Call for Nominations for the#

Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize#

Awarded by the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with the Academia Europaea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub#

Fourth Edition: Science and Technology#

Deadline: 23rd of November 2023!#

The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize is awarded by the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub. Part of the Barcelona Science Plan, which seeks to boost the city of Barcelona as a European capital of science, the prize, featuring a significant monetary award, recognizes an outstanding researcher who has conducted her/his career primarily in Europe and at the highest international level, with a strong influence on various fields of knowledge and a positive impact on society.


Candidates for the Hypatia Prize do NOT have to be Members of Academia Europaea or even be natives of Europe, but they must have developed their research career mostly in Europe. Candidates for the Hypatia Prize are proposed anonymously by a primary nominator (Nominator 1) and require the support of a secondary nominator (Nominator 2). Nominator 1 must be either: a Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE), from any Section; a member of the Scientific Advisory Council (CAC) of the Barcelona City Council; or the CAC as a whole, represented by either its President or Secretary. Nominator 2 must be a Member of Academia Europaea, from any Section. The two Nominators must be from different countries.

About the Prize#

Prize winners are selected by an International Jury consisting of five members: two designated by Academia Europaea; two by the Barcelona City Council; and one appointed jointly by Academia Europaea and by the Barcelona City Council.

The Hypatia Prize follows a three-year cycle and rotates each year among three major areas of knowledge: Science and Technology; Life and Health Sciences; and Humanities and Social Sciences.


Submit the nomination form

Previous winners of the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize#

First edition (Science and Technology)

Hungarian mathematician László Lovász, former President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was selected for his outstanding career in the field of mathematics and for his contribution to social progress through science.

Second edition (Life and Health Sciences)

Italian virologist Ilaria Capua, Director of the One Health Center of Excellence at the University of Florida, was chosen her leadership in the promotion of open access to genetic information on emerging viruses, and for the social impact that she has made through her contributions to the multidisciplinary concept of “one health,” encompassing human, animal and environmental health.

Third edition (Humanities and Social Sciences)

American philosopher Nancy Cartwright, Director of the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS) at Durham University (UK), was selected for her contributions to philosophical research, which have resulted in a new understanding of the nature of scientific theories and of causation.

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