
Barcelona Disputatio 2014#

Barcelona Disputation 2013

‘The Mediterranean, bridge of cultures’#

Thursday, 27 November 2014, 7pm

The Barcelona Knowledge Hub of the Academia Europaea is organising, together with the United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), a modern-day Disputatio with the participation of Maria Paradiso, Full Professor of Geography and Planning at the University of Sannio, Italy, and Enric Banda, Director of Science and Environment at the “la Caixa” Foundation and Member of the Academia Europaea, will present two views on the topic: The Mediterranean, bridge of cultures.

Maria Paradiso will speak on “The Mediterranean: Bridging, bordering, cross-bordering in a global mobile reality” and Enric Banda on “Science as a Mediterranean bridge(info)”.

On the day following the Disputatio, November 28, an Intersection Workshop takes place which will focuse on “The Mediterranean in the crossroad. Past, present and future”. This event will take place at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans and the Cosmocaixa Science Museum and will include a guided visit to an exhibition about the Mediterranean and a choral concert.

We encourage all of you to join us for these activities, discuss about the Mediterranean and discover the beautiful venue of this year’s Disputatio, The Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site.

Attendance is free, but registration is required. Click here to register.

More information:#


Francesc Cambó Room, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, Barcelona


Within the framework of the Disputatio 2014, the Barcelona Knowledge Hub and the Institut for Catalan Studies are organising the first Intersection Workshop of the Academia Europaea entitled “The Mediterranean in the crossroad. Past, present and future”. It will be a set of seven talks including speakers from diverse scientific backgrounds:

There will be a set of seven talks including speakers from diverse scientific backgrounds: Jean-Pierre Brun, University of Rennes, M. Dolors Garcia Ramon and Isabelle Anguelovski, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Alessandro Tessari, University of Padua, Marc Mayer, University of Barcelona, and Salvador Giner, Institute for Catalan Studies.

The event will take place on Friday 28th of November, from 9.30 h to 18h, in the Pere i Joan Coromines Room at the Institute for Catalan Studies and it will be followed by a guided visit to the exhibition “The Mediterranean as you’ve never seen it before” and a choral concert at CosmoCaixa Science Museum.

Visit the InterSection Workshop 2014 website. Attendance to the workshop is free but registration (e-mail to barcelona@acadeuro.org) is required.

Download the programme(info)

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