
International Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science

Dedicated to Prof. Cristian S. Calude's 60th Birthday#

Cristian S. Calude

The Workshop took place between February 21 and February 24, 2012 in Auckland, New Zealand. The volume titled Computation, Physics and Beyond, based on the WTCS2012, was published in the LNCS Festschrifts Series of Springer. The volume contains contributions from invited speakers and regular papers that present either expository/survey results or original research in the following areas (in which Cristian S. Calude has had significant contributions):

  • Algorithmic information theory
  • Algorithms
  • Automata and formal languages
  • Automata, logic, and applications
  • Computing and natural sciences
  • Computability and applications
  • Philosophy of computation
  • Physics and computation
  • Unconventional models of computation

For further details concerning the workshop, see http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/research/conferences/wtcs2012

Metadata:International Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science - Dedicated to Prof. Cristian S. Calude's 60th Birthday

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