AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Literary and Theatrical Studies
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AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Literary and Theatrical Studies
- 18th - 21th-century literature (German, French, Russian, Scandinavian)
- 18th century France, literature and cultural studies
- 18th century francophone literature
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Testimonial discourses from the 18th century to the 21th century
- 18th-century English and Irish literature and drama
- 18th-century English poetry
- 18th-century French literature
- 18th-century Russian Prose Fiction (the Novel and Novella)
- 18th-century correspondence
- 18th-century history of the book
- 18th-century literature
- (Post-) colonial memory and the postcolonial rereading of 19th century literature
- 19th - 20th century French cultural history
- 19th - 20th century French literature
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- Book history of the 19th century
- English Literature 16th to 19th centuries
- French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
- German literature of the long 19th century (1789-1914)
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- History of theatre, from late 19th century to present
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Late 19th century English literature
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Correspondences or Foreign Correspondences on Russia
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Travel Literature
- 19th-century Hungarian culture
- 19th-century Russian literature
- Biography and Autobiography in 18th- and early 19th-century Russia
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- Survival of 19th-century cultural nationalism as 20th-century banal nationalism and 21st-century ethnopopulism
- 19th - 20th century French cultural history
- 19th - 20th century French literature
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- 20th and 21st century literature
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- 20th century and contemporary Anglo-Irish poetry
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- 20th century and contemporary Hungarian poetry
- 20th century book history
- Dutch and Flemish literature of the19th and 20th century
- English and America literature in the 20th century
- Experiments in art in the 20th century
- French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
- German literature 17th to 20th centuries
- Literature, Science and Technology of the 20th and 21st Century
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Aesthetic metareference
- Aesthetics
- Aesthetics
- Aesthetics (camp, kitsch, sublime)
- Aesthetics and history of literary criticism and theory since Antiquity
- Aesthetics and philosophy of history
- History of Learning, esp. H. G. Porthan, history of aesthetics in Finland
- Intersections between ethics and aesthetics
- Literary theory and aesthetics
- Modern aesthetics: the role of scissors
- Philosophical Aesthetics
- Politics and aesthetics
- Relationship between aesthetics and social theory
- Theatre dramaturgy and institutional aesthetics
- Theory of the aesthetic judgment
- Theory of the arts, aesthetics
- African American Studies
- African Theatre
- African literature
- African literature
- African migrants' writing in German
- Afrikaans and South African literatures
- Francophone African literature, philosophy and film
- Francophone Caribbean and African theatres
- Native Americans/African Americans
- South African literature
- Dante and Petrarch between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- Golden Age Literature: prose, poetry, theater, relationship between art and literature
- Intellectual workshops in Modern Age
- Italian literature from Middle Age to Modernity
- Narrative forms of the Middle Ages
- Transmission of texts in Middle Ages and Renaissance
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- African American Studies
- American Literature and American Studies
- American Literature and Culture
- American Literature and Culture
- American colonial literature
- American literature
- American literature, especially the contemporary Jewish-American Novel
- American literature, society and culture
- American painting
- American transnational studies
- Contemporary British and American literature
- Continental and American Literary and Cultural Theory
- English and American literatures (Shakespeare, Anglophone novel)
- European and American drama
- Film and American popular culture
- Hispanic and Latin American Studies
- Modern and Postmodern American and British Fiction
- Modern/postmodern American literature
- Native Americans/African Americans
- Periods and themes in American cultural history
- Spanish and Latin American cultural studies
- Theory of American Studies
- Transnational American Studies
- Collective symbol analysis
- Digital humanities: the database-assisted capture, analysis and visualization of complex communicative networks, cultural practices and ideological diffusion patterns
- Discourse analysis in fiction literature
- Film theory and film analysis
- Text analysis and poetics
- Ancient Greek and Latin literatures
- Ancient Greek and Roman peformance culture
- Ancient Greek literature
- Ancient Greek social and intellectual history
- Ancient myth
- Classical Studies/Modern Reception of ancient literature
- Reception of ancient Greece and Rome
- Anthropology and natural law
- Esthetics and literary anthropology
- European cultural anthropology and folkloristics
- Historical anthropology
- Literary anthropology
- Literature and anthropology
- Art history
- Comparative arts
- Experiments in art in the 20th century
- Film and visual arts
- Fin-de-siècle literature and the arts
- Golden Age Literature: prose, poetry, theater, relationship between art and literature
- Historiography of the arts and literature
- Images and texts in art and sciences
- Importance of revolt in art
- Literature and arts
- Literature and arts
- Literature and performing arts (circus, shadow theater, ballet)
- Literature and the Visual Arts (Adolph Menzel and Shakespeare)
- Literature and the visual arts
- Literature and visual arts
- Modern visual art and photography
- Musicology and Art History
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Theory of the arts, aesthetics
- 18th-century history of the book
- 20th century book history
- Authorship studies and book history
- Book History (Tauchnitz, library of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Coburg)
- Book history
- Book history
- Book history of the 19th century
- Encyclopedias and reference books
- History of books and libraries
- History of the book
- History of the book
- Manuscript studies and book history
- Picture books
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- Aspects of twentieth century British theatre - popular or commercial
- British Empire and Literature
- British Jewish culture
- British Romanticism
- British Victorian and twentieth-century literature
- British fiction/Victorian and modern
- British literature
- British literature
- British literature (19th century, early 20th century)
- British poetry/victorian and modern
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- Con- and Refigurations of Time Consciousness in British/Irish Fiction and Drama
- Contemporary British and American literature
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary British literature
- Eighteenth-century British literature
- European reception of British writers
- Modern and Postmodern American and British Fiction
- Modern and contemporary British literature
- Modernist and contemporary British literature
- Nineteenth-century British literature
- Postmodern and contemporary British novel
- Twentieth-century British literature
- Victorian and Modern British Literature and Culture
- (Post-) colonial memory and the postcolonial rereading of 19th century literature
- 17th century English poetry
- 18th century France, literature and cultural studies
- 18th century francophone literature
- 19th - 20th century French cultural history
- 19th - 20th century French literature
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- 19th-20th century English literature
- 19th-20th century French and German literatures
- 19th-20th century German and European comparative literature
- 20th and 21st century literature
- 20th century and contemporary Anglo-Irish poetry
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- 20th century and contemporary Hungarian poetry
- 20th century book history
- 20th-21st century French literature
- Aspects of twentieth century British theatre - popular or commercial
- Book history of the 19th century
- Comparative literatures of the XXth century
- Drama and opera 18-20th century
- Dutch and Flemish literature of the19th and 20th century
- East-Central European culture in the twentieth century
- Eighteenth century cultural history
- Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century Portuguese literature
- English Literature 16th to 19th centuries
- English and America literature in the 20th century
- Experiments in art in the 20th century
- French and comparative Literature, 19th-20th centuries
- French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
- German literature 17th to 20th centuries
- German literature and philosophy from the 18. Century to the Present.
- German literature of the long 19th century (1789-1914)
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- History of theatre, from late 19th century to present
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Late 19th century English literature
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Literature, Science and Technology of the 20th and 21st Century
- Marginal authors and underground literature in the eighteenth century
- Oriental fiction of the eighteenth century
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Relationship between poetics, literature and history in 16th century Italy
- Testimonial discourses from the 18th century to the 21th century
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Twentieth Century German German poetry
- Twentieth and twenty-first century French literature and culture
- Twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture in Italian, English and German
- Twentieth- and twenty-first century English and comparative literature
- Women’s writing of the eighteenth century
- XIXth - XXIst century
- Classical Chinese literature
- Classical Studies/Modern Reception of ancient literature
- Classical and humanist philology
- Classical antiquity
- Classical reception
- Classical tradition
- Classical tradition and history of scholarship
- Reception / construction of classical antiquity in Anglophone literature
- Cognitive approaches to literature
- Cognitive humanities
- Cognitive narratology
- Cognitive poetics
- Interpretation and cognitive sciences
- (Post) Colonial literature (South Africa, Suriname, the Caribbean)
- (Post-) colonial memory and the postcolonial rereading of 19th century literature
- American colonial literature
- Colonial / postcolonial studies
- Colonial and postcolonial writing
- Colonial history and postcolonial theory
- German colonial history and its legacy
- History of education, colonial education
- 19th-20th century German and European comparative literature
- Chinese-Western comparative literature
- Comparative European Literature
- Comparative Iberian Literatures
- Comparative Literature and Cultural History
- Comparative and world literature
- Comparative approaches
- Comparative arts
- Comparative history of religions
- Comparative literature
- Comparative literature
- Comparative literature and cultural philosophy
- Comparative literature and cultural studies
- Comparative literature and literary theory
- Comparative literature, world literature
- Comparative literatures of the XXth century
- Comparative multi-ethnic studies
- Comparative nationalisms
- Comparative poetics
- Comparative poetics of Western literature
- Comparative studies
- Comparative studies in European cultural history
- East-West comparative study of literature and culture
- French and Comparative Literature
- French and comparative Literature, 19th-20th centuries
- History of comparative literature
- Literature studies and comparative literature
- Theories and methodologies of comparative literature
- Theory and methods of comparative literature
- Theory, methodology and history of comparative literature
- Twentieth- and twenty-first century English and comparative literature
- World literature and comparative literature
- 20th century and contemporary Anglo-Irish poetry
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- 20th century and contemporary Hungarian poetry
- American literature, especially the contemporary Jewish-American Novel
- Contemporary German Literature
- Contemporary Anglophone Drama (Irish, British, American, South African)
- Contemporary British and American literature
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary British literature
- Contemporary English Fiction
- Contemporary European philosophy: Heidegger, Arendt, Levinas, Derrida
- Contemporary French novel
- Contemporary German Literature
- Contemporary German literature
- Contemporary German poetry
- Contemporary Russian literature
- Contemporary Spanish literature
- Contemporary Western literary theory
- Contemporary continental philosophy and theory
- Contemporary directors and groups (Mnouchkine, Barba, Dodin, Brook)
- Contemporary literature
- Decadence, Aestheticism, and Neo-Victorianism in contemporary literature and culture
- Modern and contemporary British literature
- Modern and contemporary European theatres
- Modernist and contemporary British literature
- Postmodern and contemporary British novel
- Theory and methodology of 'the contemporary'
- Twentieth-century and contemporary English literature
- Aesthetics and history of literary criticism and theory since Antiquity
- Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC)°
- Ethical literary criticism
- Feminist criticism
- Genetic criticism
- History of criticism
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Literary criticism
- Literary criticism and cultural history
- Literary theory and general criticism
- Literary theory, criticism, hermeneutics
- Mythical and archetypal criticism
- Spanish literature: history and criticism
- Textual criticism
- Textual criticism (philology, scientific editions of texts)
- (Post-Soviet) Russian language policy and language culture
- 19th-century Hungarian culture
- American Literature and Culture
- American Literature and Culture
- American literature, society and culture
- Ancient Greek and Roman peformance culture
- Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
- Anglophone literatures and cultures
- British Jewish culture
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- Canadian Literature and Culture
- Canadian and Australian literatures and cultures
- Chinese and Western culture and higher education
- Concepts and cultures of memory
- Cultural sustainability: literature, culture and ecology
- Culture and literature of the present
- Culture of the Low Countries and South Africa
- Decadence, Aestheticism, and Neo-Victorianism in contemporary literature and culture
- Diasporic literatures and cultures in English, diasporic studies theory
- Early modern court culture
- Early modern intellectual culture
- East-Central European culture in the twentieth century
- East-West comparative study of literature and culture
- Eighteenth-century literature and culture
- European culture and literature around the First World War
- European literatures and cultures of early modernity
- Film and American popular culture
- Fin-de-siècle literature and culture
- German literature and culture
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of environmental ideas in German culture
- History of the German-speaking culture in Romania
- Intermediality and performance in the global media culture
- Irish history and culture
- Japanese and Asian literatures and cultures
- Literature and culture studies: Memory and identity (narrated communities)
- Literature and the rise of urban cultures
- Maritime literature and culture
- Modern Chinese culture and literature
- Modern Dutch literature & culture
- Modern South Slav literatures and cultures
- Nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century literature, visual culture, drama, and music
- Nineteenth-century literature and visual culture
- Polish interwar culture
- Popular culture
- Popular culture, in particular popular music
- Popular culture, youth culture and the media
- Post-war German literature and culture
- Postcolonial literatures and cultures
- Reception of Antiquity in modern and comtemporary culture and literature
- Semiotics of culture
- Semiotics of culture
- Shakespeare and European cultures
- Socialist children's literature and culture
- Sociology of culture
- South-Slavic Modern Cultures
- Theory of culture
- Theory of culture, narratology
- Twentieth and twenty-first century French literature and culture
- Twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture in Italian, English and German
- Typology of Russian literature and culture
- Ukrainian culture
- Victorian and Modern British Literature and Culture
- Victorian literature and culture
- Visual culture
- Visual culture
- nineteenth-century print culture
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Philology
- Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC)°
- Digital humanities: the database-assisted capture, analysis and visualization of complex communicative networks, cultural practices and ideological diffusion patterns
- Digital literature
- Discourse analysis in fiction literature
- Discourse theory and interdiscourse theory
- Literary discourses about Africa
- Post-holocaust discourse
- Testimonial discourses from the 18th century to the 21th century
- The literary discourse on Europe by European writers: European Identity, the Future of European unification
- Thematics and discourse studies
- 18th-century English and Irish literature and drama
- Con- and Refigurations of Time Consciousness in British/Irish Fiction and Drama
- Contemporary Anglophone Drama (Irish, British, American, South African)
- Drama and opera 18-20th century
- Drama theory and methodology
- Early drama
- Early modern English drama
- English drama and theatre
- European and American drama
- European drama
- Modern European Drama
- Modern drama
- Modern drama and theatre
- Nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century literature, visual culture, drama, and music
- Poetry, drama (Greek tragedy, Japanese Noh)
- Poetry, drama and prose of William Butler Yeats
- Renaissance drama
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Correspondences or Foreign Correspondences on Russia
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Travel Literature
- Biography and Autobiography in 18th- and early 19th-century Russia
- Early Modern Croatian Literature
- Early Modern cultural exchanges between Ottoman Empire and the Christian States of Europe
- Early drama
- Early modern English drama
- Early modern English literature
- Early modern English literature
- Early modern French literature and thought
- Early modern court culture
- Early modern intellectual culture
- Early modern literature and history
- Early modern narrative prose fiction
- European literatures and cultures of early modernity
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- Mediaeval and early modern Latin manuscripts
- Narrative forms of Early Modern Period
- Eighteenth century cultural history
- Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century Portuguese literature
- Marginal authors and underground literature in the eighteenth century
- Oriental fiction of the eighteenth century
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Women’s writing of the eighteenth century
- Eighteenth-century British literature
- Eighteenth-century France
- Eighteenth-century literature
- Eighteenth-century literature and culture
- Eighteenth-century novel
- Eighteenth-century studies
- 17th century English poetry
- 18th-century English and Irish literature and drama
- 18th-century English poetry
- 19th-20th century English literature
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- Contemporary English Fiction
- Diasporic literatures and cultures in English, diasporic studies theory
- Early modern English drama
- Early modern English literature
- Early modern English literature
- Early-Modern English and Scottish Literature
- English Literature (esp. the Renaissance and the 17th Century)
- English Literature 16th to 19th centuries
- English Renaissance and post-Renaissance literature
- English Studies
- English and America literature in the 20th century
- English and American literatures (Shakespeare, Anglophone novel)
- English drama and theatre
- English education, translation theories and practice
- English literature
- English literature
- English literature (19th and 20th centuries)
- English poetry
- Hungarian and English metrics
- Late 19th century English literature
- Medieval English studies
- Post-1945 English literature
- Post-colonial literary-theory and post-colonial literatures in English
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture in Italian, English and German
- Twentieth- and twenty-first century English and comparative literature
- Twentieth-century and contemporary English literature
- American literature, especially the contemporary Jewish-American Novel
- Constructions of knowledge, especially with regard to psychoanalysis and to trauma
- History of border regions and cultural minorities, especially in the Low Countries
- History of the humanities since 1800, especially philology
- Intellectual History, especially history of 20th-century theoretical ideas in the humanities
- Interdisciplinary studies, especially with the sciences and engineering
- Literary theory, especially deconstruction
- Literary theory, especially sociological approaches and intertextuality
- Literature, especially John Milton
- North Africa, especially its francophone writers
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The literature of the city, especially New York
- Ethics and literature
- Ethics and the novel
- Ethics of affects
- Intersections between ethics and aesthetics
- Literary Ethics
- Literature and Ethics
- Narrative studies and narrative ethics
- 19th-20th century German and European comparative literature
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- Comparative European Literature
- Comparative studies in European cultural history
- Construction of European Identities
- Contemporary European philosophy: Heidegger, Arendt, Levinas, Derrida
- East-Central European culture in the twentieth century
- East-Central European literatures
- Eastern European literary theory
- European Literatures from Renaissance to Enlightenment (France, Italy, England, Spain)
- European Medieval literatures
- European Modernism
- European Romanticism
- European Union
- European and American drama
- European antiquity in literature and cultural history
- European cultural anthropology and folkloristics
- European cultural history
- European culture and literature around the First World War
- European drama
- European literature and the history of poetics
- European literatures and cultures of early modernity
- European philosophy
- European reception of British writers
- European romanticism
- French and European Modernism
- French and European literatures
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of European literature
- History of the European 1940s
- Modern European Drama
- Modern European Literature
- Modern German and European intellectual history
- Modern German and European literary history
- Modern and contemporary European theatres
- Serbian literature in the European context
- Shakespeare and European cultures
- Spanish and European Renaissance and Baroque
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The literary discourse on Europe by European writers: European Identity, the Future of European unification
- Theatre direction in continental European theatre
- Translation studies in Central European space
- 18th-century Russian Prose Fiction (the Novel and Novella)
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- British fiction/Victorian and modern
- Caribbean fiction and theory
- Con- and Refigurations of Time Consciousness in British/Irish Fiction and Drama
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary British fiction
- Contemporary English Fiction
- Crime fiction
- Crime fiction; 9/11 fiction; WWII testimonial texts
- Critical Theory; Science Fiction
- Discourse analysis in fiction literature
- Early modern narrative prose fiction
- Fact and fiction
- Fiction and fictionality
- Horror fiction and film
- Modern and Postmodern American and British Fiction
- Modernist and postmodernist fiction
- Oriental fiction of the eighteenth century
- Poetics and theory of fiction
- Religious testimonies, and theoretical approaches of fiction and testimonial writings
- Science fiction
- Theory of fiction
- Film Studies/Intermediality
- Film and American popular culture
- Film and adaptation studies
- Film and television studies
- Film and visual arts
- Film studies
- Film theory and film analysis
- Francophone African literature, philosophy and film
- Horror fiction and film
- Mockumentary film
- 18th century francophone literature
- Connections between literary theory and literary writing in France and in the francophone area in the tense modern and postmodern field
- Francophone Africa
- Francophone African literature, philosophy and film
- Francophone Caribbean and African theatres
- Francophone literatures
- Francophone literatures
- French and Francophone literatures
- French and Francophone literatures (Belgian and Caribbean)
- French and francophone writing
- Modern French/francophone literature
- North Africa, especially its francophone writers
- 18th-century French literature
- 19th - 20th century French cultural history
- 19th - 20th century French literature
- 19th-20th century French and German literatures
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- 20th-21st century French literature
- Contemporary French novel
- Early modern French literature and thought
- French
- French Postcolonialism
- French Postcolonialism
- French and Comparative Literature
- French and European Modernism
- French and European literatures
- French and Francophone literatures
- French and Francophone literatures (Belgian and Caribbean)
- French and comparative Literature, 19th-20th centuries
- French and francophone writing
- French literature
- French literature (19th century, early 20th century)
- French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
- French novel
- History of French and Italian literature
- Modern French poetry
- Modern French/francophone literature
- Post-2000 French literature and other post-2000 literatures in translation
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Russian and French Theatre
- Twentieth and twenty-first century French literature and culture
- Ethnicity, gender and class
- Gender Studies
- Gender Studies
- Gender and feminist studies
- Gender and performance
- Literature and gender
- Genre studies
- Genre theory
- Genre theory
- Popular narrative genres: picaresque literature, gothic novel
- Theories of authorship, genre and mode
- 19th-20th century French and German literatures
- 19th-20th century German and European comparative literature
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- African migrants' writing in German
- Black German literature
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- Contemporary German Literature
- Contemporary German Literature
- Contemporary German literature
- Contemporary German poetry
- German Exile literature 1933-1945
- German Language and Literature
- German Literatur (18th — 20m century)
- German colonial history and its legacy
- German literature
- German literature
- German literature 17th to 20th centuries
- German literature and culture
- German literature and philosophy from the 18. Century to the Present.
- German literature of the long 19th century (1789-1914)
- German novel and Novelle
- German theatre
- History of environmental ideas in German culture
- History of the German Shakespeare Society (1864-1964)
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Jew of Malta on the German Stage (e.g. Nazi adaptation by Otto A.C. Nedden, Weimar, 1938)
- Modern German Literature
- Modern German and European intellectual history
- Modern German and European literary history
- Modern German literature
- Modern German short prose (Kleine Prosa) from the Goethezeit to the present day
- Newer German literature
- Post-war German literature and culture
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Theatre in the German and Dutch speaking countries
- Twentieth Century German German poetry
- Twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture in Italian, English and German
- Ancient Greek and Latin literatures
- Ancient Greek and Roman peformance culture
- Ancient Greek literature
- Ancient Greek social and intellectual history
- Greek and Roman literature
- Modern Greek Literature
- 18th-century history of the book
- 19th - 20th century French cultural history
- 20th century book history
- Aesthetics and history of literary criticism and theory since Antiquity
- Aesthetics and philosophy of history
- Ancient Greek social and intellectual history
- Art history
- Authorship studies and book history
- Book History (Tauchnitz, library of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Coburg)
- Book history
- Book history
- Book history of the 19th century
- Classical tradition and history of scholarship
- Colonial history and postcolonial theory
- Comparative Literature and Cultural History
- Comparative history of religions
- Comparative studies in European cultural history
- Conceptual history
- Cultural and political history
- Cultural history
- Cultural history of the 1960s
- Dialectics of secularisation, cultural history of martyrdom
- Diplomatic history
- Early modern literature and history
- Eighteenth century cultural history
- Emotions in history
- Epistemology and history of ideas (Early Modern to neo-classical Period)
- Epistemology and history of the modern humanities
- European antiquity in literature and cultural history
- European cultural history
- European literature and the history of poetics
- Garden history
- Genealogy and the cultural history of lifesciences
- German colonial history and its legacy
- History and Sociology of Science
- History and epistemology of the human and social science
- History and poetics of knowledge
- History and sociology of translation
- History and theory of pre-modern textuality
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of European literature
- History of French and Italian literature
- History of Learning, esp. H. G. Porthan, history of aesthetics in Finland
- History of Literary Scholarship
- History of Theatre (XVIII cent.)
- History of Translation
- History of books and libraries
- History of border regions and cultural minorities, especially in the Low Countries
- History of comparative literature
- History of criticism
- History of cultural and literary canons
- History of education, colonial education
- History of environmental ideas in German culture
- History of exegesis
- History of football
- History of hunting
- History of ideas
- History of literary translation
- History of modern German-speaking literature
- History of reading and writing
- History of reception
- History of rhetorics, grammar, poetics
- History of scholarship, ca. 1500-1750
- History of science
- History of social and natural sciences
- History of supernatural beliefs
- History of the European 1940s
- History of the German Shakespeare Society (1864-1964)
- History of the German-speaking culture in Romania
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- History of the book
- History of the book
- History of the humanities
- History of the humanities since 1800, especially philology
- History of the novel
- History of the press
- History of the senses
- History of theatre, from late 19th century to present
- History of translations
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Intellectual History, especially history of 20th-century theoretical ideas in the humanities
- Intellectual history
- Interdisciplinary history ofthe concept of ‘gerieration’
- Interrelations between literature, philosophy and history
- Irish history and culture
- Legal history
- Library history
- Literary History
- Literary criticism and cultural history
- Literary theory and intellectual history
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Literature & Cultural History
- Literature and history of ideas
- Manuscript studies and book history
- Modern German and European intellectual history
- Modern German and European literary history
- Modern intellectual history
- Musicology and Art History
- Nationalism and the history of national movements
- Periods and themes in American cultural history
- Philosophy of history
- Relationship between poetics, literature and history in 16th century Italy
- Rhetoric and history of cultural and national stereotyping and ethnic characterization (“imagology”)
- Shakespeare, history and politics
- Social history
- Sociology and history of translation and of international cultural exchanges
- Spanish literature: history and criticism
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Theater history
- Theatre history
- Theatre history and historiography
- Theory and history of the Novel
- Theory and history of theatre
- Theory, methodology and history of comparative literature
- Tudor history
- Women's history
- Writing of national and international literary and cultural histories
- history of Dutch literature from the beginning to 1300
- history of Dutch medieval literature from 1300 to 1400
- Holocaust and genocide studies
- Holocaust and Aftermath Studies
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Holocaust literature and cinema
- Holocaust literatures in Eastern Europe
- Holocaust studies
- Holocaust studies
- Political and historical studies - Gulag and Holocaust
- Anthropocene studies, environmental humanities, sustainability as cultural practice
- Blue humanities
- Cognitive humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC)°
- Digital humanities: the database-assisted capture, analysis and visualization of complex communicative networks, cultural practices and ideological diffusion patterns
- Epistemology and history of the modern humanities
- History of the humanities
- History of the humanities since 1800, especially philology
- Intellectual History, especially history of 20th-century theoretical ideas in the humanities
- Intersection between the humanities and natural sciences
- Life-writing, illness narratives and medical humanities
- Medical humanities (Smallpox)
- Pedagogy in the humanities
- Epistemology and history of ideas (Early Modern to neo-classical Period)
- History of environmental ideas in German culture
- History of ideas
- Intellectual History, especially history of 20th-century theoretical ideas in the humanities
- Literature and history of ideas
- Relation of ideas of revolt to ideas of tragedy
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Ancient Greek social and intellectual history
- Early modern intellectual culture
- History of the Intellectual Ties between Alsace and Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries
- Intellectual History, especially history of 20th-century theoretical ideas in the humanities
- Intellectual history
- Intellectual workshops in Modern Age
- Literary theory and intellectual history
- Modern German and European intellectual history
- Modern intellectual history
- Sociology of intellectuals
- Intercultural communication
- Intercultural exchanges
- Intercultural studies
- Intercultural theatre
- Film Studies/Intermediality
- Intermediality (Literature, Visual Arts, Cinema, Music)
- Intermediality (musical poetics, film poetics, word and figurative art, etc.)
- Intermediality (text-picture relationships, esp. ekphrasis; eco-ekphrasis)
- Intermediality and Ekphrasis in Postcolonial Literatures
- Intermediality and performance in the global media culture
- Intermediality, interdisciplinarity
- Intertextuality and intermediality
- Media studies/intermediality
- Surrealism and intermediality
- Intertextuality
- Intertextuality
- Intertextuality and intermediality
- Literary theory, especially sociological approaches and intertextuality
- 18th-century English and Irish literature and drama
- 19th and 20th Century Irish and British Fiction
- Con- and Refigurations of Time Consciousness in British/Irish Fiction and Drama
- Irish history and culture
- Irish studies
- Irish theatre
- Scottish and Irish studies
- (Post-Soviet) Russian language policy and language culture
- Geopolitics of Language and Literature Migration
- German Language and Literature
- Neo-Latin language and literature
- Systematic literary studies based on the theory of language
- Ancient Greek and Latin literatures
- Hispanic and Latin American Studies
- Inter- and transcultural dialogues between Europe and Latin America
- Latin literature
- Mediaeval and early modern Latin manuscripts
- Medieval latin literature
- Spanish and Latin American cultural studies
- Aesthetics and history of literary criticism and theory since Antiquity
- Anglo-Spanish literary relations
- Comparative literature and literary theory
- Connections between literary theory and literary writing in France and in the francophone area in the tense modern and postmodern field
- Contemporary Western literary theory
- Continental and American Literary and Cultural Theory
- Cultural/literary theory
- Digital humanities and literary Criticism (ACDC)°
- Eastern European literary theory
- Esthetics and literary anthropology
- Ethical literary criticism
- European-American literary and cultural relations
- General literary theory and poetics
- History of Literary Scholarship
- History of cultural and literary canons
- History of literary translation
- Literary Ethics
- Literary History
- Literary Modernism, esp. Pound, Joyce, the Finnish Torchbearers Group
- Literary Theory
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Literary and Cultural Memory Studies
- Literary and Cultural Theory
- Literary and critical theory
- Literary and cultural theory
- Literary and social theory
- Literary anthropology
- Literary approaches to the Bible
- Literary biography
- Literary criticism
- Literary criticism and cultural history
- Literary discourses about Africa
- Literary historiography
- Literary kinds and modes
- Literary market
- Literary methodology
- Literary modernism
- Literary nonfiction
- Literary reception
- Literary representations of experiences of catastrophes and post-catastrophes (war, trauma, violence, camp narratives)
- Literary sociology
- Literary studies as life science
- Literary stylistics
- Literary theory
- Literary theory (with a strong emphasis on constrained writing)
- Literary theory and aesthetics
- Literary theory and general criticism
- Literary theory and intellectual history
- Literary theory and the philosophy of literary studies
- Literary theory, criticism, hermeneutics
- Literary theory, especially deconstruction
- Literary theory, especially sociological approaches and intertextuality
- Literary translation
- Literary translation (self-translation)
- Literary translation and its theory
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Literature and literary theory
- Modern German and European literary history
- Modern Literary and Critical Theory
- Modern and postmodern literary theory
- Postcolonial and Cross-cultural Literary Studies
- Screen adaptations of literary works
- Sociology of literature in the global literary field
- Spatial Turn and Literary Studies
- Studies of all literary periods (particularly Romanticism, Realism, Symbolism, Avant-garde, Post-modern)
- Systematic literary studies based on the theory of language
- The literary discourse on Europe by European writers: European Identity, the Future of European unification
- Writing of national and international literary and cultural histories
- Byzantine and medieval East Slavic hagiography and homiletics
- European Medieval literatures
- Late Medieval literature
- Medieval English studies
- Medieval Icelandic literature
- Medieval cultural studies
- Medieval latin literature
- Medieval literature
- Medieval poetics
- history of Dutch medieval literature from 1300 to 1400
- Intermediality and performance in the global media culture
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Literature and other media
- Media and Cultural studeis
- Media studies/intermediality
- Media theory
- Popular culture, youth culture and the media
- Russian public sphere and media theory
- Utopia and dystopia in literature, cinema and other media
- (Post-) colonial memory and the postcolonial rereading of 19th century literature
- Concepts and cultures of memory
- Cultural memory studies and trauma studies
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Individual, social and cultural memory
- Literary and Cultural Memory Studies
- Literature and culture studies: Memory and identity (narrated communities)
- Memory
- Memory sites and memory politics
- Memory studies
- Memory studies
- Trauma and memory studies
- Drama theory and methodology
- Literary methodology
- Methodology
- Philology and methodology
- Theories and methodologies of comparative literature
- Theory and methodology of 'the contemporary'
- Theory, methodology and history of comparative literature
- Ethnicity and Migration
- Exile and Migration
- Geopolitics of Language and Literature Migration
- Jewish migration and Diaspora studies
- Literature and migration
- Migration
- Migration literature
- Migration literature
- Theatre and migration
- British fiction/Victorian and modern
- British poetry/victorian and modern
- Classical Studies/Modern Reception of ancient literature
- Connections between literary theory and literary writing in France and in the francophone area in the tense modern and postmodern field
- Early Modern Croatian Literature
- Early Modern cultural exchanges between Ottoman Empire and the Christian States of Europe
- Early modern English drama
- Early modern English literature
- Early modern English literature
- Early modern French literature and thought
- Early modern court culture
- Early modern intellectual culture
- Early modern literature and history
- Early modern narrative prose fiction
- Epistemology and history of the modern humanities
- History of modern German-speaking literature
- Intellectual workshops in Modern Age
- Mediaeval and early modern Latin manuscripts
- Modern Chinese culture and literature
- Modern Dutch literature & culture
- Modern European Drama
- Modern European Literature
- Modern French poetry
- Modern French/francophone literature
- Modern German Literature
- Modern German and European intellectual history
- Modern German and European literary history
- Modern German literature
- Modern German short prose (Kleine Prosa) from the Goethezeit to the present day
- Modern Greek Literature
- Modern Hebrew literature
- Modern Literary and Critical Theory
- Modern Portugese literature
- Modern South Slav literatures and cultures
- Modern aesthetics: the role of scissors
- Modern and Postmodern American and British Fiction
- Modern and contemporary British literature
- Modern and contemporary European theatres
- Modern and postmodern literary theory
- Modern continental philosophy and critical theory
- Modern drama
- Modern drama and theatre
- Modern intellectual history
- Modern literature
- Modern literature
- Modern literature (British, American, German, Icelandic)
- Modern manuscripts
- Modern novel
- Modern visual art and photography
- Modern/postmodern American literature
- Narrative forms of Early Modern Period
- Philosophy of consciousness and their modern and radical reconsiderations like
- Reception of Antiquity in modern and comtemporary culture and literature
- South-Slavic Modern Cultures
- Victorian and Modern British Literature and Culture
- 20th and 21st-century narrative fiction in French, German and English
- Archeological narratives
- Early modern narrative prose fiction
- Graphic narratives and comics
- Life-writing, illness narratives and medical humanities
- Narrative forms of Early Modern Period
- Narrative forms of the Middle Ages
- Narrative medicine
- Narrative of catastrophes
- Narrative studies
- Narrative studies and narrative ethics
- Narrative theory
- Narratives of emergency, catastrophe, resilience
- Narratology and narrative studies
- Narratology, narrative theory
- Philosophical and narrative hermeneutics
- Popular narrative genres: picaresque literature, gothic novel
- Postcolonial transgender in narrative modes
- Travel narratives
- Zeitroman and historical narrative
- Cognitive narratology
- Narratology
- Narratology
- Narratology and narrative studies
- Narratology studies
- Narratology, narrative theory
- Narratology, transmedial narratology
- Theory of culture, narratology
- Comparative nationalisms
- Cultural heritage and nationalism
- Literature between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism
- Nationalism and Literature
- Nationalism and national identity
- Nationalism and the history of national movements
- Nationalism in Eastern Europe
- Nationalism studies
- Survival of 19th-century cultural nationalism as 20th-century banal nationalism and 21st-century ethnopopulism
- (Post-)Modernist Novel
- 20th-century novel and poetry
- American literature, especially the contemporary Jewish-American Novel
- Comics and graphic novels
- Contemporary French novel
- Eighteenth-century novel
- Emigration and hospitality in novels written by female authors
- Ethics and the novel
- French novel
- German novel and Novelle
- History of the novel
- Modern novel
- Novel
- Novels, short stories, essays
- Popular narrative genres: picaresque literature, gothic novel
- Postmodern and contemporary British novel
- Theory and history of the Novel
- Women and the novel
- Autobiography and performance
- Critical performance theory and political theatre
- Gender and performance
- Intermediality and performance in the global media culture
- Performance Studies
- Performance studies
- Theatre and performance studies
- Theatre and performance theory
- speech acts, performativity, and performance
- Aesthetics and philosophy of history
- Analytical philosophy
- Comparative literature and cultural philosophy
- Contemporary European philosophy: Heidegger, Arendt, Levinas, Derrida
- Contemporary continental philosophy and theory
- Continental philosophy
- European philosophy
- Francophone African literature, philosophy and film
- German literature and philosophy from the 18. Century to the Present.
- Interrelations between literature, philosophy and history
- Literary theory and the philosophy of literary studies
- Literature and philosophy
- Literature and philosophy
- Modern continental philosophy and critical theory
- Philosophy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (deconstruction) and literature
- Philosophy of consciousness and their modern and radical reconsiderations like
- Philosophy of history
- Philosophy of the subject
- Philosophy, and Kulturwissenschall (Heine, Warburg, Freud, Benjamin, Scholem, Arendt etc.)
- Philosophy/religion and literature
- Social philosophy
- Baroque poetics
- Cognitive poetics
- Comparative poetics
- Comparative poetics of Western literature
- European literature and the history of poetics
- General literary theory and poetics
- History and poetics of knowledge
- History of rhetorics, grammar, poetics
- Medieval poetics
- Poetics
- Poetics and rhetoric in the Renaissance
- Poetics and theory of fiction
- Poetry and poetics
- Poetry and poetics
- Relationship between poetics, literature and history in 16th century Italy
- Text analysis and poetics
- TransArea studies: Poetics of movement
- 17th century English poetry
- 18th-century English poetry
- 20th century and contemporary Anglo-Irish poetry
- 20th century and contemporary English and American poetry
- 20th century and contemporary Hungarian poetry
- 20th-century novel and poetry
- Biblical Motifs in Hungarian Poetry
- British poetry/victorian and modern
- Contemporary German poetry
- English poetry
- Estonian poetry
- Golden Age Literature: prose, poetry, theater, relationship between art and literature
- Interplay between poetry and song writing since the Romantic Era.
- Modern French poetry
- Neo-Latin poetry
- Oral poetry
- Poetry
- Poetry
- Poetry and painting
- Poetry and poetics
- Poetry and poetics
- Poetry and politics
- Poetry of John Donne
- Poetry of Miklós Radnóti (1909-1944)
- Poetry of Wallace Stevens
- Poetry of Ágnes Nemes Nagy (1922-1991)
- Poetry, drama (Greek tragedy, Japanese Noh)
- Poetry, drama and prose of William Butler Yeats
- Twentieth Century German German poetry
- History, memory and the politics of memory in German 19th century literature
- Literature and politics
- Memory sites and memory politics
- Poetry and politics
- Politics and aesthetics
- Post-identity politics
- Shakespeare, history and politics
- The politics of writing
- Aspects of twentieth century British theatre - popular or commercial
- Film and American popular culture
- Popular and mass cultural forms (romance fiction, soap opera, women’s magazines)
- Popular culture
- Popular culture, in particular popular music
- Popular culture, youth culture and the media
- Popular narrative genres: picaresque literature, gothic novel
- (Post-) colonial memory and the postcolonial rereading of 19th century literature
- Colonial / postcolonial studies
- Colonial and postcolonial writing
- Colonial history and postcolonial theory
- Intermediality and Ekphrasis in Postcolonial Literatures
- Postcolonial and Cross-cultural Literary Studies
- Postcolonial and Material Ecocriticism
- Postcolonial and transcultural ekphrasis
- Postcolonial literatures
- Postcolonial literatures and cultures
- Postcolonial studies
- Postcolonial studies (postcolonial literature and theory)
- Postcolonial theory
- Postcolonial transgender in narrative modes
- Postcolonial, Global and Transcultural Studies
- Modernism and postmodernism
- Modernism and postmodernism
- Modernism, postmodernism
- Modernism, postmodernism and the avant-garde
- Postmodernism
- Postmodernism
- Theories of Modernism, Realism, Postmodernism, and the Avant-Garde
- Culture and literature of the present
- German literature and philosophy from the 18. Century to the Present.
- History of Central European culture from the 18th century until present day
- History of theatre, from late 19th century to present
- Modern German short prose (Kleine Prosa) from the Goethezeit to the present day
- The history of European art, especially eighteenth century to present day
- The history of ideas, especially eighteenth century to present day
- Constructions of knowledge, especially with regard to psychoanalysis and to trauma
- Literature & Psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalysis
- Classical Studies/Modern Reception of ancient literature
- Classical reception
- European reception of British writers
- History of reception
- International reception studies
- Literary reception
- Reception / construction of classical antiquity in Anglophone literature
- Reception of Antiquity in modern and comtemporary culture and literature
- Reception of Classics
- Reception of ancient Greece and Rome
- Anglo-Dutch relations
- Anglo-French cultural relations
- Anglo-Spanish literary relations
- European-American literary and cultural relations
- Literature/media relations
- Relation of ideas of revolt to ideas of tragedy
- Relation of identity to representation
- Relation of imagination to responsibility
- Relations between English, French and German Literatures from the 18th to the 20th century
- Relations between regionalisms and the accelerated globalization processes
- Dante and Petrarch between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- English Renaissance and post-Renaissance literature
- European Literatures from Renaissance to Enlightenment (France, Italy, England, Spain)
- Platonism in the Renaissance
- Poetics and rhetoric in the Renaissance
- Renaissance
- Renaissance Studies (Shakespeare, epic poems, apocrypha, stage history, reception in Germany)
- Renaissance drama
- Renaissance literature and civilization
- Renaissance literatures in Europe
- Renaissance studies
- Renaissance theatre
- Spanish and European Renaissance and Baroque
- Transmission of texts in Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Literary representations of experiences of catastrophes and post-catastrophes (war, trauma, violence, camp narratives)
- Medial representations of work
- Relation of identity to representation
- Representation of women
- Representations of colonizers and colonized
- Representations of forgetting
- Representations of war, conflict and resolution
- Creative critical writing, co-creative research
- Methods and practices of philological research
- Metropolitan Research
- Reading research
- Research and Higher Education policy
- Television research
- History of rhetorics, grammar, poetics
- Poetics and rhetoric in the Renaissance
- Rhetoric
- Rhetoric
- Rhetoric and history of cultural and national stereotyping and ethnic characterization (“imagology”)
- British Romanticism
- British, German, and European Romanticism and 19th-century culture
- European Romanticism
- European romanticism
- Romanticism
- Romanticism
- Romanticism, Friedrich Schlegel
- Studies in romanticism
- Swedish Romanticism
- (Post-Soviet) Russian language policy and language culture
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Correspondences or Foreign Correspondences on Russia
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Travel Literature
- 18th-century Russian Prose Fiction (the Novel and Novella)
- 19th-century Russian literature
- Contemporary Russian literature
- Russian and French Theatre
- Russian formalism
- Russian public sphere and media theory
- Russian sociolinguistics
- Typology of Russian literature and culture
- Critical Theory; Science Fiction
- Cultural-philological epistemology of sciences
- History and Sociology of Science
- History and epistemology of the human and social science
- History of science
- History of social and natural sciences
- Images and texts in art and sciences
- Interdisciplinary studies, especially with the sciences and engineering
- Interpretation and cognitive sciences
- Intersection between the humanities and natural sciences
- Life sciences and life writing
- Literary studies as life science
- Literature and science/bioethics
- Literature and social sciences
- Literature science (general and Russian)
- Literature, Science and Technology of the 20th and 21st Century
- Science fiction
- Cultural semiotics
- Semiotics
- Semiotics
- Semiotics and textual theory
- Semiotics of culture
- Semiotics of culture
- Christoph Martin Wieland's Shakespeare translations (1762-66) - critical edition: Wielands Werke: Ossmannstedter Ausgabe
- History of the German Shakespeare Society (1864-1964)
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare and European cultures
- Shakespeare studies
- Shakespeare, history and politics
- William Shakespeare
- Ancient Greek social and intellectual history
- History and epistemology of the human and social science
- History of social and natural sciences
- Individual, social and cultural memory
- Literary and social theory
- Literature and social sciences
- Relationship between aesthetics and social theory
- Social history
- Social philosophy
- Bibliography and sociology of texts
- History and Sociology of Science
- History and sociology of translation
- Literary sociology
- Literary-cultural groups and sociology of literature
- Sociology and history of translation and of international cultural exchanges
- Sociology of culture
- Sociology of intellectuals
- Sociology of literature
- Sociology of literature
- Sociology of literature in the global literary field
- Theatre sociology
- Contemporary Spanish literature
- Literature and the Spanish Civil War
- Spanish Studies
- Spanish and European Renaissance and Baroque
- Spanish and Latin American cultural studies
- Spanish and Latin-American literature
- Spanish literature
- Spanish literature: history and criticism
- Spanish theatre
- 18th century France, literature and cultural studies
- African American Studies
- American Literature and American Studies
- American transnational studies
- Animal studies
- Anthropocene studies, environmental humanities, sustainability as cultural practice
- Authorship studies and book history
- Colonial / postcolonial studies
- Comparative literature and cultural studies
- Comparative multi-ethnic studies
- Comparative studies
- Comparative studies in European cultural history
- Cross-cultural studies
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Studies; Island Studies; Place Studies
- Cultural memory studies and trauma studies
- Cultural studies
- Cultural studies (with a strong emphasis on the poetics of "minor genres": comics, graphic novel, novelization, and photonovel)
- Diasporic literatures and cultures in English, diasporic studies theory
- Disability studies; posthumanist perspectives on disability studies
- East-West comparative study of literature and culture
- Eighteenth-century studies
- English Studies
- Epistolary studies
- Film and adaptation studies
- Film and television studies
- Film studies
- First World War studies
- Gender Studies
- Gender Studies
- Gender and feminist studies
- Genre studies
- Henrik Ibsen Studies
- Hispanic and Latin American Studies
- Holocaust and genocide studies
- Holocaust and Aftermath Studies
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Holocaust studies
- Holocaust studies
- Human rights studies
- Imagination studies
- Intelligence (i.e. espionage) studies
- Intelligence studies
- Intercultural studies
- Interdisciplinary cultural studies (Psycho-poetics, art and religion, etc.)
- Interdisciplinary studies, especially with the sciences and engineering
- Intermedial and interart studies (literature, film, visual arts)
- Intermedial studies
- International reception studies
- Irish studies
- Jewish Studies
- Jewish migration and Diaspora studies
- Jewish studies
- Literary and Cultural Memory Studies
- Literary studies as life science
- Literary theory and the philosophy of literary studies
- Literature and culture studies: Memory and identity (narrated communities)
- Literature and urban studies
- Literature studies and comparative literature
- Manuscript studies
- Manuscript studies and book history
- Manuscript studies and editing
- Material heritage studies
- Medieval English studies
- Medieval cultural studies
- Memory studies
- Memory studies
- Mentality studies
- Modernist studies
- Museum Studies
- Myth studies
- Narrative studies
- Narrative studies and narrative ethics
- Narratology and narrative studies
- Narratology studies
- Nationalism studies
- Northrop Frye and the study of myths
- Performance Studies
- Performance studies
- Political and historical studies - Gulag and Holocaust
- Post-communist studies
- Postcolonial and Cross-cultural Literary Studies
- Postcolonial studies
- Postcolonial studies (postcolonial literature and theory)
- Postcolonial, Global and Transcultural Studies
- Postdependence studies
- Posthumanism and critical animal studies
- Race and translation studies
- Refugee studies
- Renaissance Studies (Shakespeare, epic poems, apocrypha, stage history, reception in Germany)
- Renaissance studies
- Scottish and Irish studies
- Shakespeare studies
- Shakespearean studies
- Spanish Studies
- Spanish and Latin American cultural studies
- Spatial Turn and Literary Studies
- Studies in romanticism
- Studies of all literary periods (particularly Romanticism, Realism, Symbolism, Avant-garde, Post-modern)
- Study of subjectivity, identity and agency
- Systematic literary studies based on the theory of language
- Theater Studies
- Theatre and performance studies
- Theatre studies
- Theatre studies
- Theatrical studies
- Thematics and discourse studies
- Theory of American Studies
- Time studies
- TransArea studies: Poetics of movement
- Transatlantic Studies
- Transcultural studies
- Translation Studies
- Translation and Translation studies.
- Translation studies
- Translation studies in Central European space
- Translations studies
- Transnational American Studies
- Trauma and memory studies
- Trauma studies
- Urban Studies
- Utopian studies
- Utopian studies
- Victorian studies
- Video game studies
- Visual Studies
- War studies
- Welfare studies
- Women studies
- Women's studies
- Bibliography and sociology of texts
- Crime fiction; 9/11 fiction; WWII testimonial texts
- Editing Neo-Latin texts
- Images and texts in art and sciences
- Reading and interpretation of texts
- Text analysis and poetics
- Text and Image
- Transmission of texts in Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Aesthetics and history of literary criticism and theory since Antiquity
- Caribbean fiction and theory
- Colonial history and postcolonial theory
- Comparative literature and literary theory
- Connections between literary theory and literary writing in France and in the francophone area in the tense modern and postmodern field
- Contemporary Western literary theory
- Contemporary continental philosophy and theory
- Continental and American Literary and Cultural Theory
- Critical Theory; Science Fiction
- Critical and cultural theory
- Critical performance theory and political theatre
- Critical theory
- Critical theory
- Critical theory (gender studies, psychoanalysis and literature, cultural studies, philosophy of religion)
- Cultural theory
- Cultural theory
- Cultural/literary theory
- Deconstruction and systems theory or Heidegger
- Diasporic literatures and cultures in English, diasporic studies theory
- Discourse theory and interdiscourse theory
- Drama theory and methodology
- Dramatic Theory
- Eastern European literary theory
- Editorial Theory and Practice
- English education, translation theories and practice
- Feminist theory
- Film theory and film analysis
- Folklore theory
- General literary theory and poetics
- Genre theory
- Genre theory
- History and theory of pre-modern textuality
- Literary Theory
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Literary and Cultural Theory
- Literary and critical theory
- Literary and cultural theory
- Literary and social theory
- Literary theory
- Literary theory (with a strong emphasis on constrained writing)
- Literary theory and aesthetics
- Literary theory and general criticism
- Literary theory and intellectual history
- Literary theory and the philosophy of literary studies
- Literary theory, criticism, hermeneutics
- Literary theory, especially deconstruction
- Literary theory, especially sociological approaches and intertextuality
- Literary translation and its theory
- Literary, media and cultural theory/history from the 18th to the 21st century
- Literature and literary theory
- Media theory
- Modern Literary and Critical Theory
- Modern and postmodern literary theory
- Modern continental philosophy and critical theory
- Narrative theory
- Narratology, narrative theory
- Photography theory (with a strong emphasis on photographic illustrations of literature)
- Poetic Translation and Theory of Translation
- Poetics and theory of fiction
- Post-queer theory
- Postcolonial theory
- Relationship between aesthetics and social theory
- Russian public sphere and media theory
- Semiotics and textual theory
- Sociological Theory
- Systematic literary studies based on the theory of language
- Systems theory
- The irreparable and theories of reparation/repair
- Theatre and performance theory
- Theories and methodologies of comparative literature
- Theories of Modernism, Realism, Postmodernism, and the Avant-Garde
- Theories of authorship, genre and mode
- Theories of fictionality
- Theories of place and space
- Theory and history of the Novel
- Theory and history of theatre
- Theory and interculturality of Slavic and Balkanic literatures
- Theory and methodology of 'the contemporary'
- Theory and methods of comparative literature
- Theory of American Studies
- Theory of Literature
- Theory of culture
- Theory of culture, narratology
- Theory of fiction
- Theory of literature
- Theory of possible worlds
- Theory of the aesthetic judgment
- Theory of the arts, aesthetics
- Theory of vulnerability
- Theory, methodology and history of comparative literature
- Translation theory
- Translation theory (Literary translation)
- Trauma theory
- World literature theory
- Christoph Martin Wieland's Shakespeare translations (1762-66) - critical edition: Wielands Werke: Ossmannstedter Ausgabe
- English education, translation theories and practice
- History and sociology of translation
- History of Translation
- History of literary translation
- History of translations
- Intermedia translations
- Literary translation
- Literary translation (self-translation)
- Literary translation and its theory
- Poetic Translation and Theory of Translation
- Post-2000 French literature and other post-2000 literatures in translation
- Race and translation studies
- Sociology and history of translation and of international cultural exchanges
- Translation
- Translation
- Translation Studies
- Translation and Translation studies.
- Translation for the theatre
- Translation studies
- Translation studies in Central European space
- Translation theory
- Translation theory (Literary translation)
- Translations studies
- Constructions of knowledge, especially with regard to psychoanalysis and to trauma
- Cultural memory studies and trauma studies
- Trauma
- Trauma and literature
- Trauma and memory studies
- Trauma studies
- Trauma theory
- 18th- and early 19th-century Russian Travel Literature
- Travel Writing and Imagology
- Travel literature
- Travel narratives
- Aspects of twentieth century British theatre - popular or commercial
- East-Central European culture in the twentieth century
- Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century Portuguese literature
- Twentieth Century German German poetry
- Twentieth and twenty-first century French literature and culture
- Twentieth and twenty-first century literature and culture in Italian, English and German
- British Victorian and twentieth-century literature
- British fiction/Victorian and modern
- British poetry/victorian and modern
- Victorian and Modern British Literature and Culture
- Victorian literature and culture
- Victorian studies
- Film and visual arts
- Literature and the Visual Arts (Adolph Menzel and Shakespeare)
- Literature and the visual arts
- Literature and visual arts
- Modern visual art and photography
- Nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century literature, visual culture, drama, and music
- Nineteenth-century literature and visual culture
- Visual Studies
- Visual culture
- Visual culture
- European culture and literature around the First World War
- First World War studies
- Literature and the Spanish Civil War
- Representations of war, conflict and resolution
- Thirty Years' War
- War literature
- War studies
- Representation of women
- Women and the novel
- Women playwrights
- Women studies
- Women's history
- Women's literature
- Women's studies
- Women's writing
- Women’s writing of the eighteenth century
- Anglophone world literatures
- Comparative and world literature
- Comparative literature, world literature
- Cosmopolitanism and world literature
- European culture and literature around the First World War
- Fictional worlds
- First World War studies
- Theory of possible worlds
- World literature
- World literature
- World literature and comparative literature
- World literature theory
- World literature/minority literatures
- African migrants' writing in German
- Autobiography and life writing
- Colonial and postcolonial writing
- Connections between literary theory and literary writing in France and in the francophone area in the tense modern and postmodern field
- Creative critical writing, co-creative research
- Creative writing
- Epistolary writing
- French and francophone writing
- History of reading and writing
- Interplay between poetry and song writing since the Romantic Era.
- Life sciences and life writing
- Life writing and ecology
- Multilingual writing
- Religious testimonies, and theoretical approaches of fiction and testimonial writings
- The politics of writing
- Travel Writing and Imagology
- Women's writing
- Women’s writing of the eighteenth century
- Writing of national and international literary and cultural histories
- (Ethics of) romance
- 19th-c. literature (France, Belgium, Quebec)
- Aeshetics
- Aestheticism and Modernism
- Albert Cohen, Georges Perec, Romain Gary, Patrick Modiano, Hélène Cixous
- Alexander von Humboldt
- Amadís de Gaula
- Anglo-American literature
- Anglo-Irish literature
- Apocalypse in literature
- Architecture
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Austrian Modernism (from Hugo von Hofmannsthal to Ingeborg Bachmann)
- Avant-garde and neo-avant-garde
- Avant-garde theater
- Bachtin
- Border literature
- Brazilian literature
- Canon debate
- Canon formation
- Canonization processes
- Care
- Caribbean literature
- Cartography
- Censorship
- Censorship
- Children and literature
- Chivalric romance
- Commemoration and anniversaries
- Concepts of documentation, auto/biography and life-writing
- Cosmopolitanism
- Cosmopolitanism and its Genealogies
- Courtly song
- Critical editions
- Critical lexicography
- Cultural Imagology
- Cultural geographies (American and English)
- Cultural transfers
- Current project: “9/11: the Discursive Responses”
- D.H. Lawrence (editing , intertextuality and reception history)
- Dance, theatre & corporeality
- Danish translator of Schopenhauer and Thomas Bernhard
- Dante
- Decadence and Aestheticism
- Deconstruction
- Demographie of ficional universes (19e s)
- Diskursanalysis (Foucault)
- Don Quixote
- Ecocriticism
- Ecophilosophy
- Editing
- Editions
- Electronic Textuality
- Embodiments of space in literature and architecture
- Emmanuel Levinas and phenomenology
- Englishness
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment thought
- Epistemology
- Ethos and authorship in literature
- Europe and its Others
- Exotisme littéraire européen
- Experimental literature
- Eça de Queirós
- Fantasy literature
- Faroese literature
- Feminisms
- Fictional biography and autobiography
- Finnish and Scandinavian literature
- Finnish theatre
- Folklore
- Forgetting
- Frantz Fanon
- François Tosquelles and institutional psychotherapy
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Futurology
- GDR Literature
- Geocriticism
- Geography and literature
- Georgian theatre
- German-Jewish literature
- German-Jewish thought
- Ghosts, Extraterrestrials, Vampyres
- Gothic romance
- Hagiography
- Henrik Ibsen and China
- Hermann Broch
- Hermeneutics
- Historic semantics
- Historical theology
- Historiography of literature
- Holocaust-studies
- Humour littéraire
- Ibsen-studies
- Icelandic literature
- Imagologie
- Impressionism
- Indentured labour in the Caribbean and the Guyanas
- International Sinology
- Interpretation and reading
- Inter‐ and transculturalism
- Italian literature
- James Joyce
- Japonisme
- Jewish literatures in Eastern Europe
- Jewish-German Literature
- Jewishness and literature
- John Webster
- Karl Gutzkow
- King James Bible
- Law and literature
- Law and literature
- Leading expert on Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot in China
- Lies, bad faith, imitation and imposture in literature
- Life writing
- Life writing
- Life-writing
- Literature
- Literature
- Literature and Ecocriticism
- Literature and archeology
- Literature and genocide
- Literature and globalization
- Literature and human rights
- Literature and multilingualism
- Literature and music
- Literature and orientalism
- Literature and religion
- Literature and the Bible
- Literature and the law
- Literature and the political imaginary
- Literature and the welfare state
- Literature around 1800
- Literature of the Mediterranean
- Littératures et critiques postcoloniales (francophones, anglophones, hispaphones)
- Lyricology
- Marxism, communism
- Masques
- Mediterranianism