
ALLEA suspends the Russian and Belorussian Academies#

The Academia Europaea fully supports the recent decision by ALLEA to suspend the Russian and Belorussian Academies from membership of their organisation. The Academia Europaea also strongly and sincerely offers thanks to those Russian academics who have recently and publicly opposed the Putin regime’s aggression.

Read the ALLEA statement from March 4, 2022, announcing the suspension of the Belarussian and Russian Academies from their membership.

The Academia Europaea as an International, pan-European academy of elected individual scholars, have been pleased to read of those Russian scientists who recently signed an open letter of condemnation of the Putin regime’s war against the Ukraine. We recognise that they have put themselves at risk as a result of their convictions. We are especially honoured to learn that one of our members has been a leading instigator for the open letter”.

See: Chemistry World.

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