
Citizen Agora Dialogues#

The challenges of human reproduction#

21st February 2024, 18:00 to 19:30 h#

Venue: Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona, La Rambla, 115#

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81306158235?pwd=qr6p16Tue3d6xLLVmgsms019G19mMw.WrHTlrXuf2Gk32_w
Access: 937050.#

Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub organizes a new session in the Citizen Agora Dialogues series, "The challenges of human reproduction".

Human reproduction poses a series of challenges with many personal and social implications. From a biological point of view, there are cases of infertility that can hinder conception, whether due to genetic, health or environmental factors. In addition, there is the complexity of pregnancy itself, which involves physical, emotional and social changes in a woman's life. Other challenges include advances in reproductive technology, which raise ethical and moral questions around genetic manipulation and embryo selection. Human reproduction faces a wide variety of challenges that encompass both the biological and social, ethical and technological aspects.

Guest speakers#

Marc Yeste, ICREA Academia researcher and Professor of Cell Biology at the University of Girona
Rita Vassena, CEO and co-founder of Fecundis

Moderator #

Francesc Calafell, associate professor of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences at UPF

About the Citizen Agora Dialogues#

Agora, referring to the meeting place used by the citizens of ancient Greek cities for a variety of public activities, is the name of the second new series of scientific discussions introduced by the AE-BKH. Similar to the Frontiers series, Agora also promotes interdisciplinary dialogue between two experts on scientific advances that are of high social relevance and/or pose major challenges to humanity, addressing their implications from the standpoint of the social sciences, and the humanities.

However, the main aim of Agora is to boost societal engagement and the inclusion of citizen participation in scientific discussion, particularly within the Barcelona area. Thus, Agora sessions are conducted in Catalan and/or Spanish and deal with science topics closer to the interests of citizens, at a level of discussion suitable for the general public. Attendees are offered the opportunity to express their voices and participate in the discussion. Furthermore, the sessions plan to incorporate science journalists as convenors or moderators in order to attract a wider audience.

Agora sessions are grounded in science, clearly breaking away from merely subjective impressions and/or ideologically anti-scientific attitudes that involve a rejection of science. The discussions are rooted in objectivity and the scientific method and explore potential social and humanistic -including ethical and moral- implications.

For further information: aebarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat

Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub.

Download the invitation(info) (in Spanish)

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