AREAS OF ACTIVITY - History and Archaeology
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AREAS OF ACTIVITY - History and Archaeology
- African history in the 19th and 20th century (with a focus on the history of the state, urbanisation, historiography)
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- European History, 19th Century till 21st
- European history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- German and French History, 19th Century till 21st
- German history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Global history 19th and 20th centuries
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- History of Colombia, 19th and early 20th century
- History of historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries
- History of the Habsburg Monarchy from 17th to 19th century
- History of the International Relations in the 19th -20th CC.
- Political history of justice reforms since the 19th century
- Religious pluralism and tolerance in the Atlantic world, 17th to early 19th centuries
- Romanian History, 19th Century till 21st
- Social and Cultural History of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Social and cultural history of Calvinism from the 16th to the 19th centuries
- Social history of medicine, 18th and early 19th centuries
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- State Sciences of 17th to 19th century Europe
- Urban societies from15th to early 19th centuries
- 20th century European history
- African history in the 19th and 20th century (with a focus on the history of the state, urbanisation, historiography)
- Development of the Belgian Economy during the 20th Century
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- European history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- German history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Global history 19th and 20th centuries
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- History of Colombia, 19th and early 20th century
- History of Southeastern Europe in the 20th Century
- History of conservative thought in Polish as well as European tradition till the end of the 20th century
- History of historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Image of the Balkans in the European public in the first half of the 20th century
- International relations in the 20th century
- Policy of the Holy See in 20th C.
- Political History 20th century
- Social and Cultural History of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Archaeology of Europe, Near East and Africa
- Colonial and post-colonial history of East Africa
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- History of Africa
- Hunter gatherer Stone Age in southern Africa
- Middle Stone Age in Africa
- Origins of Homo sapiens in southern Africa
- Origins of modern human behaviour in southern Africa
- Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the southern Cape, South Africa (MIS 6-3)
- Palaeolithic and Neolithic of Central, South Eastern Europe and North Africa
- Roman Africa
- Aegean Bronze Age, in particular Mycenaean Religion
- Afro-Eurasian Bronze Age as pre-modern globalisation
- Age of Enlightenment
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe in the Early Middle Ages
- Bronze Age animism, myths and cults
- Christian perception of other religions in the Middle Ages
- Cultural French history in the age of Enlightenment
- Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Museology - Museography - Exhibitions
- Environmental History in the First Global Age, 1400-1800
- Europe and the Mongols in the Middle Ages
- European and global history of the Middle Ages
- Excavations of Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Architecture
- Gender history in the age of Enlightenment
- Historiography and historical thinking in the Middle Ages
- History of (economic) scholarship in the Age of Enlightenment
- History of Commerce and Finance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- History of ageing
- History of late antiquity and the early middle ages
- History of migrations, esp. in the Middle Ages
- History of the Early and High Middle Ages (5th-12th centuries)
- History of the Middle Ages
- History of the late Middle Ages
- History of the oath in antiquity and the middle ages
- Hunter gatherer Stone Age in southern Africa
- Identity of Byzantines and Greeks in the Middle Ages
- Iron Age
- Iron Age and Roman archaeology
- Iron Age archaeology of western Europe
- Marriage and violence against women in the Middle Ages
- Metals & society during the watershed from Stone Age to Bronze Age
- Middle Stone Age in Africa
- Mobility, culture and change in Bronze Age Europe
- Monastic history in the High Middle Ages
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Religious minorities in the Middle Ages
- Religious thinking in the Middle Ages
- Social and economic history of Europe and the Western World from the Late Middle Ages to the present
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Transmission of ideas in early middle ages
- Viking Age as an international phenomenon
- Viking Age culture
- Aerial, naval and military relations of Germany with Spain and Portugal and with the countries of Latin America 1885-1945
- Cities in the Americas
- Colonial history of Latin America
- Colonial period of Latin America
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Comparative history: Spain/Latin America
- Contribution of Flemish prints and engravings to the construction of the Spanish empire in America
- History of British Colonies in North America
- History of Latin America
- History of Spanish America
- History of family and gender in Latin America
- History of journalism in Latin America
- Independence of Spanish America
- Introduction of new products from America in Europe and from Europe in America, c. 1500-1800
- Latin America (esp. Argentina, Chile)
- Parliamentary history in Latin America
- Public Works in the Americas
- Spanish America and the West Indies (16th-17th centuries),
- Colonial American history
- History of American societies during the colonial period
- History of employees in large German and American businesses
- Latin American Studies
- Latin American economic history
- Latin American historiography
- Latin American history of ideas
- Modern North American history
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Archaeological science: Stable isotope analyses, palaeoproteomics, materials analyses
- Ceramic analysis
- Comparative analysis
- Data analysis applied to ancient art history and archaeology
- Data analysis applied to cultural and creative industries
- Papyrology: edition of Greek papyri and historical analysis of papyrus texts
- Political Philosophy, Political Theory & Analysis (esp. policy-making), Political/Diplomatic Culture
- Social network analysis (SNA)
- Teaching respect of religions: analysis of phobias and religious stereotypes
- Textual analyses
- World history, global studies and world-systems analysis
- Ancient DNA
- Ancient Globalisation
- Ancient Greek and Roman art
- Ancient Greek physician Galen
- Ancient Greek religion
- Ancient and medieval numismatics
- Ancient architecture
- Ancient cartography
- Ancient domestic architecture
- Ancient economic and monetary history
- Ancient economy
- Ancient graffiti
- Ancient history
- Ancient history of medicine
- Ancient history- hellenistic period
- Ancient legal history
- Ancient libraries
- Ancient literacies
- Ancient olive cultivation, oil production and trade
- Ancient religion
- Ancient textiles in modern museum collections
- Ancient topography
- Ancient urbanism
- Coinage and finance in the ancient Mediterranean world
- Data analysis applied to ancient art history and archaeology
- Experimental Archaeology, particularly in the know-how area of ancient shipping
- Historiography ancient and modern
- History of Ancient Greek sport
- History of ancient Italy and Roman law
- History of religion in the ancient Mediterranean
- Late ancient history
- Topography of ancient Greece
- Anthropology of food
- Biological anthropology
- Cultural and medical anthropology
- Cultural anthropology
- Historical anthropology
- Political anthropology
- Psychoanalytic anthropology
- African archaeology
- Anglo-Saxon archaeology
- Anthropological archaeology
- Applied archaeology
- Archaeology
- Archaeology
- Archaeology and desertification
- Archaeology of Afghanistan
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Archaeology of Eurasia in the Hellenistic and Roman periods (ca. 200 BC - AD 200)
- Archaeology of Europe, Near East and Africa
- Archaeology of cult practice
- Archaeology of identities
- Archaeology of pastoralism
- Archaeology of religion
- Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe in the Early Middle Ages
- Archaeology of the impact of Roman imperialism on indigenous societies
- Archaeology of time
- Archaeology, linguistics and genetics
- Beginnings of epigraphy and archaeology as sciences
- Caribbean archaeology
- Classical archaeology
- Classical archaeology
- Classical art history and archaeology
- Conflict archaeology
- Cypriot archaeology
- Data analysis applied to ancient art history and archaeology
- Early Historic Archaeology of Scotland
- Early medieval archaeology in Europe
- Early seafaring and island archaeology (Aegean and Caribbean)
- Egyptian Archaeology
- European archaeology especially in first millennium BC and early first millennium AD
- Experimental Archaeology, particularly in the know-how area of ancient shipping
- Field archaeology
- High Definition archaeology (interphase between classical archaeology and archaeological sciences)
- Historiography of medieval archaeology in Scandinavia
- History and Archaeology of Egypt and the Levant
- History and Archaeology of Nubia
- History and archaeology of Roman Pannonia
- History and archaeology of the provinces of the Roman Empire
- History of Archaeology
- History of archaeology
- Homeric archaeology
- Iron Age and Roman archaeology
- Iron Age archaeology of western Europe
- Islamic archaeology
- Landscape archaeology
- Landscape archaeology
- Maritime and underwater archaeology
- Mesoamerican archaeology
- Minoan archaeology
- Old World archaeology
- Pacific and Southeast Asian archaeology
- Palaeolithic Archaeology
- Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology
- Politics and history of archaeology
- Portuguese Medieval Archaeology, with particular emphasis on the chronological period between the 9th and 14th centuries.
- Prehistoric archaeology
- Roman archaeology
- Roman provincial archaeology
- Saharan archaeology
- Settlement archaeology
- Submerged landscapes and archaeology
- Viking archaeology
- Aegean prehistoric art
- Ancient Greek and Roman art
- Art and Science
- Art and architecture of Greece
- Art and political philosophy in classical antiquity
- Art and science in classical antiquity
- Art history
- Art history
- Art markets
- Art: Representation, production
- Circulation of people, goods, art and knowledge from the Southern Netherlands in the Iberian world empires (1500-1800)
- Classical art history and archaeology
- Contemporary arts in the Arab world
- Data analysis applied to ancient art history and archaeology
- Destruction of art and culture in times of war
- Dialogue between Antiquity and Modern / Contemporary Art
- Exile, history, arts and contemporary theology
- Historicism in northern European art
- Multimedia presentation of knowledge transfer in arts
- Prehistoric art
- Roman art
- Roman portrait art
- Venetian art of the 15th-18th centuries
- Visual arts in classical antiquity and its tradition
- Central Asia
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Early Modern History of Southeast and East Asia
- Formation and efficiency of fiscal states in Europe and Asia 1500-1914
- History of Central Asia
- History of Christianity in Central Asia and China
- History of Manichaeism in Byzantium, Central Asia and China
- History of South Asia
- History of Southeast Asia
- Human evolution in Asia
- Minorities in Southeast Europe and Asia Minor
- Palaeodemography of Europe and Asia
- Palaeolithic Asia
- Palaeolithic and Pleistocene of Pakistan and south Asia
- Pleistocene climate and environment in Asia
- Pre-Islamic monetary history of Iran, Central Asia and the Indo-Iranian borderlands
- South Asia and the British Empire
- Atlantic history
- Atlantic studies
- Caribbean and Atlantic history
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- Migration history: migrations in Europe and the Atlantic world, 16th to 18th centuries
- Opening of the eastern and western Atlantic in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century
- Religious pluralism and tolerance in the Atlantic world, 17th to early 19th centuries
- Slavery and the slave trade in Atlantic History
- South Atlantic History
- 17th century Irish and British history
- British Caribbean
- British colonial ideologies and reprentations of human diversity
- British history
- British prehistory (particularly Scotland) from the Mesolithic to the post-Roman period
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- History of British Colonies in North America
- Modern British Social History
- Modern British social and political history
- Modern British, Irish history
- South Asia and the British Empire
- Byzantine History
- Byzantine Judaism
- Byzantine cultural history
- Byzantine economic history and material culture
- Byzantine empire
- Byzantine monastic mysticism
- Byzantine social and religious history, mobility and migration
- History of Late Byzantine Chersonese (Gallipoli Peninsula)
- Hymnography of the Byzantine church
- Identity of Byzantines and Greeks in the Middle Ages
- Late Antique and Early Byzantine historiography
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Central Asia
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Central European history from the Early Modern period to the Present
- Cultural contacts of Central and Eastern Europe with Byzantium and Italy
- History of Central Asia
- History of Central and Southeastern Europe
- History of Christianity in Central Asia and China
- History of Manichaeism in Byzantium, Central Asia and China
- History of early modern political cultures, especially in central and western Europe
- Palaeolithic and Neolithic of Central, South Eastern Europe and North Africa
- Pre-Islamic monetary history of Iran, Central Asia and the Indo-Iranian borderlands
- Romanian and East Central European studies
- 17th century Irish and British history
- 20th century European history
- African history in the 19th and 20th century (with a focus on the history of the state, urbanisation, historiography)
- Comparative History of Polish, Czech and Hungarian Historiography, 19-20th Centuries
- Danish monetary institutions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Development of the Belgian Economy during the 20th Century
- Early Modern French History, especially Nobility and Parlements, XVII and XVIII centuries.
- Early Modern War Studies, especially Thirty Years War and XVII and XVIII centuries Naval History.
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- Eighteenth century historical and political culture in France and the Anglo-American World
- Eigtheenth century and Enlightenment
- European History, 19th Century till 21st
- European Renaissance between the 15th and the 17th centuries
- European history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Foreign history of France in the XXe century
- German and French History, 19th Century till 21st
- German history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Global history 19th and 20th centuries
- Global history since the eighteenth century
- Greek Communities and the European World, 13th -19th centuries
- Greek Diaspora, 15-19th centuries
- Halle pietism as a global movement in the 18th century
- Historical culture in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe
- Historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th – 15th centuries
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- History of Britain and France during the period from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries
- History of Colombia, 19th and early 20th century
- History of France from the later sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century
- History of French political thought till the end of the 16th century
- History of Ideas, Concepts and Contexts, Poland and ECE, 18-20 Centuries
- History of Mentality of Intellectuals, 19-20th Centuries
- History of Southeastern Europe in the 20th Century
- History of XVIth Century France
- History of conservative thought in Polish as well as European tradition till the end of the 20th century
- History of culinary practices in Europe, in the first half of the XIXth century
- History of historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries
- History of painting and drawing in Northern Italy between the 15th and the 18th centuries
- History of scholarship: Altertumswissenschaft in Europe in the 19 and 20 centuries, scientific correspondences intellectual networks, history of knowledge
- History of the 19th-20th centuries
- History of the Habsburg Monarchy from 17th to 19th century
- History of the nobility in the Austrian and Bohemian Lands, 16th-18th centuries
- History of the postal system of the Habsburg Monarchy, 16th-18th centuries
- Iberian Colonial Empires (Spain and Portugal), XVIth-XVIIth centuries
- Image of the Balkans in the European public in the first half of the 20th century
- India in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Intellectual and social history of Poland and East-Central Europe, 18th-20th Centuries
- International relations in the 20th century
- International relations of the 19-20. centuries
- Libertine culture in17th century Italy
- Migration history: migrations in Europe and the Atlantic world, 16th to 18th centuries
- Nationalism, Liberalism, Modernity, Identity in Poland and ECE. 19-20th Centuries
- Nineteenth century science
- Opening of the eastern and western Atlantic in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century
- Political Emotions, Revolution and Resentment, 18th Century
- Political History 20th century
- Political culture, Spain, 19th-20th Centuries
- Political history of justice reforms since the 19th century
- Portuguese Medieval Archaeology, with particular emphasis on the chronological period between the 9th and 14th centuries.
- Religious pluralism and tolerance in the Atlantic world, 17th to early 19th centuries
- Romanian History, 19th Century till 21st
- Social and Cultural History of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Social and cultural history of Calvinism from the 16th to the 19th centuries
- Social history of medicine, 18th and early 19th centuries
- Social, cultural and economic history of Europe during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of suicide before XIXth Century
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- State Sciences of 17th to 19th century Europe
- Terrorism in Russia in the second half of XIX - beginning of XX century
- Trade and shipping between the Baltic and Western Europe in the eighteenth century
- United States History in the nineteenth century
- Urban societies from15th to early 19th centuries
- Venetian art of the 15th-18th centuries
- Archaic, classical and Hellenistic sculpture
- Art and political philosophy in classical antiquity
- Art and science in classical antiquity
- Classical Athens and the late Roman Republic
- Classical archaeology
- Classical archaeology
- Classical art history and archaeology
- Classical tradition
- Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Museology - Museography - Exhibitions
- Excavations of Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Architecture
- History of classical scholarship
- Reception of classical antiquity
- Visual arts in classical antiquity and its tradition
- British colonial ideologies and reprentations of human diversity
- Circulation of knowledge in a colonial context
- Colonial American history
- Colonial and post-colonial history of East Africa
- Colonial encounters
- Colonial history
- Colonial history of Latin America
- Colonial period of Latin America
- Colonial studies 1500-1800
- History of American societies during the colonial period
- History of German colonial history
- History of colonial science and scholarship
- Iberian Colonial Empires (Spain and Portugal), XVIth-XVIIth centuries
- Mexico colonial urbanism
- South African writing of the colonial period
- Comparative European History: Negotiating Modernity
- Comparative Historiography: Contexts and Contents
- Comparative History of Ideas: Key Concepts
- Comparative History of Ideas: Political Languages
- Comparative History of Polish, Czech and Hungarian Historiography, 19-20th Centuries
- Comparative Intellectual History: Discourses of the National Character
- Comparative Nationalism-Studies: Collective Identity
- Comparative analysis
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Comparative economic history of Europe and the Islamic world
- Comparative history
- Comparative history
- Comparative history of Europe in the early modern period
- Comparative history of civilizations
- Comparative history of colonialism
- Comparative history of empires
- Comparative history of society and the family in modern Europe
- Comparative history of the European expansion
- Comparative history: Spain/Latin America
- Comparative legal history
- Comparative religion
- Comparative study of empires in early modern Eurasia
- Comparative theory of the humanities and social sciences
- History of religions in Antiquity: comparative approach, cross-cultural contacts, Mediterranean dimension
- Islamic economics, comparative history of business and finance
- Contemporary History
- Contemporary arts in the Arab world
- Contemporary history of Poland
- Contemporary political philosophy (Rawls's projects and their critics)
- Cultural heritage in contemporary educational systems
- Dialogue between Antiquity and Modern / Contemporary Art
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- Exile, history, arts and contemporary theology
- Globalisation in contemporary Papua New Guinea
- Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
- Modern and contemporary Spanish history
- Modern and contemporary history of Europe
- Modern and contemporary history of human rights
- Problems of contemporary liberalism and democracy
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- Archaeological and cultural heritage
- Byzantine cultural history
- Cultural French history in the age of Enlightenment
- Cultural and medical anthropology
- Cultural anthropology
- Cultural contacts of Central and Eastern Europe with Byzantium and Italy
- Cultural dynamics in Antiquity
- Cultural evolution
- Cultural exchange
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage in contemporary educational systems
- Cultural heritage management
- Cultural heritage, professions, skills
- Cultural history
- Cultural history
- Cultural history of politics
- Cultural identities
- Cultural memory studies
- Cultural relations of the southern Slavs with their neighbors
- Cultural studies
- Cultural transfer Europe - the Balkans
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Culture and Globalization-Cross Cultural Management
- Data analysis applied to cultural and creative industries
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early modern cultural and anthropological history
- Economic and cultural dynamics
- European economic and cultural history
- Historiography, cultural memory and the transmission of texts
- History of Violence and Cultural History
- History of cultural encounters
- History of european expansion, imperialism, colonialism, cultural transfers
- History of property, both in restricted legal sense and in broad, cultural sense
- Illicit trafficking of cultural goods
- Intellectual and cultural history
- Intellectual and cultural history, with focus on discussions of personhood and mind-body
- Longue Durée perspectives on cultural and societal developments (Hellenistic to Medieval times)
- Medieval cultural contacts
- Phenomena of cultural difference
- Political and cultural history of Enlightenment
- Political and cultural origins of national identity in Europe
- Political, administrative, financial, social and cultural history of the Habsburg Monarchy (1526-1918, esp. Early Modern Period)
- Roman cultural history
- Social and Cultural History of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Social and cultural history
- Social and cultural history of Calvinism from the 16th to the 19th centuries
- Social and cultural history of early modern England
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social and cultural history of the Burgundian Netherlands (14th – 16th century)
- Social, cultural and economic history of Europe during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Beccaria
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Crime and Criminal Justice
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of European comics
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Utopia
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of dreams
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of legal medicine
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of suicide before XIXth Century
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of the Enlightenment
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of witchcraft
- Development of medieval polities and political cultures
- Development of the Belgian Economy during the 20th Century
- Dispersal of Modern Humans, and the development of 'modern' behaviour
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- Economic history, with a special interest in long-term economic development
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Industrial and monetary development in the Low Countries and in Europe
- London’s commercial development and Britain’s economic growth
- Long-run development
- Long-run development of education in global perspective
- Longue Durée perspectives on cultural and societal developments (Hellenistic to Medieval times)
- Origins and early development of agriculture
- Slavery and Scottish Economic Development
- Under/development/modernization
- Urban development of Rome
- Welfare development and growth in economies around the world
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe in the Early Middle Ages
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Central European history from the Early Modern period to the Present
- Churchill as early modern historian – Marlborough biography
- Cities and bourgeois life in the early modern period and the transition to the modern world
- Comparative history of Europe in the early modern period
- Comparative study of empires in early modern Eurasia
- Critical edition of early medieval legal texts
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Earliest occupation of Europe
- Early Christianity
- Early Historic Archaeology of Scotland
- Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Museology - Museography - Exhibitions
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early Modern French History, especially Nobility and Parlements, XVII and XVIII centuries.
- Early Modern History
- Early Modern History of Southeast and East Asia
- Early Modern Irish history
- Early Modern Memory
- Early Modern War Studies, especially Thirty Years War and XVII and XVIII centuries Naval History.
- Early capitalism (18th, early 19th c.)
- Early globalisation
- Early history of savings banks
- Early medieval archaeology in Europe
- Early medieval history
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- Early modern English social history, especially the history of social policy, towns, medicine and disease
- Early modern Europe
- Early modern European history
- Early modern European history over the last twenty
- Early modern Habsburg Monarchy
- Early modern Low Countries
- Early modern Mediterranean history
- Early modern Spain
- Early modern Swedish and Scandinavian history
- Early modern and modern German history
- Early modern and modern legal history
- Early modern cultural and anthropological history
- Early modern economic and social history
- Early modern era
- Early modern history
- Early modern history of political thought
- Early modern intellectual history
- Early modern modernization of Germany and the Netherlands
- Early modern travel and exploration
- Early seafaring and island archaeology (Aegean and Caribbean)
- Early urbanism in Europe and beyond
- European archaeology especially in first millennium BC and early first millennium AD
- Evolution of early complex and urban societies
- Excavations of Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Architecture
- Gender and work in early modern Europe
- History of Colombia, 19th and early 20th century
- History of Commerce and Finance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- History of Early Modern European aristocracies from an international perspective
- History of France from the later sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century
- History of early modern Europe
- History of early modern political cultures, especially in central and western Europe
- History of early modern procedures of decision making
- History of early modern state and society
- History of late antiquity and the early middle ages
- History of the Early and High Middle Ages (5th-12th centuries)
- History of the early modern period (16th century, French Revolution)
- History of the early modern world
- Irish soldiers in foreign armies in the early modern period
- Language learning and linguistic contacts in the early modern world
- Late Antique and Early Byzantine historiography
- Late Medieval and Early Modern Muslim West (Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb)
- Late antique and early medieval hagiography
- Late medieval and early modern culture and devotion
- Late medieval and early modern history of Switzerland
- Late pagan and early Christian burial customs and the conversion in Denmark
- Legal culture, legislation and law manuscripts in late antiquity and the early medieval West
- Medieval/ early modern cartography
- Merchant companies and urban elites in the early modern period
- News networks in Early Modern Europe
- Opening of the eastern and western Atlantic in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century
- Origins and early development of agriculture
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Pre-Islamic Arabia, Quranic studies, early hadith studies
- Prehistoric early farming
- Religious pluralism and tolerance in the Atlantic world, 17th to early 19th centuries
- Republics and Republicanim in Early Modern Europe
- Social and cultural history of early modern England
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Social history of medicine, 18th and early 19th centuries
- Transmission of ideas in early middle ages
- Urban societies from15th to early 19th centuries
- War and society in Scandinavia in the early modern period
- Archaeology of Europe, Near East and Africa
- Colonial and post-colonial history of East Africa
- Early Modern History of Southeast and East Asia
- East European history
- Economic history of the Ottoman Empire, southeastern Europe, Middle East and modern Turkey
- Geography of the Middle East
- Hasidism, Jewish Enlightenment, and social history of East European Jews
- History of East India Company
- History of Sacred and Palatial Architecture in Egypt and the Near East
- Modern East European history
- Near East
- Romanian and East Central European studies
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Chronology of Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean
- Cultural contacts of Central and Eastern Europe with Byzantium and Italy
- Eastern European history
- Eastern Roman Empire
- Historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th – 15th centuries
- Middle Eastern affairs
- Near Eastern and European Neolithic
- Opening of the eastern and western Atlantic in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century
- Palaeolithic and Neolithic of Central, South Eastern Europe and North Africa
- Relations between Western and Eastern civilizations
- Social History of the German democratic Republic and of Eastern European communist countries
- Ancient economic and monetary history
- Byzantine economic history and material culture
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Comparative economic history of Europe and the Islamic world
- Early modern economic and social history
- Economic and cultural dynamics
- Economic and social history
- Economic and social history
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- Economic growth
- Economic history
- Economic history
- Economic history of Britain
- Economic history of Ireland
- Economic history of Irish and Italian migration
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- Economic history of the Ottoman Empire, southeastern Europe, Middle East and modern Turkey
- Economic history, Marshall plan
- Economic history, with a special interest in long-term economic development
- Economic, social and political history of the Mediterranean lands
- European economic and cultural history
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Historiographical traditions in the construction of global economic history
- History of systems, regulations, institutions and political-administrative, social, economic and religious structures of the Roman and Late Antiquity world
- Intersection of legal history, social history and economic history
- Islamic and Western economic and financial history from the medieval era to the present
- Late-medieval economic history
- Latin American economic history
- London’s commercial development and Britain’s economic growth
- Long term economic growth
- Ottoman economic and financial history
- Roman economic history
- Roman legal and economic history
- Rural and urban economic history of Spain
- Slavery and Scottish Economic Development
- Social and economic history of Europe and the Western World from the Late Middle Ages to the present
- Social and economic history of the Late Republic and the Imperial Era
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Social and economic history of the Roman Empire
- Social, cultural and economic history of Europe during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- Social, economic and administrative of Egypt 300 BC–700 AD
- Social, political, and economic history
- social and economic situation in late Qing Dynasty
- Administrative history of the Roman Empire
- Byzantine empire
- Circulation of people, goods, art and knowledge from the Southern Netherlands in the Iberian world empires (1500-1800)
- City of Rome from the Republic to the Late Empire
- Comparative history of empires
- Comparative study of empires in early modern Eurasia
- Conquest of the Aztec Empire
- Contribution of Flemish prints and engravings to the construction of the Spanish empire in America
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Eastern Roman Empire
- Economic history of the Ottoman Empire, southeastern Europe, Middle East and modern Turkey
- Empires & colonialism
- Entrepreneurs, firms and corporations in the building of empires
- Evolution of intercontinental trade from Roman Empire to 1846
- Gender and empire
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Habsburg Empire
- Hispanic Monarchy, Europe’s first transnational, polycentric and global empire
- History and archaeology of the provinces of the Roman Empire
- History and society of the Roman Empire and provinces
- History of empires
- History of the Holy Roman Empire and its constituent territories
- History of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation
- History of the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman-Turkish rule in Hungary
- History of the Russian Empire, domestic and international dimensions
- Iberian Colonial Empires (Spain and Portugal), XVIth-XVIIth centuries
- Inquisition and religious (in)tolerance in the Spanish Empire (1500-1800)
- Mission and empire
- Political economy of the Spanish Empire
- Russian Empire
- Social and economic history of the Roman Empire
- South Asia and the British Empire
- The Carolingian Empire
- Transnationalism, competition, cooperation and empire building
- Age of Enlightenment
- Cultural French history in the age of Enlightenment
- Eigtheenth century and Enlightenment
- English Enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- Enlightenment and religious reform
- Enlightenment studies
- Enlightenment studies
- Enlightenment thought
- Enlightenment universal history and history of historiography
- Gender history in the age of Enlightenment
- Hasidism, Jewish Enlightenment, and social history of East European Jews
- History of (economic) scholarship in the Age of Enlightenment
- Political and cultural history of Enlightenment
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of the Enlightenment
- Environmental History in the First Global Age, 1400-1800
- Environmental history
- Environmental history
- Environmental humanities
- Quaternary landscape and environmental history
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Court studies, especially on the court of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella in the Southern Netherlands (1598-1633)
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early Modern French History, especially Nobility and Parlements, XVII and XVIII centuries.
- Early Modern War Studies, especially Thirty Years War and XVII and XVIII centuries Naval History.
- Early modern English social history, especially the history of social policy, towns, medicine and disease
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- European archaeology especially in first millennium BC and early first millennium AD
- European prehistory, especially transitions to farming
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Greek and Roman textile history and dress practices, especially for Roman society
- Hellenism, especially the legitimization of sovereignty of the successors of Alexander the Great
- History of early modern political cultures, especially in central and western Europe
- Manuscript studies, especially medieval parchment fragments Hagiography and medieval saints' cults
- 20th century European history
- Carolingian and European intellectual legacy
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Central European history from the Early Modern period to the Present
- Comparative European History: Negotiating Modernity
- Comparative history of the European expansion
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early modern European history
- Early modern European history over the last twenty
- East European history
- Eastern European history
- Economics of European expansion overseas from the conquest of Ceuta to the Imperian Meridian
- European History, 19th Century till 21st
- European Jewry
- European Renaissance between the 15th and the 17th centuries
- European Southeast in the Cold War
- European and global history of the Middle Ages
- European archaeology especially in first millennium BC and early first millennium AD
- European economic and cultural history
- European history
- European history
- European history in broader contexts
- European history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- European integration (theory & history)
- European intégration History
- European prehistory
- European prehistory, especially transitions to farming
- European studies
- European trade
- First European peopling
- Founding fathers of the different kinds of European integration or cooperation
- Greek Communities and the European World, 13th -19th centuries
- Hasidism, Jewish Enlightenment, and social history of East European Jews
- Historicism in northern European art
- History of European international relations
- History of Early Modern European aristocracies from an international perspective
- History of European Integration
- History of European bourgeoisie
- History of European literacy and education
- History of European pessimism
- History of capitalism and European expansion
- History of conservative thought in Polish as well as European tradition till the end of the 20th century
- History of european expansion, imperialism, colonialism, cultural transfers
- History of the Portuguese and European Expansion
- History of the administrative structure of the European Community
- Image of the Balkans in the European public in the first half of the 20th century
- Medieval European History, 1000-1500
- Modern East European history
- Modern European political discovery, interpretation and representation of Imperial China
- Near Eastern and European Neolithic
- Reformation and European Confessionalization
- Romanian and East Central European studies
- Seventeenth-century Crisis in Castile and in an European context
- Social History of the German democratic Republic and of Eastern European communist countries
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of European comics
- Temperate European later prehistory
- West European liberalism
- World War II and the role of the Third Reich in the European Southeast
- history of European expansion
- Comparative history of the European expansion
- Economics of European expansion overseas from the conquest of Ceuta to the Imperian Meridian
- History of capitalism and European expansion
- History of european expansion, imperialism, colonialism, cultural transfers
- History of the Phoenician and Punic civilizations : expansion, acculturation, religious dynamics
- History of the Portuguese and European Expansion
- Overseas expansion and technological change
- Portuguese Overseas Expansion
- history of European expansion
- Eighteenth century historical and political culture in France and the Anglo-American World
- Foreign history of France in the XXe century
- History of Britain and France during the period from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries
- History of France from the later sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century
- History of XVIth Century France
- Ireland and France in the revolutionary and Napoleonic periods
- Relationship USA, Europe and France
- Cardinal Richelieu, the French church and the higher clergy generally within French political system
- Cultural French history in the age of Enlightenment
- Early Modern French History, especially Nobility and Parlements, XVII and XVIII centuries.
- French history
- German and French History, 19th Century till 21st
- History of French political thought till the end of the 16th century
- History of the German and the French social State 1880-1930
- Gender
- Gender and empire
- Gender and law in Islamic societies
- Gender and work in early modern Europe
- Gender history
- Gender history
- Gender history in the age of Enlightenment
- Gender inequality
- Gender studies
- Gender studies and pop culture (Cleopatra, Boudica)
- History of family and gender in Latin America
- History of gender
- History of women and gender
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Women’s history and gender history
- Early modern and modern German history
- German and French History, 19th Century till 21st
- German history
- German history
- German history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- German society from the perspective of modernisation, industrialization, and the creation of modern Europe
- History of German colonial history
- History of employees in large German and American businesses
- History of the German and the French social State 1880-1930
- History of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation
- Medieval German urban history
- Social History of the German democratic Republic and of Eastern European communist countries
- Environmental History in the First Global Age, 1400-1800
- European and global history of the Middle Ages
- Global History of International Relations
- Global South Asian Diaspora
- Global and world history
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Global history
- Global history
- Global history 19th and 20th centuries
- Global history and transformative connectivities
- Global history of democracy
- Global history of science
- Global history since the eighteenth century
- Global studies
- Halle pietism as a global movement in the 18th century
- Hispanic Monarchy, Europe’s first transnational, polycentric and global empire
- Historiographical traditions in the construction of global economic history
- History of twentieth-century Spain and global history
- Long-run development of education in global perspective
- World and global history
- World history, global studies and world-systems analysis
- Ancient Greek and Roman art
- Ancient Greek physician Galen
- Ancient Greek religion
- Greek Bible translations
- Greek Communities and the European World, 13th -19th centuries
- Greek Diaspora, 15-19th centuries
- Greek Revolution in the Austrian archives
- Greek and Roman languages and culture
- Greek and Roman textile history and dress practices, especially for Roman society
- Greek and Roman visual cultures
- Greek archeology
- Greek inscriptions
- Greek inscriptions
- Greek landscape
- Greek numismatics
- Greek religion and cults
- Greek sanctuaries
- History and epigraphy of the Greek and Hellenistic world
- History of Ancient Greek sport
- Identity of Byzantines and Greeks in the Middle Ages
- Papyrology: edition of Greek papyri and historical analysis of papyrus texts
- Archaeological and cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage in contemporary educational systems
- Cultural heritage management
- Cultural heritage, professions, skills
- Heritage buildings
- Heritage law
- Heritage pedagogies and public outreach
- Human remains as heritage
- Industrial heritage
- World heritage
- Applications of historical criticism
- Applied historical sciences
- Digital history and historical data visualization
- Economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially West Africa from c.1500-present, including contemporary development issues in historical perspective
- Eighteenth century historical and political culture in France and the Anglo-American World
- Europe as an Historical Universe (special accent on how to write the History of Europe in the twenty-first century)
- Europe as historical topic
- Historical demography
- Historical Writing and Essay
- Historical anthropology
- Historical criminology
- Historical culture
- Historical culture in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe
- Historical demography
- Historical demography and Danish social history 1600ff
- Historical exhibits in museums
- Historical geography
- Historical geography
- Historical geography - mainly of modern time
- Historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th – 15th centuries
- Historical national income estimation
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- Historical statistics; historical information systems
- Historiography and historical thinking in the Middle Ages
- History and Theory of Historical Writing
- History and theory of historical sciences
- History of historical science after 1945
- History of historical studies
- History of historical writing
- Medieval and Renaissance historical writing
- Methodology of historical research
- Methods of historical research
- National Image of Spain in a Historical Perspective
- Papyrology: edition of Greek papyri and historical analysis of papyrus texts
- Representation of historical processes on map (Europe and overseas countries)
- Theory of historical knowledge
- Comparative Historiography: Contexts and Contents
- Comparative History of Polish, Czech and Hungarian Historiography, 19-20th Centuries
- Enlightenment universal history and history of historiography
- Historiography
- Historiography
- Historiography ancient and modern
- Historiography and historical thinking in the Middle Ages
- Historiography and political thought in Catalonia and the Crown of Aragon
- Historiography and the methodology of the social sciences
- Historiography of Louis XIV c.1850 – c.1950 (Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands).
- Historiography of medieval archaeology in Scandinavia
- Historiography of nation states and nationalism
- Historiography, cultural memory and the transmission of texts
- History and theory of historiography
- History of historiography
- History of historiography
- History of historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries
- History of the modern historiography of the Habsburg Monarchy
- Irish historiography
- Late Antique and Early Byzantine historiography
- Latin American historiography
- Legal historiography
- Philosophy, historiography, ethics
- Theoretical problems of historiography and history of political ideas
- Theory and history of historiography
- British colonial ideologies and reprentations of human diversity
- Dispersal of Modern Humans, and the development of 'modern' behaviour
- History and human rights
- History of human and non-human cultures
- History of science, with focus on the history of the human sciences and the sciences of the mind/brain
- Human Evolution
- Human evolution in Asia
- Human remains as heritage
- Modern and contemporary history of human rights
- Origins of modern human behaviour in southern Africa
- Comparative History of Ideas: Key Concepts
- Comparative History of Ideas: Political Languages
- History of Ideas, Concepts and Contexts, Poland and ECE, 18-20 Centuries
- History of ideas
- History of ideas
- Latin American history of ideas
- Theoretical problems of historiography and history of political ideas
- Transmission of ideas in early middle ages
- Archaeology of identities
- Comparative Nationalism-Studies: Collective Identity
- Conversion, identity, messianism and millenarianism, sainthood and mysticism
- Cultural identities
- Finnish identity history
- Identity and nationality
- Identity formation
- Identity of Byzantines and Greeks in the Middle Ages
- Nationalism and national identities
- Nationalism, Liberalism, Modernity, Identity in Poland and ECE. 19-20th Centuries
- Political and cultural origins of national identity in Europe
- Religion and identity formation in the transformation of the Roman world
- Research on identity and ethnicity
- Carolingian and European intellectual legacy
- Comparative Intellectual History: Discourses of the National Character
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early modern intellectual history
- History of Mentality of Intellectuals, 19-20th Centuries
- History of scholarship: Altertumswissenschaft in Europe in the 19 and 20 centuries, scientific correspondences intellectual networks, history of knowledge
- Intellectual and cultural history
- Intellectual and cultural history, with focus on discussions of personhood and mind-body
- Intellectual and social history of Poland and East-Central Europe, 18th-20th Centuries
- Intellectual history
- Intellectual history
- Intellectual history (1500-1800)
- Islamic intellectual history
- Modern intellectual history
- Romanian intellectual history
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Beccaria
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Crime and Criminal Justice
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of European comics
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Utopia
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of dreams
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of legal medicine
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of suicide before XIXth Century
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of the Enlightenment
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of witchcraft
- Eighteenth-century International Relations
- Global History of International Relations
- History of European international relations
- History of Early Modern European aristocracies from an international perspective
- History of international networks
- History of international relations, 1800-present
- History of the International Relations in the 19th -20th CC.
- History of the Russian Empire, domestic and international dimensions
- History of the Soviet Union, domestic and international relations
- History of the international relations
- International relations
- International relations in the 20th century
- International relations of the 19-20. centuries
- International system
- Political geography - mainly research of international boundaries
- Socio-histoire of international organizations (in particular the International Labor Organization)
- Viking Age as an international phenomenon
- 17th century Irish and British history
- Early Modern Irish history
- Economic history of Irish and Italian migration
- English and Irish demographic history
- History of Irish Jewry
- Irish Depositions of 1641
- Irish History, general
- Irish and Scottish studies
- Irish historiography
- Irish military history
- Irish soldiers in foreign armies in the early modern period
- Modern British, Irish history
- Modern Irish history
- Comparative economic history of Europe and the Islamic world
- Gender and law in Islamic societies
- Histories of the Umayyad, Abbasid and later Islamic dynasties,
- History of the Medieval Islamic West (till the 15th century)
- Islamic and Western economic and financial history from the medieval era to the present
- Islamic archaeology
- Islamic economics, comparative history of business and finance
- Islamic finance
- Islamic intellectual history
- Islamic law
- Islamic studies
- Islamic theology, ethics and law
- Jews in Islamic lands
- Political and religious legitimacy and authority in pre-modern Islamic societies
- Politics of Hindu, Christian, and Islamic fundamentalism (both medieval and modern)
- Religious beliefs and practices in pre-modern Islamic societies
- Cultural contacts of Central and Eastern Europe with Byzantium and Italy
- History of Italy
- History of ancient Italy and Roman law
- History of painting and drawing in Northern Italy between the 15th and the 18th centuries
- Language and Literature of Italy
- Libertine culture in17th century Italy
- Modern History of Italy
- Roman colonization in the Liri Valley, Italy
- Transformations of late Roman culture in Visigothic Spain, Lombard Italy and Merovingian Gaul
- Circulation of knowledge in a colonial context
- Circulation of people, goods, art and knowledge from the Southern Netherlands in the Iberian world empires (1500-1800)
- Commercial practices and knowledge (Ars Mercatoria)
- Generation of knowledge in scientific collectives
- History of knowledge
- History of knowledge and knowledge technologies
- History of knowledge in relation to state formation
- History of scholarship: Altertumswissenschaft in Europe in the 19 and 20 centuries, scientific correspondences intellectual networks, history of knowledge
- How scientific knowledge is applied
- Multimedia presentation of knowledge transfer in arts
- Non-Western knowledges of the past and ways of knowing
- Theory of historical knowledge
- Greek landscape
- Landscape archaeology
- Landscape archaeology
- Landscape management
- Landscape research of the last 4 millennia in the Altai Mountains
- Quaternary landscape and environmental history
- River landscapes
- Submerged landscapes and archaeology
- Comparative History of Ideas: Political Languages
- Cornish language history and Cornish studies
- Greek and Roman languages and culture
- Hebrew language and literature
- History of language
- Language and Literature of Italy
- Language learning and linguistic contacts in the early modern world
- City of Rome from the Republic to the Late Empire
- Classical Athens and the late Roman Republic
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- History of Commerce and Finance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- History of France from the later sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century
- History of Late Antiquity until migration
- History of Late Antiquity, with focus on social elites and administrative history
- History of Late Byzantine Chersonese (Gallipoli Peninsula)
- History of late antiquity and the early middle ages
- History of late imperial China
- History of systems, regulations, institutions and political-administrative, social, economic and religious structures of the Roman and Late Antiquity world
- History of the late Middle Ages
- Late Antique
- Late Antique and Early Byzantine historiography
- Late Antiquity
- Late Antiquity
- Late Medieval and Early Modern Muslim West (Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb)
- Late ancient history
- Late antique and early medieval hagiography
- Late medieval and early modern culture and devotion
- Late medieval and early modern history of Switzerland
- Late medieval crusading
- Late pagan and early Christian burial customs and the conversion in Denmark
- Legal culture, legislation and law manuscripts in late antiquity and the early medieval West
- Social and economic history of Europe and the Western World from the Late Middle Ages to the present
- Social and economic history of the Late Republic and the Imperial Era
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Transformations of late Roman culture in Visigothic Spain, Lombard Italy and Merovingian Gaul
- social and economic situation in late Qing Dynasty
- Aerial, naval and military relations of Germany with Spain and Portugal and with the countries of Latin America 1885-1945
- Colonial history of Latin America
- Colonial period of Latin America
- Comparative economic history of Africa, Asia and Latin America
- Comparative history: Spain/Latin America
- History of Latin America
- History of christianities, esp. Latin Church and the churches of the Syrian tradition
- History of family and gender in Latin America
- History of journalism in Latin America
- Latin America (esp. Argentina, Chile)
- Latin American Studies
- Latin American economic history
- Latin American historiography
- Latin American history of ideas
- Latin and Romance philology
- Latin and vernacular legal texts in the eary medieval West
- Latin epigraphy
- Latin philology
- Medieval Latin
- Parliamentary history in Latin America
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American history in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Gender and law in Islamic societies
- Heritage law
- History of Canon law
- History of Medieval law
- History of ancient Italy and Roman law
- History of law
- History of medicine, law and theology
- Islamic law
- Islamic theology, ethics and law
- Law
- Legal culture, legislation and law manuscripts in late antiquity and the early medieval West
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- Theory and practice of canon law
- Ancient legal history
- Comparative legal history
- Critical edition of early medieval legal texts
- Early modern and modern legal history
- History of Western legal thought
- History of property, both in restricted legal sense and in broad, cultural sense
- Intersection of legal history, social history and economic history
- Latin and vernacular legal texts in the eary medieval West
- Legal culture, legislation and law manuscripts in late antiquity and the early medieval West
- Legal historiography
- Legal history
- Roman legal and economic history
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of legal medicine
- Maritime Studies
- Maritime and underwater archaeology
- Maritime history
- Alternative medicine
- Ancient history of medicine
- Domestic medicine
- Early modern English social history, especially the history of social policy, towns, medicine and disease
- History of medicine
- History of medicine and disease
- History of medicine in East-Central Europe
- History of medicine in modern Britain
- History of medicine, law and theology
- History of medieval science and medicine
- History of welfare and medicine
- Prison medicine
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social history of forensic medicine and psychiatry
- Social history of medicine, 18th and early 19th centuries
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of legal medicine
- Ancient and medieval numismatics
- Artefact studies; medieval vernacular culture and in particular housing culture
- Conquests in Medieval Times
- Critical edition of early medieval legal texts
- Development of medieval polities and political cultures
- Early medieval archaeology in Europe
- Early medieval history
- Historiography of medieval archaeology in Scandinavia
- History of Medieval law
- History of medieval science and medicine
- History of the Medieval Islamic West (till the 15th century)
- History of the medieval mediterranean
- Importance of personal names in medieval history
- Interaction of the three religions in medieval Spain and Sicily, including the problem of Jewish (and Muslim) 'servitude'
- Islamic and Western economic and financial history from the medieval era to the present
- Late Medieval and Early Modern Muslim West (Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb)
- Late antique and early medieval hagiography
- Late medieval and early modern culture and devotion
- Late medieval and early modern history of Switzerland
- Late medieval crusading
- Latin and vernacular legal texts in the eary medieval West
- Legal culture, legislation and law manuscripts in late antiquity and the early medieval West
- Manuscript studies, especially medieval parchment fragments Hagiography and medieval saints' cults
- Medieval (Latin) paleography
- Medieval Europe
- Medieval European History, 1000-1500
- Medieval German urban history
- Medieval History
- Medieval Iberian peninsula
- Medieval Latin
- Medieval Portuguese epigraphy (9th to 15th centuries)
- Medieval and Renaissance history
- Medieval and Renaissance historical writing
- Medieval and modern history
- Medieval arms and armour (9th to 15th centuries)
- Medieval calendars
- Medieval cultural contacts
- Medieval history
- Medieval mining in the Iberian peninsula
- Medieval prophecy
- Medieval sarcophagi and graves (5th to 15th centuries)
- Medieval state formation and political culture
- Medieval studies
- Medieval studies
- Medieval thinking, perception and mentality
- Medieval/ early modern cartography
- Paleography and dipolmatics, critical editions of medieval sources
- Patristic and Medieval Studies (especially Neo-Platonist traditions)
- Portuguese Medieval Archaeology, with particular emphasis on the chronological period between the 9th and 14th centuries.
- State and perspectives of medieval studies
- Transcultural comparisons of medieval societies
- Chronology of Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean
- Coinage and finance in the ancient Mediterranean world
- Early modern Mediterranean history
- Economic, social and political history of the Mediterranean lands
- Historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th – 15th centuries
- History of religion in the ancient Mediterranean
- History of religions in Antiquity: comparative approach, cross-cultural contacts, Mediterranean dimension
- History of the medieval mediterranean
- Interconnections in the Mediterranean
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Lingua Francas
- Mediterranean communication and exchange , ca 400-900 CE
- Mediterranean history
- Mobility and control of mobility in the Mediterranean
- Protohistoric and later Mediterranean civilisations
- Transcultural trade in the Mediterranean
- Applications of archaeological survey methodologies.
- Historiography and the methodology of the social sciences
- Methodology and theory of History
- Methodology of historical research
- Methodology of history
- Methodology of the experimental sciences
- Archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- Archaeology of the Eurasian steppe in the Early Middle Ages
- Christian perception of other religions in the Middle Ages
- Economic history of the Ottoman Empire, southeastern Europe, Middle East and modern Turkey
- Europe and the Mongols in the Middle Ages
- European and global history of the Middle Ages
- Geography of the Middle East
- Historiography and historical thinking in the Middle Ages
- History of Commerce and Finance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- History of late antiquity and the early middle ages
- History of migrations, esp. in the Middle Ages
- History of the Early and High Middle Ages (5th-12th centuries)
- History of the Middle Ages
- History of the late Middle Ages
- History of the oath in antiquity and the middle ages
- Identity of Byzantines and Greeks in the Middle Ages
- Marriage and violence against women in the Middle Ages
- Middle Eastern affairs
- Middle Stone Age in Africa
- Middle palaeolithic
- Monastic history in the High Middle Ages
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Religious minorities in the Middle Ages
- Religious thinking in the Middle Ages
- Social and economic history of Europe and the Western World from the Late Middle Ages to the present
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Transmission of ideas in early middle ages
- Byzantine social and religious history, mobility and migration
- Diaspora and Migration Studies
- Economic history of Irish and Italian migration
- History of Late Antiquity until migration
- History of migrations, esp. in the Middle Ages
- History of the migrations between Europe and Russia or the USSR (1914-1945)
- History of transnational migrations
- Migration history
- Migration history: migrations in Europe and the Atlantic world, 16th to 18th centuries
- Migration studies
- Migrations and integration
- Migrations in prehistoric Europe
- Aerial, naval and military relations of Germany with Spain and Portugal and with the countries of Latin America 1885-1945
- Irish military history
- Military architecture (9th to 15th centuries)
- Military history
- Military history
- Military logistics
- Roman army/ military communities/ Hadrian's Wall
- Roman military architecture
- Roman military history
- Roman military history
- Ancient textiles in modern museum collections
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Central European history from the Early Modern period to the Present
- Churchill as early modern historian – Marlborough biography
- Cities and bourgeois life in the early modern period and the transition to the modern world
- Comparative history of Europe in the early modern period
- Comparative history of society and the family in modern Europe
- Comparative study of empires in early modern Eurasia
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Cádiz in the modern period
- Dialogue between Antiquity and Modern / Contemporary Art
- Dispersal of Modern Humans, and the development of 'modern' behaviour
- Early Modern European history, especially intellectual and cultural history
- Early Modern French History, especially Nobility and Parlements, XVII and XVIII centuries.
- Early Modern History
- Early Modern History of Southeast and East Asia
- Early Modern Irish history
- Early Modern Memory
- Early Modern War Studies, especially Thirty Years War and XVII and XVIII centuries Naval History.
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- Early modern English social history, especially the history of social policy, towns, medicine and disease
- Early modern Europe
- Early modern European history
- Early modern European history over the last twenty
- Early modern Habsburg Monarchy
- Early modern Low Countries
- Early modern Mediterranean history
- Early modern Spain
- Early modern Swedish and Scandinavian history
- Early modern and modern German history
- Early modern and modern legal history
- Early modern cultural and anthropological history
- Early modern economic and social history
- Early modern era
- Early modern history
- Early modern history of political thought
- Early modern intellectual history
- Early modern modernization of Germany and the Netherlands
- Early modern travel and exploration
- Economic history of the Ottoman Empire, southeastern Europe, Middle East and modern Turkey
- Gender and work in early modern Europe
- German society from the perspective of modernisation, industrialization, and the creation of modern Europe
- Historical geography - mainly of modern time
- Historiography ancient and modern
- History and philosophy of the modern biological sciences
- History of Commerce and Finance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- History of Early Modern European aristocracies from an international perspective
- History of early modern Europe
- History of early modern political cultures, especially in central and western Europe
- History of early modern procedures of decision making
- History of early modern state and society
- History of medicine in modern Britain
- History of the early modern period (16th century, French Revolution)
- History of the early modern world
- History of the modern historiography of the Habsburg Monarchy
- Irish soldiers in foreign armies in the early modern period
- Language learning and linguistic contacts in the early modern world
- Late Medieval and Early Modern Muslim West (Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb)
- Late medieval and early modern culture and devotion
- Late medieval and early modern history of Switzerland
- Medieval and modern history
- Medieval/ early modern cartography
- Medievalism in the modern world
- Merchant companies and urban elites in the early modern period
- Modern British Social History
- Modern British social and political history
- Modern British, Irish history
- Modern East European history
- Modern European political discovery, interpretation and representation of Imperial China
- Modern Germany
- Modern History (XVIIth-XVIIIth centuries)
- Modern History of Italy
- Modern Irish history
- Modern North American history
- Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
- Modern and contemporary Spanish history
- Modern and contemporary history of Europe
- Modern and contemporary history of human rights
- Modern democracy and the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Modern fortifications (mainly 16th to 17th centuries)
- Modern history
- Modern history of Spain
- Modern intellectual history
- News networks in Early Modern Europe
- Origins of modern human behaviour in southern Africa
- Political History of Modern Europe
- Republics and Republicanim in Early Modern Europe
- Social and cultural history of early modern England
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- War and society in Scandinavia in the early modern period
- Central European Early Modern History : Habsburg Monarchy, especially Bohemia.
- Constitutional monarchy
- Early modern Habsburg Monarchy
- Hispanic Monarchy, Europe’s first transnational, polycentric and global empire
- History of the Habsburg Monarchy from 17th to 19th century
- History of the modern historiography of the Habsburg Monarchy
- History of the postal system of the Habsburg Monarchy, 16th-18th centuries
- Iberian monarchies
- Political, administrative, financial, social and cultural history of the Habsburg Monarchy (1526-1918, esp. Early Modern Period)
- Reform Era in eighteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy
- Comparative Intellectual History: Discourses of the National Character
- Historical national income estimation
- National Image of Spain in a Historical Perspective
- National Socialism
- National mouvements
- Nationalism and national identities
- Political and cultural origins of national identity in Europe
- Danish monetary institutions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Historical culture in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe
- India in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Nineteenth century science
- Social, cultural and economic history of Europe during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- United States History in the nineteenth century
- Origins and early development of agriculture
- Origins of Homo sapiens in southern Africa
- Origins of agriculture
- Origins of animal domestication
- Origins of food production
- Origins of metallurgy
- Origins of modern human behaviour in southern Africa
- Origins of pastoralism
- Political and cultural origins of national identity in Europe
- Ancient history- hellenistic period
- Archaeology of Eurasia in the Hellenistic and Roman periods (ca. 200 BC - AD 200)
- British prehistory (particularly Scotland) from the Mesolithic to the post-Roman period
- Central European history from the Early Modern period to the Present
- Cities and bourgeois life in the early modern period and the transition to the modern world
- Colonial period of Latin America
- Comparative history of Europe in the early modern period
- Cádiz in the modern period
- Funeral rites, geometric - archaic periods
- History of American societies during the colonial period
- History of Britain and France during the period from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries
- History of the early modern period (16th century, French Revolution)
- Ireland and France in the revolutionary and Napoleonic periods
- Irish soldiers in foreign armies in the early modern period
- Merchant companies and urban elites in the early modern period
- Neolithic period
- Portuguese Medieval Archaeology, with particular emphasis on the chronological period between the 9th and 14th centuries.
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- South African writing of the colonial period
- Specialization in the period c.1500-1850.
- War and society in Scandinavia in the early modern period
- Art and political philosophy in classical antiquity
- Contemporary political philosophy (Rawls's projects and their critics)
- History and philosophy of the modern biological sciences
- Mysticism and philosophy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and theology
- Philosophy of history
- Philosophy of history
- Philosophy, historiography, ethics
- Political Philosophy, Political Theory & Analysis (esp. policy-making), Political/Diplomatic Culture
- Political philosophy
- Art and political philosophy in classical antiquity
- Cardinal Richelieu, the French church and the higher clergy generally within French political system
- Comparative History of Ideas: Political Languages
- Contemporary political philosophy (Rawls's projects and their critics)
- Development of medieval polities and political cultures
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- Early modern history of political thought
- Economic, social and political history of the Mediterranean lands
- Eighteenth century historical and political culture in France and the Anglo-American World
- Historiography and political thought in Catalonia and the Crown of Aragon
- History of English political thought till the end of Tudor era
- History of French political thought till the end of the 16th century
- History of Political Violence (20th century)
- History of early modern political cultures, especially in central and western Europe
- History of political rituals, symbols and metaphors
- History of political theory
- History of political thought
- History of political thought
- History of political thought (1500-1800)
- Interrelations between Church and political authorities/powers in the history of Western political thought
- Medieval state formation and political culture
- Modern British social and political history
- Modern European political discovery, interpretation and representation of Imperial China
- Polish political thought in the 19th-20th CC
- Political (and social) elites in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe
- Political Emotions, Revolution and Resentment, 18th Century
- Political History 20th century
- Political History of Modern Europe
- Political Philosophy, Political Theory & Analysis (esp. policy-making), Political/Diplomatic Culture
- Political and cultural history of Enlightenment
- Political and cultural origins of national identity in Europe
- Political and religious legitimacy and authority in pre-modern Islamic societies
- Political anthropology
- Political culture, Spain, 19th-20th Centuries
- Political economy of the Spanish Empire
- Political functions of mass communication
- Political geography
- Political geography - mainly research of international boundaries
- Political history
- Political history
- Political history of Belgium
- Political history of justice reforms since the 19th century
- Political philosophy
- Political systems
- Political, administrative, financial, social and cultural history of the Habsburg Monarchy (1526-1918, esp. Early Modern Period)
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Social and political configurations
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- Social, political and religious history
- Social, political, and economic history
- Social/political history
- Studies in terrorism and political violence
- Theoretical problems of historiography and history of political ideas
- British prehistory (particularly Scotland) from the Mesolithic to the post-Roman period
- Coastal prehistory
- European prehistory
- European prehistory, especially transitions to farming
- Maya prehistory and protohistory
- North African prehistory
- Prehistory
- Temperate European later prehistory
- Aerial, naval and military relations of Germany with Spain and Portugal and with the countries of Latin America 1885-1945
- Anglo-Franco-Dutch relations c.1650 – c.1750
- British-Balkan relations since the Napoleonic Wars
- British-German relations
- Christian, Jewish and Muslim relations
- Cultural relations of the southern Slavs with their neighbors
- East-West relations after 1945
- Eighteenth-century International Relations
- Franco-German relations since 1945
- Global History of International Relations
- Historical relation between politics and administration in the late 19th and the 20th centuries
- History of European international relations
- History of French-Russian relations
- History of Muslim-christian relations
- History of Polish-Jewish relations
- History of Romano-Persian relations
- History of international relations, 1800-present
- History of knowledge in relation to state formation
- History of the International Relations in the 19th -20th CC.
- History of the Soviet Union, domestic and international relations
- History of the international relations
- International relations
- International relations in the 20th century
- International relations of the 19-20. centuries
- Polish-Soviet Relations (1917/18-1991)
- Relations between Western and Eastern civilizations
- Religion-state relations: secularism and laicism
- Aegean Bronze Age, in particular Mycenaean Religion
- Ancient Greek religion
- Ancient religion
- Archaeology of religion
- Christian perception of other religions in the Middle Ages
- Comparative religion
- Greek religion and cults
- History of religion
- History of religion in the ancient Mediterranean
- History of religion/religious studies
- History of religions
- History of religions in Antiquity: comparative approach, cross-cultural contacts, Mediterranean dimension
- History of religions, esp. Jews, Christians, Muslims
- Interaction of the three religions in medieval Spain and Sicily, including the problem of Jewish (and Muslim) 'servitude'
- Religion and business
- Religion and identity formation in the transformation of the Roman world
- Religion and violence
- Religions and secularity in the West
- Science and religion
- Teaching respect of religions: analysis of phobias and religious stereotypes
- Byzantine social and religious history, mobility and migration
- Cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the early modern Ottoman Empire
- Defamation issues and incitement to religious hate
- Enlightenment and religious reform
- Ethnic and religious Minorities in Europe
- History of religion/religious studies
- History of religious deviance
- History of religious polemics
- History of systems, regulations, institutions and political-administrative, social, economic and religious structures of the Roman and Late Antiquity world
- History of the Phoenician and Punic civilizations : expansion, acculturation, religious dynamics
- Inquisition and religious (in)tolerance in the Spanish Empire (1500-1800)
- Political and religious legitimacy and authority in pre-modern Islamic societies
- Religious History
- Religious and Anthropological History of Europe
- Religious beliefs and practices in pre-modern Islamic societies
- Religious conversion
- Religious dissimulation and religious polemics
- Religious history
- Religious minorities
- Religious minorities in the Middle Ages
- Religious pluralism and tolerance in the Atlantic world, 17th to early 19th centuries
- Religious thinking in the Middle Ages
- Religious war
- Social, political and religious history
- Teaching respect of religions: analysis of phobias and religious stereotypes
- Computing of time: clocks, calendars, almanachs, people's notion of time and punctuality in the Renaissance
- European Renaissance between the 15th and the 17th centuries
- Italian Renaissance
- Medieval and Renaissance history
- Medieval and Renaissance historical writing
- Renaissance
- Renaissance studies
- City of Rome from the Republic to the Late Empire
- Classical Athens and the late Roman Republic
- Modern democracy and the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Republic of letters
- Republics and Republicanim in Early Modern Europe
- Social History of the German democratic Republic and of Eastern European communist countries
- Social and economic history of the Late Republic and the Imperial Era
- Ethnographic and ethnolinguistic field research
- History of industrial research in chemistry
- Landscape research of the last 4 millennia in the Altai Mountains
- Management of research
- Methodology of historical research
- Methods of historical research
- Political geography - mainly research of international boundaries
- Research focus
- Research on identity and ethnicity
- Theory of interdisciplinary research
- Administrative history of the Roman Empire
- Ancient Greek and Roman art
- Archaeology of Eurasia in the Hellenistic and Roman periods (ca. 200 BC - AD 200)
- Archaeology of the impact of Roman imperialism on indigenous societies
- Classical Athens and the late Roman Republic
- Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Museology - Museography - Exhibitions
- Eastern Roman Empire
- Egypt in the Roman world
- Evolution of intercontinental trade from Roman Empire to 1846
- Excavation of the Roman site of Brigetio
- Excavations of Early Iron Age / Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Early-Byzantine Architecture
- Greek and Roman languages and culture
- Greek and Roman textile history and dress practices, especially for Roman society
- Greek and Roman visual cultures
- History and archaeology of Roman Pannonia
- History and archaeology of the provinces of the Roman Empire
- History and society of the Roman Empire and provinces
- History of ancient Italy and Roman law
- History of systems, regulations, institutions and political-administrative, social, economic and religious structures of the Roman and Late Antiquity world
- History of the Holy Roman Empire and its constituent territories
- History of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation
- Iron Age and Roman archaeology
- Postcolonial approaches to the Roman Imperialism
- Religion and identity formation in the transformation of the Roman world
- Roman Africa
- Roman Britain
- Roman Greece
- Roman Syria
- Roman archaeology
- Roman army/ military communities/ Hadrian's Wall
- Roman art
- Roman colonization in the Liri Valley, Italy
- Roman cultural history
- Roman demography and population studies
- Roman economic history
- Roman emperorship
- Roman glypthics
- Roman history
- Roman history
- Roman institutional history
- Roman legal and economic history
- Roman military architecture
- Roman military history
- Roman military history
- Roman mining
- Roman monetary history
- Roman numismatics
- Roman portrait art
- Roman provincial archaeology
- Roman wall-painting
- Social and economic history of the Roman Empire
- Socio-economic history of the Roman world
- Transformation of the Roman World
- Transformations of late Roman culture in Visigothic Spain, Lombard Italy and Merovingian Gaul
- Weapons of the Roman army
- History of the Russian Empire, domestic and international dimensions
- Russian Emigration
- Russian Empire
- Russian History XIX-XX
- Russian Revolution and Civil War
- Russian and soviet history
- Russian history
- Russian studies
- Applied historical sciences
- Archaeological science: Stable isotope analyses, palaeoproteomics, materials analyses
- Archival sciences
- Art and Science
- Art and science in classical antiquity
- Beginnings of epigraphy and archaeology as sciences
- Comparative theory of the humanities and social sciences
- Emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences
- Global history of science
- Historiography and the methodology of the social sciences
- History and Pphilosophy of science
- History and philosophy of the modern biological sciences
- History and theory of historical sciences
- History of colonial science and scholarship
- History of historical science after 1945
- History of medieval science and medicine
- History of science
- History of science
- History of science, with focus on the history of the human sciences and the sciences of the mind/brain
- Methodology of the experimental sciences
- Nineteenth century science
- Public understanding of science
- Relationship of science with other areas of society and culture
- Science and film
- Science and religion
- Science and society: regulatory regimes
- Science and values
- Science,Travels and Scientific Expeditions
- Soil science
- State Sciences of 17th to 19th century Europe
- Byzantine social and religious history, mobility and migration
- Comparative theory of the humanities and social sciences
- Early modern British and Atlantic social and political history
- Early modern English social history, especially the history of social policy, towns, medicine and disease
- Early modern economic and social history
- Economic and social history
- Economic and social history
- Economic and social history of southern Ghana, especially the former Asante kingdom, 19th & 20th centuries
- Economic, social and political history of the Mediterranean lands
- Emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences
- Global economic and social history, especially economic culture, economic development, empires, slavery
- Hasidism, Jewish Enlightenment, and social history of East European Jews
- Historical demography and Danish social history 1600ff
- Historiography and the methodology of the social sciences
- History of Late Antiquity, with focus on social elites and administrative history
- History of social movements
- History of systems, regulations, institutions and political-administrative, social, economic and religious structures of the Roman and Late Antiquity world
- History of the German and the French social State 1880-1930
- INGO's and social movements
- Intellectual and social history of Poland and East-Central Europe, 18th-20th Centuries
- Intersection of legal history, social history and economic history
- Modern British Social History
- Modern British social and political history
- Political, administrative, financial, social and cultural history of the Habsburg Monarchy (1526-1918, esp. Early Modern Period)
- Political, social, constitutional and gender history of the Early and High Middle Ages
- Social History of the German democratic Republic and of Eastern European communist countries
- Social and Cultural History of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Social and cultural history
- Social and cultural history of Calvinism from the 16th to the 19th centuries
- Social and cultural history of early modern England
- Social and cultural history of medicine and society during the modern and contemporary period
- Social and cultural history of the Burgundian Netherlands (14th – 16th century)
- Social and economic history of Europe and the Western World from the Late Middle Ages to the present
- Social and economic history of the Late Republic and the Imperial Era
- Social and economic history of the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times
- Social and economic history of the Roman Empire
- Social and political configurations
- Social and political history of law and justice during the modern and contemporary period
- Social effects of war
- Social epistemology
- Social history
- Social history
- Social history of Britain
- Social history of Europe
- Social history of boundaries
- Social history of forensic medicine and psychiatry
- Social history of medicine, 18th and early 19th centuries
- Social inequality 1500 to the present
- Social movements
- Social network analysis (SNA)
- Social network theory and freedom of agency
- Social solidarity, incl. philanthropy and mutualism
- Social, cultural and economic history of Europe during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Beccaria
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Crime and Criminal Justice
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of European comics
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of Utopia
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of dreams
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of legal medicine
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of suicide before XIXth Century
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of the Enlightenment
- Social, cultural and intellectual history of witchcraft
- Social, economic and administrative of Egypt 300 BC–700 AD
- Social, political and religious history
- Social, political, and economic history
- Social/political history
- Theory of social change
- social and economic situation in late Qing Dynasty
- Archaeology of the impact of Roman imperialism on indigenous societies
- Comparative history of society and the family in modern Europe
- Evolution of early complex and urban societies
- Evolution of food producing and farming societies
- Gender and law in Islamic societies
- German society from the perspective of modernisation, industrialization, and the creation of modern Europe
- Greek and Roman textile history and dress practices, especially for Roman society
- History and society of the Roman Empire and provinces
- History of American societies during the colonial period
- History of early modern state and society
- Humanities and society
- Interactions between climate, disease (particularly plague) and society
- Metals & society during the watershed from Stone Age to Bronze Age
- Political and religious legitimacy and authority in pre-modern Islamic societies