Structure and dynamics of thin molecular films
- Ultrafast (spin- and magnetization) dynamics
- Condensed systems of lower dimensionality-quantum size effect
- Critical phenomena, disorder effects in statistical mechanics
- Cross effects between mechanical and magnetic properties in metallic glasses
- Device physics, Josephson junctions, electrolyte field effect transistors
- Effects of air quality on health
- Electronic correlation effects and cooperative phenomena in thin films and nanostructures
- Finite wordlength effects in signal processing and control
- Hanbury Brown - Twiss effect in high energy physics, pion lasers
- Hygrothermal effects, with applications to concrete
- Matrix effects in PIXE studies
- Production of heavy quarkonia and cold nuclear matter effects
- Quantum Hall effect
- Quantum Hall effect
- Quantum effects
- Scaling and hierarchical effects in materials
- Size effects and scaling
- Size effects in structural materials
- Surface and interface effects in nao-materials and nano-structures (nano-ribbons, nano-tubes, nano-plates, nano-shells, etc.
- Topological effects in condensed matter
- Accelerator physics, superconducting cw electron accelerators and FELs
- Analysis of electron emission in terms of photo-electron spectra and angular distributions
- Atom by atom fabrication by electron beams
- Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in scanning transmission electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy
- Correlated electron systems
- Electron Pumping
- Electron conversion measurements
- Electron dynamics of atomic systems
- Electron microscopy
- Electron microscopy
- Electron microscopy defects in crystals
- Electron scattering
- Electron, chemical and plasma physics
- Hadronic physics problems studied with electrons, muons, pions and protons
- Hot Electron devices
- Infrared free electron lasers
- Interactions of photons, slow electrons, and ions with atoms and molecules
- Introduction of Beam Foil Auger Electron spectrometry
- Localization of Electrons
- Nanofabrication by nanoimprint lithography, electron beam lithography, dry etching and directed self-assembly
- Nonlinear lattice dynamics, Soliton-assisted electron transport (Solectron transport)
- Nuclear structure and reactions using electron scattering
- Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of many-body systems, in particular electron gas
- Quantum Transport of Electrons
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
- Synchrotron radiation, X-Ray free electron laser (X-FEL)
- Time-resolved observation and control of atomic-scale electron motion on the attosecond-femtosecond time scale
- in-situ (transmission and scanning) electron microscopy
- Elementary particle physics
- Elementary particle physics
- Elementary particle physics (electron and neutron scattering)
- Elementary particle physics (experimental)
- Elementary particles
- Elementary particles
- Antihydrogen physics - creation of, and experimentation with, low energy antihydrogen
- Applications of high intensity ion accelerators to fusion energy
- Artificial Intelligence in renewable energy modelling, prediction and fault-finding
- Clean Energy Conversion and Storage
- Collisions of nuclei at ultrarelativistic energies
- Concept of an energy amplifier
- Control of energy conversion systems
- Cosmic Rays up to the highest energies
- Dark Energy
- Designed innovative renewable energy systems
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Development of new technologies for renewable energy sources
- Diffraction in high energy physics
- Energy Harvesting: Knowledge for future nanowire technology
- Energy and climate change policy
- Energy density functional theory
- Energy density functional theory
- Energy economics
- Energy in buildings
- Energy materials
- Energy performance in manufacturing
- Energy physics
- Energy production and use and its impact on society and the environment
- Energy science and technology
- Energy storage, conversion, and harvesting
- Energy storage: super-capacitors, batteries, hydrogen
- Energy use in buildings
- Energy, environmental, health, and other industrial technologies
- Energy: high capacity hydrogen storage-supercapacitors
- Experimental high energy physics
- Exploring the high energy frontier
- Fusion energy
- Fusion energy
- General energy issues
- Ground energy problems - ground source heat
- Hadronization and hadroproduction in high energy collisions
- Hanbury Brown - Twiss effect in high energy physics, pion lasers
- Heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies
- High energy heavy ion physics (both theory and experiment)
- High energy nuclear collision
- High energy nuclear physics
- High energy particle physics (both theory and experiment)
- High energy physics
- High energy physics
- Inertial fusion for energy
- Large scale energy storage grid integration
- Modelling and simulation of AC-DC power systems with high share of renewable energy sources interfaced by power electronics converters
- Nuclear energy
- Ocean renewable energy (wind and waves)
- Phenomenology of high energy nuclear collisions
- Planning and operation of transmission and distribution systems with high share of renewable energies
- Positron physics - including production and application of low energy positron beams
- Properties of hadrons in nuclear matter under extreme conditions of energy density and temperature
- Quark gluon plasma research in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions
- Renewable energy engineering
- Renewable energy grid integration and control
- Renewable energy power system dispatch and control under uncertainties
- Resource and energy management modeling
- Solar energy
- Sustainability assessment, energy planning, new and renewable energy technologies
- Theoretical high energy nuclear physics
- Very high energy subnuclear physics
- Accelerator engineering (superconducting cavities)
- Applications in mechanical engineering:
- Bandstructure engineering: Quantum phenomena in nanostructures and novel heterostrcuture/quantum devices
- Biomechanical engineering
- Chemical engineering
- Civil Engineering/ Earth Sciences
- Civil and hydraulic engineering
- Civil engineering
- Coastal engineering
- Computational engineering
- Computational materials engineering
- Computational methods for subsurface engineering and tunneling
- Concurrent engineering
- Control engineering
- Earthquake engineering
- Electrical and electronic engeneering and biomedical engineering
- Electrical engineering and computer science
- Electronic engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering of quantum field-matter interactions and dispersion forces in confined media
- Engineering science
- Engineering sciences
- Fatigue, fracture and creep of engineering solids
- Fractal techniques in engineering
- Fracture and damage mechanics, and fatigue analysis of engineering materials, components and structures
- Geoenvironmental engineering
- Geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering
- Integrated computational materials engineering
- Materials science and engineering
- Mathematical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Mesoscale science and engineering
- Natural sciences and engineering
- Nuclear reactor engineering
- Phonon physics and engineering in low dimensional structures
- Physics and engineering section
- Production engineering
- Quantum measurements for state engineering
- Reaction engineering
- Renewable energy engineering
- Risk-based assessment and risk-informed decision making in civil and marine engineering
- Seismic engineering and structural dynamics problems
- Stochastic phenomena in physics and in engineering sciences
- Strain engineering of ferroics and multiferroics
- Structural engineering
- Structural engineering
- Structural engineering and applied mechanics-dynamics
- Surface engineering
- Surface engineering and coating technology
- Sustainable engineering
- Thermal engineering
- Thermo/hydraulic/mechanical/chemical (THMC) analysis of the engineering behaviour of unsaturated soils
- Tissue engineering
- Design and construction of experimental equipment
- Experimental and computational biomechanics and mechanobiology
- Experimental and theoretical research in condensed matter physics (metals, magnetism, magnetic nanostructures, spin electronics)
- Experimental astroparticle physics
- Experimental condensed matter physics
- Experimental fluid dynamics
- Experimental high energy physics
- Experimental mechanics
- Experimental mechanics of materials
- Experimental methods
- Experimental nanoscience
- Experimental nuclear physics
- Experimental nuclear physics
- Experimental nuclear physics and applied areas (heavy-ion driven material science, proton and hadron therapy, radio-isotopes)
- Experimental nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics, with expertise in nuclear structure and nuclear reactions
- Experimental particle physics
- Experimental particle physics
- Experimental photon statistics
- Experimental physics
- Experimental physics
- Experimental plasma physics
- Experimental precision flavour physics with the Belle detector
- Experimental quantum optics
- Experimental set-up simulation and data analysis: algorithms and software for experimental set-up simulation and data analysis
- Experimental soft matter physics (surfactants, liquid cystals, polymers, nanoparticles)
- Experimental solid state physics
- Experimental subatomic physics
- ISOL experimental techniques
- Instruments for experimental physics - separator-spectrometer, pure Ge array and LaBr3 gamma detectors
- Low-energy experimental physics
- Solid-state diffusion and kinetics, based on experimental, theoretical, and computer-simulation activities
- Theoretical and experimental quantum optics
- Theoretical and experimental studies of novel known and unknown forms of carbon
- Theoretical and experimental studies of secondary stray magnetic fields
- Applied quantum field theory
- Axiomatic quantum field theory
- Band structure of semicnductors also in presence of a strong magnetic field
- Crack tip field displacement mapping and crack tip residual stress interactions
- Critical phenomena and field theoretic renormalization group on arbitrary networks
- Device physics, Josephson junctions, electrolyte field effect transistors
- Dynamics of clusters in strong fields
- Effective field theories
- Effective field theories
- Field theoretic Renormalization Group on non-metric spaces
- Field theory and neural networks
- General relativity and field theory
- Group-theoretical methods in Quantum Field Theory and Supersymmetry
- Intense fields and particles
- Interaction of intense laser fields with matter
- Low-energy nuclear effective field theory
- Manipulating molecules with electro-magnetic fields
- Non-equilibrium quantum field theory
- Nonperturbative methods in quantum field theory
- Pair production in strong fields, applications to high-intensity lasers
- Particle production in intense fields
- Physics in magnetic fields
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum field theory at finite temperature,
- Strong field, critical acceleration, radiation reaction
- Tensor random fields
- Theoretical and experimental studies of secondary stray magnetic fields
- Thermal field theory
- Blood flow and wall shear stress in arteries
- Coupling hydrosystem compartments and complex flow and transport processes
- Cylinders in axial flow
- Dynamics of inertial particles, reactions in flows
- Film flows, Wetting and Spreading Dynamics
- Flow and self-excited oscillations in collapsible tubes
- Formation and development of collective anisotropic flow in A+A collisions
- Gas flow and mixing in pulmonary airways
- High order anisotropic flow coefficients and ridge
- Hydrodynamic instabilities and flows, turbulence
- Multi-phase flow in porous media
- Multiphase flow and complex fluids
- Two-phase flow
- Classical and quantum fluid dynamics
- Complex Fluids
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion
- Environmental fluid dynamics and related laboratory experiments
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Experimental fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics in geophysics and astrophysics
- Fluid mechanics
- Fluid mechanics and turbulence
- Fluid mechanics of buildings
- Laboratory experiments in fluids
- Multiphase flow and complex fluids
- Physics of fluid
- Pipes conveying fluid
- Quantum fluids and solids
- Quark-Gluon Plasma as a Perfect Fluid
- Relativistic fluid dynamics
- Relativistic fluids
- Advanced discretization methods for fracture and fragmentation analysis
- Fatigue, fracture and creep of engineering solids
- Fracture
- Fracture and damage mechanics, and fatigue analysis of engineering materials, components and structures
- Fracture and material failure of biological tissues
- Fracture mechanics
- Fracture mechanics
- Fracture micromechanics
- Fracture of brittle and ductile materials, the glass transition
- Micromechanics of deformation and fracture
- Non-classical problems of fracture mechanics
- Numerical methods in fracture mechanics
- Statistical physics models of fractures and faults
- The mechanics of fracture, materials damage and creep
- Applications of high intensity ion accelerators to fusion energy
- Cold fusion
- Fusion energy
- Fusion energy
- Fusion plasma diagnostics
- Fusion plasma physics
- Fusion power plants
- Fusion research
- Heating of fusion plasma
- Inertial confinement fusion
- Inertial fusion for energy
- Magnetic confinement fusion
- Physics with ultra-intense light pulses,relativistic plasma, and aneutronic fusion
- Technology (electron cyclotron heating, material science, superconductivity) for fusion reactors (ITER, DEMO)
- 2D Dirac materials such as graphene
- Covalently functionalized porphyrin-carbon nanotube/graphene nanohybrids
- Epitiaxial graphene based RF transistors
- Graphene
- Graphene
- Graphene and other 2D materials
- Graphene and other two-dimensional crystals
- Graphene and related materials
- Graphene photonics
- Graphene, diamene and 2D materials
- Mechanical properties of graphene and other 2D materials
- Nanoscience: carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene derivatives
- Nanotubes , graphene, nanocomposites
- Two-dimensional materials, graphene
- Freeze-out of hadrons in heavy ion collisions
- Heavy Ion collisions
- Heavy fermion systems
- Heavy flavor productions in high-energy nuclear collisions
- Heavy ion collisions and phenomenology
- Heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies
- Heavy ion elastic and inelastic scattering
- High energy heavy ion physics (both theory and experiment)
- Iso-spin in heavy ion reaction
- Nuclear reactions with heavy ions
- Nuclear reactions with light and heavy ions
- Production of heavy quarkonia and cold nuclear matter effects
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and the nuclear equation of state
- Relativistic heavy ions
- Relativistic heavy ions and proton spin
- Applications of high intensity ion accelerators to fusion energy
- Cosmic Rays up to the highest energies
- Detector developments at Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Diffraction in high energy physics
- Energy: high capacity hydrogen storage-supercapacitors
- Equation of state at supranuclear densities and high temperatures
- Experimental high energy physics
- Exploring the high energy frontier
- Generation if high phase space density ion beams
- Geological disposal of high level nuclear waste
- Hadronization and hadroproduction in high energy collisions
- Hanbury Brown - Twiss effect in high energy physics, pion lasers
- High Tc Superconductors
- High energy heavy ion physics (both theory and experiment)
- High energy nuclear collision
- High energy nuclear physics
- High energy particle physics (both theory and experiment)
- High energy physics
- High energy physics
- High order anisotropic flow coefficients and ridge
- High performance computing
- High performance computing and computer networks
- High power devices
- High power high speed GaN/AlGaN nnotransistors
- High pressure crystallization and physical properties of GaN, AlN and InN
- High response speed servo drives
- High speed optoelectronic devices
- High temperature creep
- High temperature superconductivity
- Higher order QCD corrections in flavour physics in the standard model
- Higher order QCD corrections to deep-inelastic scattering
- Modelling and simulation of AC-DC power systems with high share of renewable energy sources interfaced by power electronics converters
- Optical properties of high temperature superconductors
- Phenomenology of high energy nuclear collisions
- Planning and operation of transmission and distribution systems with high share of renewable energies
- Quark gluon plasma research in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions
- Resonator design of solid-state lasers of high brightness
- Strong Interactions at high density and temperature
- Theoretical high energy nuclear physics
- Theory of high Tc superconductivity and related problems
- Very high energy subnuclear physics
- Bio-inspired imaging front-ends for vision systems
- Digitizing facsimile images
- Image analysis
- Image compression
- Image processing
- Infra-red imaging systems
- Ion diagnostics and imaging
- Medical image processing
- Nanoscale quantum sensing and imaging using diamond-based magnetometry
- Signal and image processing
- THz semiconductor devices for telecommunications and imaging applications.-
- Transmission of moving images
- Applied mathematics in information processing, social media, communication
- Geographical information systems
- Information economics
- Information sciences
- Information security
- Information techniques
- Information theory
- Information theory
- Information theory and statistical inference
- Intelligent control and information processing
- Multisensor systems for extracting information from physical world
- Quantum information
- Quantum information
- Quantum information (generalized measurement, state comparison and identification)
- Quantum information and thermodynamics
- Quantum information processing
- Quantum information processing
- Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits
- Quantum information science
- Quantum information theory
- Quantum information theory and computer science
- Solid-state quantum information processing
- Antip-p interactions
- Crack tip field displacement mapping and crack tip residual stress interactions
- Effective theories of the strong interaction
- Electrostatic and electromechanical interactions in liquids, biosystems, and molecular systems
- Electroweak interactions
- Engineering of quantum field-matter interactions and dispersion forces in confined media
- Ep interactions
- Exploration and exploitation of intense-laser-matter interactions
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Fluid-structure interaction in impact
- Fluid-structure interactions
- Fundamental interactions in nuclear transitions
- Interaction of intense laser fields with matter
- Interactions between matter and radiation
- Interactions of photons, slow electrons, and ions with atoms and molecules
- Isospin-dependent interactions
- Laser-material interactions
- Laser-matter interaction
- Light-matter interaction
- Light-matter interactions
- Light-matter interactions
- Modelling of wave interaction with natural and man-made coastal features
- Nuclear structure and electromagnetic interactions
- Nuclear weak interactions and astrophysical applications
- Optical spin-orbit interactions and photonic topology
- Physics of beam-plasma interaction
- Space-time structure of hadron-nucleus interactions
- Strong Interactions at high density and temperature
- Strong interactions
- Strong interactions
- Strong light-matter interactions
- Theory and phenomenology of the fundamental interactions
- Weak interactions and Higgs boson physics
- Weak interactions in nuclei
- Atomic structure and properties of inter-crystalline interfaces
- Colloid and interface science
- Design of integrated and smart sensor interfaces
- Dynamics of interfaces and fronts
- Interface superconductivity, interface physics, heterostructures, superlattices
- Interfaces and wetting
- Light-matter quantum interfaces in solids for quantum network hardware
- Liquid crystal-polymer interfaces
- Low dimensional systems and interfaces
- Micromechanics of advanced composites and their interfaces
- Modeling of mass- and heat-flux processes across the land/atmosphere interface
- Relationship between structure and properties of metal surfaces at metal-gas and metal-liquid interfaces
- Supramolecular chemistry at interfaces
- Surface and interface effects in nao-materials and nano-structures (nano-ribbons, nano-tubes, nano-plates, nano-shells, etc.
- Surface and interface magnetism
- Surfaces and interfaces
- Accelerators, ion sources and magnetic spectrometers
- Analytical aspects of ion impact
- Applications of high intensity ion accelerators to fusion energy
- Applied physics: surface production of negative ions
- Collective excitation by ion impact
- Freeze-out of hadrons in heavy ion collisions
- Generation if high phase space density ion beams
- Generation of highly ionized ions in plasmas
- Heavy Ion collisions
- Heavy ion collisions and phenomenology
- Heavy ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies
- Heavy ion elastic and inelastic scattering
- High energy heavy ion physics (both theory and experiment)
- Interactions of photons, slow electrons, and ions with atoms and molecules
- Ion beam modification of materials
- Ion diagnostics and imaging
- Ion trapping and cooling
- Iso-spin in heavy ion reaction
- Molecular ion beam studies (Coulomb Explosion)
- Negative hydrogen ion sources
- Nuclear reactions with heavy ions
- Nuclear reactions with light and heavy ions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and the nuclear equation of state
- Relativistic heavy ions
- Relativistic heavy ions and proton spin
- Spectroscopy: optical, Raman, ion scattering
- Utilising radioactive ions for nuclear structure studies
- Applications of lasers in medicine
- Applications of ultrashort laser pulses to non-linear optics
- Applications of ultrashort laser pulses to study of ultrafast processes in polymers and quantum confined systems
- Controlled waveforms of laser light
- Development of femtosecond lasers
- Developments of picosecond lasers and applications to photo-physics and to photo-chemistry
- Fiber lasers
- Hanbury Brown - Twiss effect in high energy physics, pion lasers
- High-intensity lasers
- Infrared free electron lasers
- Interaction of intense laser fields with matter
- Laser Raman Spectroscopy
- Laser cooling and trapping
- Laser cooling and trapping
- Laser cooling of atoms (1985-1992)
- Laser peening and other life extending surface treatment technologies
- Laser physics
- Laser physics
- Laser produced plasmas
- Laser spectroscopy
- Laser spectroscopy
- Laser surface modifications
- Laser velocimetry and turbulence measurement
- Laser/LED Colorimetry
- Lasers and quantum electronics
- Medical application of lasers
- Mode-locking of lasers
- Nondiffracting laser beams
- Pair production in strong fields, applications to high-intensity lasers
- Physics of deformed laser resonators
- Quantum cascade lasers
- Quantum cascade lasers
- Radiative forces – laser cooling and trapping
- Resonance fluorescence in intense resonant laser beams
- Resonator design of solid-state lasers of high brightness
- Short wavelength laser diodes and light emitters
- Synchrotron radiation, X-Ray free electron laser (X-FEL)
- Ultra-high resolution laser spectroscopy
- Ultrafast and ultra-intense lasers and applications
- Ultrafast laser spectroscopy
- Ultraprecise laser spectroscopy
- Visible laser diodes
- Antihydrogen physics - creation of, and experimentation with, low energy antihydrogen
- Condensed systems of lower dimensionality-quantum size effect
- Design of ultra low power CMOS circuits
- Low Dimensional Physics
- Low background experiments
- Low dimensional structures
- Low dimensional structures
- Low dimensional systems
- Low dimensional systems and interfaces
- Low temperature physics
- Low temperature plasma physics
- Phonon physics and engineering in low dimensional structures
- Positron physics - including production and application of low energy positron beams
- Transport of Phonons/Heat in low dimensional nano structures
- Accelerators, ion sources and magnetic spectrometers
- Band structure of semicnductors also in presence of a strong magnetic field
- Beta decay and magnetic moment studies of mirror nuclei
- Cross effects between mechanical and magnetic properties in metallic glasses
- Dilute magnetic semiconductors
- Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
- Fundamental studies of phase transitions, relaxation dynamics of magnetic excitations on macroscopic, mesoscopic and nanoscopic scales
- Interventional magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic confinement fusion
- Magnetic materials
- Magnetic properties of high-Tc superconductors
- Magnetic reconnection
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic semiconductors
- Measurement of transport and magnetic properties
- Nuclear magnetic resonance
- Numerical simulations of diffusive processes for the analysis of the magnetic properties in new materials
- Physics in magnetic fields
- Plasma magnetic confinement
- Quark - gluon plasma: strangeness, magnetic mass
- Safety of magnetic resonance imaging
- Spectral theory of magnetic Schrödinger operators
- Theoretical and experimental studies of secondary stray magnetic fields
- Transmit array technology for magnetic resonance imaging
- 2-D materials
- 2D Dirac materials such as graphene
- 2D materials
- 2D materials, growth, scanning probe microscopy and nanolithography
- Active materials
- Advanced functional materials
- Architected materials
- Basic science of nuclear materials
- Bioinspired materials: Building on the strength of nature
- Biological materials
- CVD production of 2D materials
- Carbon materials
- Cementitious materials
- Characterization of the mechanical behavior of materials under extreme conditions
- Chromogenic materials
- Complex correlated materials
- Composite materials
- Composite materials and composite structures
- Composite materials and reinforced earth structures
- Composite materials and structures
- Computational materials design
- Computational materials engineering
- Computational materials research
- Computational materials science
- Computational materials science
- Computational mechanics of materials and structures
- Condensed matter and materials physics
- Continuum mechanics and mechanics of materials
- Coupled structural and electronic phase transitions in quantum materials
- Degradation of materials
- Dynamic Failure of Materials: Maximizing blast and fragment protection
- Electronic properties and materials
- Energy materials
- Experimental mechanics of materials
- Fracture and damage mechanics, and fatigue analysis of engineering materials, components and structures
- Fracture and material failure of biological tissues
- Fracture of brittle and ductile materials, the glass transition
- Functional materials
- Granular materials
- Graphene and other 2D materials
- Graphene and related materials
- Graphene, diamene and 2D materials
- Growth morphology of 2D materials
- Heterostructured materials
- High-temperature aerospace materials
- Integrated computational materials engineering
- Ion beam modification of materials
- Left-Handed Materials#
- Linear, rotational and stir friction welding of Al, Ni and Ti materials and components
- MOCVD growth of GaN and related materials
- Magnetic materials
- Magnetism and material sciences
- Manufacture of materials
- Material fatigue
- Material science
- Material selection
- Materials science
- Materials science
- Materials science and engineering
- Materials science and nano materials
- Materials science, material families
- Materials structure
- Materials technology
- Materials with extreme and rare properties
- Materials with strong electronic correlations
- Mechanical behaviour of materials
- Mechanical properties of amorphous materials
- Mechanical properties of graphene and other 2D materials
- Mechanical properties of materials
- Mechanics of advanced structural materials
- Mechanics of composite materials
- Mechanics of composites materials
- Mechanics of materials
- Mechanics of materials and structures and structural safety
- Mechanics of materials: micro-scale plasticity theory based on dislocation models
- Mechanics of multifunctional (noise-absorbing, vibration-damping, heat-isolating and energy-saving) materials and structures
- Mechanics of smart (piezoelectzric, magnetoelectroelastic, shape-memory) materials and structures
- Metal Sulfide/Iodate/Borate crystalline materials
- Micromechanics of concrete materials and structures (effective properties, homogenization, interface defects, etc.)
- Modelling of smart materials and functionally graded materials
- Multi-Scale analysis of materials and structures
- Multi-layered and functionally graded materials
- Multiferroic materials
- Multifunctional materials
- Multifunctional materials
- Multiscale Modeling of Materials, linking microscopic and macroscopic properties
- Multiscale models for porous materials and fiber reinforced composites
- Nano- and micro-mechanics of multi-phase materials
- Nano-crystalline materials
- Nano-structured and hierarchical materials
- Nanomechanics of 1D and 2D materials
- Nanostructured materials
- Nanostructured materials
- New materials with honeycomb structures: Silicene, Germanene and MX2
- Non-Equilibrium aspects of materials development
- Novel nanofabrication methods for 2D materials and biomedical applications
- Numerical simulations of diffusive processes for the analysis of the magnetic properties in new materials
- Optics of atomically thin quantum devices and emergent many-body physics based on layered materials heterostructures
- Physics of 2D Dirac materials
- Physics, materials, and technology of semiconductor devices
- Polymer materials and systems
- Porous materials
- Quantum materials
- Scaling and hierarchical effects in materials
- Second-/third-order nonlinear optical materials
- Size effects in structural materials
- Smart Materials and Structures
- Static and dynamic analysis of continuously nonhomogeneous functionally graded materials (FGMs) and structures
- Stress/Strain measurements in crystalline materials and composites
- Structural materials design
- Structure Process Property Relations of materials, i.e. the relevance of sample history on morphology and function
- The mechanics of fracture, materials damage and creep
- Theoretical Soft Matter Physics with focus on macromolecular materials
- Two-dimensional materials, graphene
- Ultrafine-grained materials
- Applied mathematical modelling
- Applied mathematical physics
- Mathematical analysis of SPM data
- Mathematical and general theoretical physics
- Mathematical biology
- Mathematical engineering
- Mathematical methods of quantum theory
- Mathematical physics
- Mathematical physics
- Mathematical physics and string theory
- Mathematical physics, analysis, probability
- Mathematical physics, in particular quantum theory and statistical physics
- Mathematical system theory and its applications
- Physical and mathematical modeling of multi-phase processes
- Analytical mechanics
- Arterial wall mechanics
- Cell Mechanics
- Classical mechanics
- Classical mechanics
- Computational mechanics
- Computational mechanics
- Computational mechanics (boundary element method, smoothed/extended finite element method, meshless methods, etc.)
- Computational mechanics (finite element methods, boundary element methods and combination of them)
- Computational mechanics of materials and structures
- Computational mechanics, boundary elements and meshless methods
- Contact mechanics
- Continuum mechanics
- Continuum mechanics
- Continuum mechanics and mechanics of materials
- Continuum mechanics with spontaneous violations of the second law of thermodynamics
- Critical phenomena, disorder effects in statistical mechanics
- Critical state soil mechanics
- Damage mechanics
- Damage mechanics of fiber composites
- Data-driven mechanics
- Dislocation mechanics
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Equilibrium statistical mechanics (rigorous)
- Experimental mechanics
- Experimental mechanics of materials
- Fluid mechanics
- Fluid mechanics and turbulence
- Fluid mechanics of buildings
- Foundations of quantum and statistical mechanics
- Foundations of quantum mechanics
- Foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement
- Fracture and damage mechanics, and fatigue analysis of engineering materials, components and structures
- Fracture mechanics
- Fracture mechanics
- Impact mechanics
- Mechanics
- Mechanics and transport phenomena in random and fractal media
- Mechanics of advanced structural materials
- Mechanics of composite materials
- Mechanics of composites materials
- Mechanics of deformable solids (concrete,rock,soil)
- Mechanics of deformable solids and related problems of continuum mechanics
- Mechanics of geomaterials and structures
- Mechanics of materials
- Mechanics of materials and structures and structural safety
- Mechanics of materials: micro-scale plasticity theory based on dislocation models
- Mechanics of multifunctional (noise-absorbing, vibration-damping, heat-isolating and energy-saving) materials and structures
- Mechanics of nanocomposites
- Mechanics of natural and bio-inspired structures
- Mechanics of smart (piezoelectzric, magnetoelectroelastic, shape-memory) materials and structures
- Micro/nano mechanics
- Nanomechanics: continuum mechanics theory for nanostructures based on interatomic potentials
- Non classical properties of light as tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics (1974-1985)
- Non-classical problems of fracture mechanics
- Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
- Nonlinear continuum mechanics
- Numerical methods in fracture mechanics
- Phase transitions and statistical mechanics
- Probabilistic mechanics
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement
- Quantum mechanics on graphs and surfaces
- Relativistic quantum mechanics; Dirac Hamiltonians
- Relativistic statistical mechanics and thermodynamics
- Rigorous results in statistical mechanics and solid state theory
- Rock mechanics
- Scaling laws in mechanics
- Soft matter mechanics
- Soil mechanics
- Solid mechanics
- Solid mechanics
- Statistical mechanics
- Statistical mechanics
- Stretchable/flexible electronics: using mechanics principles to design/fabricate silicon-based stretchable electronics
- Structural analysis and applied mechanics
- Structural mechanics
- Structural mechanics
- Structural mechanics (reinforced concrete and steel structures, geotechnical structures, stability of structures)
- The mechanics of fracture, materials damage and creep
- Theoretical and applied mechanics
- Theoretical mechanics
- Theoretical physics, in particular statistical mechanics
- Deformation physics of metals
- Electronic structure of metals and semiconductors
- Emergent phenomena in nanostructured transition metal oxides
- Lattice properties of metals and alloys
- Metal Sulfide/Iodate/Borate crystalline materials
- Metal matrix composites (Ti-SiC fibre and Al particulate)
- Metal oxide semiconductors
- Nanoscale thermal transport in Si phononic crystals and 2D transition metal dichalcolgenides
- Physics of multicomponent Ga-N-transition metals systems
- Relationship between structure and properties of metal surfaces at metal-gas and metal-liquid interfaces
- Synthesis and crystal chemistry of alkali metal borides
- Advanced discretization methods for fracture and fragmentation analysis
- Applications of detection methods in environmental physics and medical imaging
- Boundary element method
- Boundary element methods (BEM)
- Compression methods
- Computational Physics with focus on method development
- Computational mechanics, boundary elements and meshless methods
- Computational methods for life-time analyses of concrete and reinforced concrete structures
- Computational methods for subsurface engineering and tunneling
- Continuous and discontinuous numerical methods
- Development of novel identification methods, mainly based on Cherenkov radiation
- Dynamic optimization and feedback control design methods
- Electronic structure methods
- Experimental methods
- Finite element method
- Functional-integral methods
- Group-theoretical methods in Quantum Field Theory and Supersymmetry
- Hybrid optimization method
- Mathematical methods of quantum theory
- Meshless methods
- Methods from general relativity
- Non-destructive methods of stress determination
- Nonlinear finite element methods
- Nonlinear methods (support vector machines, multilinear algebra) for data processing and optimization techniques
- Nonperturbative methods in quantum field theory
- Novel detection methods (particle detectors, radio detection, microwave detection)
- Novel nanofabrication methods for 2D materials and biomedical applications
- Nuclear methods and techniques
- Numerical methods
- Numerical methods
- Numerical methods in fracture mechanics
- Optical methods
- Phase-field method
- Renormalization group methods in particle physics
- Spectral and algebraic methods in signal processing
- Structured analog design and methods for analog design optimization
- Surface science, methods
- Yield design methods in the case of anisotropic soils
- 2D materials, growth, scanning probe microscopy and nanolithography
- Advances in microscopy
- Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in scanning transmission electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy
- Development of novel microscopy techniques
- Electron microscopy
- Electron microscopy
- Electron microscopy defects in crystals
- Multi-photon microscopy (SHG)
- Photoacoustic microscopy
- Scanned probe microscopy techniques
- Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Scanning acoustic microscopy
- Scanning probe microscopy
- Scanning probe microscopy (STM, AFM)
- Surface and bulk light scattering, excited surface waves techniques, ellipsometry, fluorescence recovery, brewster angle microscopy, videomicroscopy
- Theory of scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy
- in-situ (transmission and scanning) electron microscopy
- Algebraic structure models
- Control-oriented systems modeling
- Development of macroscopic or continuum models of populations of biologicalorganisms
- Development of the Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for reconstituted clays
- Extensions of the Standard Model
- Financial bubbles: The Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette model and LPPLS (log-periodic power law singularity) models
- Firs principles modelling
- Flavour physics beyond the standard model
- Hadrochemistry: strangeness, kinetic and transport models
- Higher order QCD corrections in flavour physics in the standard model
- Hydrodynamic and jet quenching hybrid model
- Hydrodynamic and thermal statistical models for relativistic A+A collisions
- Interacting Boson model
- Large scale nuclear structure calculations with conventional shell model and Monte Carlo Shell Model
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of viscoelastic plates and membranes modeled with multi-term fractional derivative models
- Map-based neuron models
- Mathematisation of Fiske's relational models theory
- Mechanics of materials: micro-scale plasticity theory based on dislocation models
- Model reduction
- Modeling
- Modelling
- Modelling salt and water transport across cell membranes and pumping epithelia
- Models and optimization of industrial processes
- Models of quantum spacetime
- Monte Carlo simulation of cluster models
- Monte Carlo string models for the description of hadron-hadron and A+A collisions
- Multifractal stress activated model of rupture and earthquakes
- Multifragmentation: percolation models, scaling
- Multiscale models for porous materials and fiber reinforced composites
- Neuro-dynamics modeling for robots
- New physics beyond the Standard Model (SM)
- Nuclear shell model
- Physics beyond the Standard Model
- Quasi-particle and cellular automata models
- Rheological models
- Statistical models: multiplicative noise, generalized kinetics
- Statistical physics models of fractures and faults
- Vibron model
- Vicsek model of swarm behavior
- Wireless channel measurements and modelling
- Ab-initio molecular dynamics
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Atomic and molecular radiation physics
- Atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy (ALL-MBE)
- Atomic, molecular and optical physics
- Complex molecular rotors and switches
- Electrostatic and electromechanical interactions in liquids, biosystems, and molecular systems
- Gas-phase molecular physics
- Molecular beam epitaxy of semiconductors
- Molecular communications
- Molecular dynamics
- Molecular electronics
- Molecular electronics
- Molecular ion beam studies (Coulomb Explosion)
- Structure and dynamics of thin molecular films
- atomic and molecular physics
- Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Nanotechnologies
- Nanotechnologies and multifunctional nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology, nanofabrication
- Nanotechnology, solar blind nitride based UV detectors
- Nanotechnology: opto-electronics
- 6G wireless communication networks
- Applying artificial intelligence to wireless communication networks
- Automatic control plane for optical networks
- Cellular neural/nonlinear networks
- Communication networks
- Complex network sciences
- Complex networks
- Complex networks
- Complex networks and its application in finance and biology
- Complex networks dynamics
- Complex networks structure
- Complex systems and networks
- Coupled systems and complex networks
- Critical phenomena and field theoretic renormalization group on arbitrary networks
- Field theory and neural networks
- Financial networks
- High performance computing and computer networks
- Josephson Junction networks
- Light-matter quantum interfaces in solids for quantum network hardware
- Modeling of complex networks
- Network science
- Network security
- Network systems
- Network systems
- Network theory
- Neural networks
- Neural networks
- Neural networks and computational intelligence
- Neural networks theoretical immunology
- Neural networks: spontaneous pattern formation
- Quality of service for IP-based networks; flow-aware networking
- Quantum networks and applications
- Real-world network theory
- Reliability and survivability assurance in telecommunication networks
- Sensor networks
- Signal processing and neural networks
- Statistical physics, Granular media, Complex systems, Random networks and Neural networks
- Structure and dynamics of complex networks
- Cellular neural/nonlinear networks
- Field theory and neural networks
- Neural networks
- Neural networks
- Neural networks and computational intelligence
- Neural networks theoretical immunology
- Neural networks: spontaneous pattern formation
- Signal processing and neural networks
- Statistical physics, Granular media, Complex systems, Random networks and Neural networks
- Applications of new power devices
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Development of new research tools
- Development of new techniques for medical imaging
- Development of new technologies for renewable energy sources
- Implementation of new trenchless technologies
- New electrical machines structures
- New generation solar cells
- New kinds of non-crystalline solids: Nano-glasses
- New materials with honeycomb structures: Silicene, Germanene and MX2
- New physics beyond the Standard Model (SM)
- New residual stress measurement technologies
- Numerical simulations of diffusive processes for the analysis of the magnetic properties in new materials
- Sustainability assessment, energy planning, new and renewable energy technologies
- Application of machine learning to nonlinear dynamics
- Cellular neural/nonlinear networks
- Chaotic dynamics of nonlinear oscillators
- Extreme nonlinear optics
- Fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics, e.g. fractal basin boundaries, Wada basins
- Fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics: fractal basins, Wada basins, basin entropy
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of structures (beams, plates, shells, membranes, cables) under static and dynamic loads
- Linear and nonlinear analysis of viscoelastic plates and membranes modeled with multi-term fractional derivative models
- Linear and nonlinear flutter instability
- Linear and nonlinear modeling
- Linear and nonlinear system and circuit theory
- Nonlinear (initial/boundary value) problems of static/dynamic instability of conservative and non-conservative systems
- Nonlinear Patterns and defects
- Nonlinear and complex dynamical systems
- Nonlinear and complex dynamical systems
- Nonlinear and ultrafast optics and spectroscopy
- Nonlinear circuits and systems
- Nonlinear continuum mechanics
- Nonlinear control systems
- Nonlinear control theory
- Nonlinear dynamic techniques for communication circuits
- Nonlinear dynamical systems
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in dynamical systems
- Nonlinear dynamics and classical chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
- Nonlinear dynamics of wheels
- Nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation and chaos
- Nonlinear dynamics, control of quantum transport
- Nonlinear dynamics, quantum- and wave dynamical chaos
- Nonlinear finite element methods
- Nonlinear function approximation for sensor circuits
- Nonlinear lattice dynamics, Soliton-assisted electron transport (Solectron transport)
- Nonlinear methods (support vector machines, multilinear algebra) for data processing and optimization techniques
- Nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear phenomena, chaos and transient chaos, fractals
- Nonlinear phononics
- Nonlinear resonances: vibrational resonance and stochastic resonance
- Nonlinear signal processing
- Nonlinear systems
- Nonlinear systems and chaotic motions
- Nonlinear vibrations
- Nonlinear vibrations
- Nonlinear viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity
- Nonlinear waves
- Novel nanocomposites for electronic, photonic and nonlinear optical applications
- Pattern formation and competition in nonlinear active and passive optics and in excitable media
- Processes and nonlinear equations
- Second-/third-order nonlinear optical materials
- Selforganization in complex nonlinear systems
- Surface optical techniques/ Integrated optics/ nonlinear optics
- nonlinear optics -
- Application of nuclear structure physics to nuclear technology, particularly, nuclear transmutation for radioactive waste
- Basic science of nuclear materials
- Dense matter in supernovae, thermodynamics of atomic nuclei, nuclear collisions
- Development of new detectors for applications in nuclear and high energy physics experiments
- Direct nuclear reactions
- Elastic, inelastic scattering and transfer reactions with nuclear (stable and radioactive) beams
- Experimental nuclear physics
- Experimental nuclear physics
- Experimental nuclear physics and applied areas (heavy-ion driven material science, proton and hadron therapy, radio-isotopes)
- Experimental nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics, with expertise in nuclear structure and nuclear reactions
- Fundamental interactions in nuclear transitions
- Geological disposal of high level nuclear waste
- Heavy flavor productions in high-energy nuclear collisions
- High energy nuclear collision
- High energy nuclear physics
- High-energy nuclear collisions and emergent properties of QCD
- Indirect techniques for nuclear astrophysics
- Large scale nuclear structure calculations with conventional shell model and Monte Carlo Shell Model
- Low-energy nuclear effective field theory
- Novel nuclear rotation - nuclear chirality
- Nuclear reactions with heavy ions
- Nuclear and atomic physics and
- Nuclear and particle physics
- Nuclear astrophysical applications - r-process nucleo-cosmochronology
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear astrophysics (light elements in the Universe, CNO cycle)
- Nuclear astrophysics using radioactive-ion beams
- Nuclear collective states
- Nuclear detection techniques
- Nuclear energy
- Nuclear instrumentation
- Nuclear magnetic resonance
- Nuclear matter equation of State
- Nuclear methods and techniques
- Nuclear neutrino-less double-beta decay
- Nuclear physics
- Nuclear physics
- Nuclear physics (parity violation, proton polarized beams)
- Nuclear reactions
- Nuclear reactions
- Nuclear reactions at low-momentum transfers
- Nuclear reactions with light and heavy ions
- Nuclear reactions; knock-out reactions; Coulomb excitation
- Nuclear reactor engineering
- Nuclear shell model
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear structure and electromagnetic interactions
- Nuclear structure and reactions
- Nuclear structure and reactions using electron scattering
- Nuclear structure physics
- Nuclear structure using radioactive-ion beams
- Nuclear waste disposal
- Nuclear weak interactions and astrophysical applications
- Phase diagram of nuclear matter
- Phase transition of nuclear matter
- Phenomenology of high energy nuclear collisions
- Production of heavy quarkonia and cold nuclear matter effects
- Properties of hadrons in nuclear matter under extreme conditions of energy density and temperature
- Radioactive nuclear beam theory
- Relativistic heavy ion collisions and the nuclear equation of state
- Research on radioactivity, beta decay, exotic nuclear decay modes
- Safety management related to nuclear installations
- Structural integrity of aerospace and nuclear plant
- Theoretical high energy nuclear physics
- Theoretical nuclear physics
- Theoretical nuclear physics
- Theoretical nuclear physics - nuclear structure
- Theoretical nuclear physics - nuclear structure
- Theoretical nuclear spectroscopy
- Underground nuclear physics
- Using storage rings for nuclear structure studies
- Utilising radioactive ions for nuclear structure studies
- Active galactic nuclei
- Algebraic description of high-angular momentum states in nuclei
- Beta decay and magnetic moment studies of mirror nuclei
- Cloud condensation nuclei
- Collisions of nuclei at ultrarelativistic energies
- Decay of compound nucleus
- Dense matter in supernovae, thermodynamics of atomic nuclei, nuclear collisions
- Exotic Nuclei
- Exotic nuclei
- Exotic nuclei - halo phenomena
- Hadronic physics 3-dimensional (3D) Tomography of the nucleus
- Halo nuclei and reaction mechanisms
- Light nuclei
- Microscopic description of ground and excited states of nuclei
- Properties of extremely unstable nuclei ("nucleon halos")
- Properties of nuclei far from stability
- Structure and reactions of exotic nuclei
- Study of exotic nuclei far from stability
- Superheavy nuclei
- Symmetries and invariance principles in nuclei
- Symmetries in nuclei
- Understanding atomic nuclei
- Weak interactions in nuclei
- Weak processes in the nucleus
- Applications of ultrashort laser pulses to non-linear optics
- Atom optics and ultra-cold atoms (1992-present)
- Coherent optics (1969-1971)
- Experimental quantum optics
- Extreme nonlinear optics
- Matter wave optics
- Nanophotonics and flat optics
- Non-linear optics
- Nonlinear and ultrafast optics and spectroscopy
- Nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear-magneto Optics
- Optics
- Optics (thin metal layers)
- Optics of atomically thin quantum devices and emergent many-body physics based on layered materials heterostructures
- Pattern formation and competition in nonlinear active and passive optics and in excitable media
- Quantum optics
- Quantum optics
- Quantum optics (Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics)
- Quantum optics (laser cooling)
- Quantum optics in nanoscale semiconductors
- Surface optical techniques/ Integrated optics/ nonlinear optics
- Surface plasmon optics
- Theoretical and experimental quantum optics
- Theoretical quantum optics and atomic physics
- Twentieth Century History of Optics and Opto-electronics
- Ultrafast optics
- nonlinear optics -
- Accelerator based particle physics
- Charged particle traps, including for antiparticles
- Charged particles penetration through solids
- Construction and operation of large particle detector systems for studying electron-positron collisions
- Cryogenic detectors of particles and weak forces
- Detectors for particle physics experiments
- Determining the fundamental particles of the universe
- Development of laser-driven brilliant X-ray & particle sources
- Dynamics of inertial particles, reactions in flows
- Elementary particle physics
- Elementary particle physics
- Elementary particle physics (electron and neutron scattering)
- Elementary particle physics (experimental)
- Elementary particles
- Elementary particles
- Experimental particle physics
- Experimental particle physics
- Femtoscopy, particle correlations, Bose-Einstein correlations,
- Formation of pollutants in combustion, NOx and particles
- High energy particle physics (both theory and experiment)
- Intense fields and particles
- Nuclear and particle physics
- Numerical investigations of particle advection, spreading of pollutants
- Origin of the masses of particles
- Particle accelerators
- Particle astrophysics
- Particle cosmology
- Particle detectors
- Particle physics
- Particle physics
- Particle physics theory and phenomenology
- Particle production in intense fields
- Particle track production mechanisms
- Physics of particles
- Renormalization group methods in particle physics
- Suprathermal particle physics
- Theoretical particle physics
- Coupled structural and electronic phase transitions in quantum materials
- Dense hadronic matter and QCD phase transitions,
- Dynamical symmetries at the critical point of phase transitions
- Fundamental studies of phase transitions, relaxation dynamics of magnetic excitations on macroscopic, mesoscopic and nanoscopic scales
- Generation if high phase space density ion beams
- Lipid membranes: phase transitions
- Non-equilibrium phase transitions and critical phenomena
- Phase diagram of nuclear matter
- Phase relationships of non-oxide based ceramics
- Phase transformations
- Phase transition of nuclear matter
- Phase transitions