
Academia Europaea Annual General Meeting at Leuven, Sept. 9-12, 2010

Report on the Physics and Engineering Section

Laszlo P. Csernai

P&E Section members present at the Section Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2010

M Farge (SC), LP Csernai (SC), J Ginsztler (SC)
Z Rudzikas (SC), H Stoecker (SC), A Bradshaw
N Kroo, NK Pak JS Vaagen, J Vandewalle D Weair

Additional members attending the AE Annual General Conference:

J Deutsch, R Elliott, J Langer, P Neumann, PM Schuster, A Vander Vorst, B Veltman
Section Committee (SC) members are indicated.

Topics discussed at the Section Meeting
  1. We need 40 nominations per year to keep and slightly increase the membership number of the section.
  2. New on-line nomination will be introduced. Online nominations will be opened expectedly from February 2011 and nomination deadline for both the Normal list and the President's list is April 30.
    The Section Committee will evaluate and rank the Normal nominations and send it to the Nominations Subcommittee for further evaluation, on May 31. Then the Nominations Subcommittee also evaluates these. Then on Sept. 19 Section Chairs and Nominations Subcommittee will form a final recommendation to the Council for new memberships on the Normal list.
    The Presidents and the Nominations Subcommittee (eventually with the Section Chairs ?) on Sept. 19-20, will form a final recommendation to the Council for new memberships on the Presidents' list.
    The Council will decide about memberships just before the 2012 AE Annual General Conference in Paris on Sept. 19-20.
  3. The 2011 AE Annual General Conference will be held in Paris, between Sept. 19-22, 2011. The Section aims for a strong representation in the programme. The arrangements regarding the Conference programme will be coordinated by the vice-chair of the Section, Marie Farge (Paris).
  4. The Section Committee plans to have an open SC meeting in Darmstadt (at GSI) during February or March 2011. A one day meeting is envisaged on Friday with arrival the previous evening and departure late afternoon on Friday or the next day. The participants are expected to cover their own expenses. In case of financial difficulties the AE London office may be able to cover airfare and one or two night accommodation for SC members who request it. The meeting will discuss (i) actions for reaching the needed 40 nominations, (ii) plans for the Paris AE Annual General Conf. in September, (iii) other possible joint projects, meetings, or other activities.
Elections - 18 new members:

Jörg Aichelin M 1953 FR
Stephen Mark Barnett M UK
George Hadziioannou M 1953 FR
Jurgen Kurths M 1953 GE
Ulf G Meissner M 1957 GE
Peter M Williams M 1945 UK
Yuri M. Bunkov M 1950 FR
Francois M. Peeters M 1955 BE
Fernando Briones Spain
Pavel Exner Czech Rep.
Par Omling Sweden
John M T Thompson UK


László Györfi M 1947 HU
Maria Petrou F 1953 UK/GR
Francesco Profumo M 1953 IT
Richard RA Syms M 1953 UK
Ben L Feringa Netherland


Jan D Achenbach M 1935 US

(Two Section nominations did not pass. Four nominations on the President's list were returned to the P&E section Committee for evaluation and ranking next year, and one nomination was returned to the P&E and Economics Section Committees for evaluation and ranking next year.)
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