Cardiff Knowledge Hub Annual Report 2017#
By Professor Ole PetersenCBE FMedSci FLSW MAE ML FRS
Academic Director,
Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub
Welcome to our Annual Report 2017, highlighting our latest achievements in meeting the priorities set out in our Strategic Plan 2016-2019.
Founded in 1988, Academia Europaea is a non-governmental association, acting as a pan-European Academy. Our members are leading scientists and scholars who collectively promote research, learning and education. Our membership now numbers approaching 4000, including 75 Nobel laureates.
Academia Europaea operates through a network of regional knowledge hubs in Barcelona, Wroclaw and Bergen. Our own hub, hosted at Cardiff University, joined as the fourth in 2016. Cardiff’s world-leading research was ranked fifth for quality amongst UK universities in the last UK Research Excellence Framework and second for impact.
In 2017, the Hub set itself three major objectives for the second year of operation. Firstly, to meet our commitments in the SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) project, funded under Horizon 2020 and supporting policymaking in Europe. Secondly, to run a successful programme of Hub events. Thirdly, to continue to raise our profile, both regionally and internationally.
Sound progress was made in all of these areas, as we describe in this Report. In particular, I draw attention to the lead coordination role played by the Cardiff Hub in the Food from the Oceans project, the first evidence review report delivered by the SAPEA Consortium under the European Scientific Advice Mechanism. After extremely hard work by all staff members of the Hub, the year came to a very successful end, with the handover of the Food from the Oceans Evidence Review Report to the European Commission in Brussels on 29th November.
I would like to thank Sir John Skehel for his very active engagement as Chair of the Hub Steering Group. My thanks also to Professor Nora de Leeuw, Pro Vice- Chancellor (International and Europe), Cardiff University, for her great support.
Professor Ole H. Petersen
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