Computational frontiers in scientific discovery#
Thursday 4 November 2010 9.30 am - 5.00 pm

Over the last four years the Royal Society and the Académie des sciences, with support from Microsoft Research, have awarded an annual prize

This meeting will explore the similarities and differences between the computational approaches across different disciplines and highlight potential synergies, whereby one discipline can borrow from another to speed up the process of discovery.
Speakers and chairs include:
- Professor Nicholas Ayache, Research Institute of Computer Science and Control (2008 award winner)
- Dr Ewan Birney, European Bioinformatics Institute
- Dr Peer Bork, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (2009 award winner)
- Dr Dennis Bray, University of Cambridge (2006 award winner)
- Professor Stephen Emmott, Microsoft Research
- Professor Neil Ferguson, Imperial College
- Professor Giorgio Parisi, University of Rome (2007 award winner)
- Professor Julia Slingo, Met Office
- Professor Matthias Steinmetz, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
- Professor Janet Thornton FRS, European Bioinformatics Institute
- Professor Andrew Blake FRS, Microsoft Research
- Dr Françoise Combes Member ADS, l’Observatoire de Paris
- Professor Tim Palmer FRS, University of Oxford and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
The Royal Society (View the map)

6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
The event is organized in association with Académie des sciences

This meeting is free to attend, but pre-registration