Event website: http://www.buildingbridges-acadeuro.org
November 28th (Wednesday)#
Pre-congress meetings
At the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC, C/Carme 47) and the National Council for Research (CSIC) Residence (c/ Hospital 64)
Morning (at the IEC)
09.00 h. -18.00 h. Documents delivery
10.00 h-11.30 h Section/Class Workshops
11.30 h-12.00 h Coffee Break
12.00 h-13.00 h Section/Class Workshops (cont’d)
13.00 h-14.15 h Lunch Break
Section/Class Workshops#
— Scientific coordinator: Alexander Fidora (ICREA-UAB)Class A1#
Post-imperial Europe: The Challenge of Compartmentalization
— Chairperson: Vladimir Biti (Shanghai)
— Speakers:
Biti, Vladimir (Shanghai): Post-imperial Europe and Transborder Communities
Daković, Nevena (Belgrade): Belgrade in-between the Wars: Imperial Shadows on the Screen
D’haen, Theo (Leuven): Post- and Future-Imperial Europe(s)
He, Chengzhou (Nanjing): Theater as “an Encounter”: Jerzy Grotowski’s Cosmopolitanism
Hutchinson, Ben (Kent): Empires of the Mind: The Emergence of ‘Comparative’ and ‘World’ Literature as Imperial Structures
Larsen, Svend Erik (Aarhus): From Imperial Cracks to Post-Imperial Stress Syndromes
Lützeler, Paul Michael (Saint Louis): Robert Menasse’s Novel “The Capital”: The National Factor in the EU
Onega, Susana (Saragossa): Meeting the Challenge of Compartmentalisation: David Mitchell’s Transmodern History of the World
Class A2#
Social Sciences in Their Global Contexts
— Chairperson: Björn Wittrock (Uppsala)
— Speakers:
Mas-Colell, Andreu (Barcelona): The Economic Sciences in Global Context
Knöbl, Wolfgang (Hamburg): Developments in Sociology and Historically Orientated Social Science
Randeria, Shalini (Vienna and Geneva): Role and Relevance of Institutes of Advanced Study in Social Science Knowledge Production Today
Schnell, Izhak (Tel Aviv): The Structure of Social Space in a Global Reality: the Case of Arabs in Israel
Class B (Section B3: P&E) (this Workshop will start at 09.00 h)#
Inaugural Lectures by New Members of Physics and Engineering Sciences— Chairpersons: Muhsin Harakeh (Groningen) and Tamás Csörgő (Budapest)
— Speakers:
Sanjuán, Miguel A.F. (Madrid): Contributions to Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems
Viña, Luis (Madrid): Bose-Einstein Condensates in Semiconductor Microcavities
Krasznahorkay, Attila J. (Debrecen): On a New Light-Particle Candidate for Dark Matter in High-Energy Nuclear Transitions
Wiescher, Michael (Notre Dame): The Nucleosynthesis of First Stars
Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Nasser (Groningen): FAIR and its Impact on Science and Technology
Maj, Adam (Krakow): Exotic Shapes and Collective Phenomena in Excited Atomic Nuclei
Ordejon, Pablo (Barcelona): Frontiers in Materials Modelling
Fantz, Ursel (Garching): Large and Powerful Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions
Campbell, David J (ITER Organization): Self-organisation in Burning Plasmas
Wójs, Arkadiusz (Wroclaw): Quantum Electron Liquids and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Jajszczyk, Andrzej (Krakow): ERC Funding in Physics and Engineering
Class C#
Presentations by Newly Elected Members of Class C
— Chairperson: Alexei Verkhratsky (Manchester)
Meeting of the AE Hubs#
Chairperson: Eystein Jansen (Bergen)(At the Ramon Llull Room, 1st floor)
Meeting of the AE Board#
Chairperson: Sierd Cloetingh (Utrecht) (At the Puig i Cadafalch Room, 2nd floor)09.00 h. - 16.00 h. Meetings of the YAE. At the CSIC Residence
Afternoon (at the IEC)
1st part
15.00 h-18.00 h (for members of the AE, and from 16.30 h on also members of the YAE)
- General Assembly of the AE
- Delivering of Diplomas to the new Members of the AE and the YAE
2nd part
19.00 - 21.00 (open to the general public)
Cooperation vs. Competition. Challenges and Opportunities
- Disputantes: Hervé Moulin (Glasgow) vs. Gabrielle Demange (Paris)
- Coordinator: Salvador Barberà (UAB)
- Open discussion with the attendants
November 29th (Thursday)#
BUILDING BRIDGES 2018 (at CosmoCaixa)#
For the participants in the Congress and previously registered people from Barcelona.
See the conference website for full information.
Download the programme
(23 October, 2018)#
November 30th (Friday) #
Post-conference field trip#
(A tradition at the AE Congresses; limited to 50 people)All day; from 8.00 h until 19.00 h
- Bus to Banyoles
- Karstic area of Banyoles Lake
- Reception at the Banyoles City Hall
- Volcanic lava flows
- Lunch (with tasting of oils and wines)
- Visit to the Medieval quarter and Jewish quarter (call) of Besalú
- Bus to Barcelona
The post-conference field trip is a tradition at the AE Congresses; limited to 50 people.