Literary margins and digital media - Seminar of the Academia Europaea and the University of Wrocław #
You are welcome to have a look at the recordings of the Literary Margins and Digital Media conference sessions. The conference was held at the Faculty of Philology, Wroclaw University, on 15-17 April, 2015.
Gallery is available here

The Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Wrocław and the University of Wrocław invite you to take part in the Seminar Literary margins and digital media.
- Date: April 15-17, 2015
- Venue: Ossolineum Conference Room, Nankiera 17, 50-140 Wrocław (Poland)
- The presentations will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
- Translation will not be provided.
- Draft programme is available here
- Attendance to this event is free of charge, but registration is required at the following e-mail:
- Coffee breaks will be provided.
The interview with keynote speaker of the Seminar Literary Margins and Digital Media#
The poetry of space, sound, and installation; opportunities which e-literature offers to young audiences; technologies available to the modern poet and the cooperation in an artistic duet - we are discussing these issues with Zuzana Husárova and Ľubomír Panák in our first podcast related to the seminar Literary Margins and Digital Media .
Zuzana and Ľubomír are going to contribute to the seminar by presenting one of their poetic and audio installations that engage both body and speech. Zuzana Husárova , accompanied by Bogumiła Suwara and Gabriela Magov á , with whom she is working within the ‘Hypermedia Artefact’ grant, will also give a paper during the academic part of the event.
The interview with Zuzana Husárova and Ľubomír Panák was conducted by Mariusz Pisarski. In the following podcasts we will talk to Michael Joyce, internationally recognized author and critic of electronic literature, and the organizers of the Wrocław seminar.
The background music for the podcast is based on ‘Angel Academy’ by Matt Oukley, which is available on FreeMusicArchive. The interview is available here
The Literary Meeting with Michael Joyce, Zuzana Husárová and L’ubomír Panák#
We would like to invite you to the meeting with Michael Joyce, Zuzana Husárová and L’ubomír Panák, new media artists who will visit Wroclaw in April to participate in the Literary Margins and Digital Media conference, organised by Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Wrocław and the Faculty of Philology, Wrocław University.
- 15th of April 2015, Wednesday, 18:00-19:30
- Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Strzegomski Square 2a, Wrocław
- Host: Mariusz Pisarski
- The language of the meeting: English (no translation)
Michael Joyce and Zuzana Husárová are authors of different generations, different cultures and aesthetics, and yet there is a strong common trait in the works of both of them: it is based on revealing the archetypes of literary communication in a hybrid, post-medial landscape of genres and communicative roles. Both authors started their adventure with new media in a classic, remediating gesture, where the traits of one medium— a relevant stability of words and unidirectional, authorial message— strongly influence the digital outcome. Yet soon, as it turns out, being a writer in new media forces one to depart from the notion of the word as a single carrier of artistic expression. The word becomes something more: an expression in the original meaning of the term, a unit of discourse which can contain movement, image, sound and interaction within the programmable framework agreement of situating the body in the centre of it. The meeting with Michael Joyce and Zuzana Husárová will be an attempt to outline the history of relations between literature and new media, to ask questions about the future, and to define "marginality" and the very position between the centre and its surroundings.
Michael Joyce (the USA) is the author of the first hypertext novel, afternoon. a story (1987), translated into Polish by Radosław Nowakowski and Mariusz Pisarski, and published by Ha!art corporation. Joyce is the icon of electronic literature, yet every now and again he returns to traditional novels. During the meeting he will be talking about his most recent book, Foucault, in Winter, in the Linnaeus Garden (2015).
Zuzana Husárová and L’ubomír Panák, a duet of artists from Slovakia, have cooperated with each other for many years working on the realization of artistic projects with the use of digital technology. In the podcast related to the LMDM conference, the artists are discussing the poetic aspect of new media. At the meeting in Wrocław Contemporary Museum, the artists will present one of their digital-poetic performances.
The second podcast of Literary Margins and Digital Media - Michael Joyce interview#
The future of literature, modernism, Polish emigrants, and why it is worth putting the music of words above their meaning – Michael Joyce, poet and writer, will discuss these issues in the second podcast of the Wrocław Seminar.
Michael Joyce is a pioneer of electronic literature and the author of afternoon. a story (1987) and Twilight, a symphony (1996), which is currently being translated into Polish by Ha!art corporation. The writer will be the guest of the Wrocław Seminar Literary Margins and Digital Media, which will begin on the 15th of April 2015.
In the first part of the podcast, Michael Joyce and Mariusz Pisarski analyse the problem of the center and the margins. They also try to summarise Joyce’s literary output in the context of modernism and postmodernism. Finally, they discuss the prototypes of Polish heroes which can be found in Twilight, a symphony.
In the second part, in response to Mikołaj Spodaryk’s questions, Joyce directs us to reflections about death and strong family relationships. Secondly, he refers to immortality of Johann Sebastian Bach’s music, and finally, they talk about translatology. As it turns out, for the author, who continues the tradition of ultra-modernism, avant gard, and literary experiment, recapturing the language melody in translation is more important than adhering only to the meaning.
The interview with the writer is the second podcast from the series of ‘Techsty’ ,related to the Wrocław Seminar. In the first podcast we talked to Zuzana Husárova i Ľubomír Panák. In the third one we will talk to organizers of the Wrocław Seminar. The podcast is available here.
Download the Call for Papers

Context and rationale
Traditional elite culture is becoming increasingly marginalized, while forms of cultural expression which were seen as marginal during the first half of the twentieth century, or which, in the terminology of Bourdieu and Even-Zohar, were located at the periphery of the cultural field, have been gaining a more prominent place. The three vital factors that have played a crucial role in this phenomenon are the commercialisation of cultural life, democratic access to culture, and the development of the Internet and new media. The aim of this conference is to discuss the implications of these shifts for European literatures, and particularly for those of Central and Eastern Europe.
First, special consideration will be given to the evolution of literary genres which were until recently deemed marginal from the perspective of the traditional cultural centre, such as children’s and young adult literature, popular literature and, in recent times, electronic literature. Second, a related issue to be discussed will be ways in which literature repositions itself with regard to contemporary technological and social developments. Of interest here is not so much the question whether traditional literary culture will be displaced by new media, but rather in what manner literature reacts to these developments and retains its significance either through a symbiosis with other modes of cultural expression or by generating new genres.
- Terminology and concepts
- Do the existing terminology and traditional methods of literary analysis apply to analyzing electronic literature? Is there a need for developing new approaches?
- How does the transition from the book as an art object (‘liberature’) to electronic literature occur?
- What new genres have emerged in cyberspace?
- Crossing boundaries
- Is the division into high and low culture relevant in cyberspace? What are processes involved in textualisation of visual signs and visualisation of the text?
- How does literature exists in the nonlinguistic realm? How are the limits of language challenged?
- How do elements of subcultures move to the mainstream in the context of new media?
- Ethics
- Stealing or recycling? How to define the use of traditonal literature for digital purposes?
- What is the status of the author in cyberspace?
- What is the role of digital culture and new media in the preservartion and dissemination of national cultural heritage?
- Age and media
- How does age affect media preferences and use?
- Is the distinction between children’s literature and adult literature still valid in the context of new media?
- What forms of cultural convergence are emerging within children’s culture?
- Readers and consumers of popular culture
- How does the evolution from the reader (of traditional print literature) to the active performer or player proceed?
- What alternative forms of sharing cultural experiences have emerged thanks to social media and participatory culture?
- What are possible methods of empirical research into readers and popular culture audiences?
- Games
- Are computer games a literary genre?
- What processes are involved in turning literature into games and games into literature?
- What is the aesthetics of alternative and artistic games?
- Future: dangers & possibilities
- What is the future of translation in view of instant translation available on the Internet?
- How to promote new media literacies among children and adults?
- What may be potential applications of popular culture and media convergence in education?
- What are possible uses of games in developing media literacies?
- Remediation – a new life for historical texts?
- How is children’s publishing in Central and Eastern Europe being affected by multimedia?
- What is the influence of new media on the develpoment and status of popular literature?
APPLICATION: The registration is available at: Submit a 300-word proposal, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications by October 5, 2014. All applicants will be notified about the selection of participants before October 31, 2014.
REQUIREMENTS: Presenters are required to submit a 3,000-5,000 word description or excerpt (i.e., chapter, article, etc.) to be circulated among participants by March 1, 2015. All workshop participants are asked to read these submissions prior to the workshop. The paper should be an unpublished one. Presenters who do not meet the submission deadline will not be able to present their work.
SEMINAR LANGUAGE will be English.
FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: The organizers will cover the conference fee and the costs of accommodation (up to 4 nights), travel expenses (Western Europe – up to 100 EUR, Central and Eastern Europe – up to 150 EUR), insurance and publication.
- Irena Barbara Kalla (University of Wrocław)
- Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak (University of Wrocław)
- Dorota Michułka (University of Wrocław)
- Bogumiła Staniów (University of Wrocław)
- Bożena Czarnecka (University of Wrocław)
- Pieter Emmer (Leiden University, Academia Europaea)
- Siegfried Huigen (University of Wrocław, Academia Europaea)
- Stefan Kiedroń (University of Wrocław)
- Aleksandra Nowak (Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub)
All correspondence, including submission of proposals and final papers, must be addressed to:
Dr Aleksandra Nowak
Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Wrocław
Rynek 13, 50-101 Wrocław
tel/fax +48 71 770 20 26
mobile +48 506 388 101