
Barcelona Disputatio 2015#


November 21-24, 2016#

Location: Generalitat de Catalunya (a Gothic building from the 14th century), Barcelona#


Monday 21 November#

18.00 h-19.30 h. Palau de la Generalitat. Disputatio of Barcelona 2016. Topic: “Natural Life vs. Synthetic Life”. Disputantes: Anna Veiga (UPF) and Ricard Solé (UPF).

20.00 h-21.30 h. Cloister of the IEC. Concert by Lídia Pujol, “Iter Luminis”, devoted to the life and work of Ramon Llull (1232-1316).

With the collaboration of the Institute for Catalan Studies (4th concert of the year).

Tuesday 22 November#

17.00 h-20.30 h. IEC. InterSection Workshop. Topic: “What is Life? In remembrance of Lynn Margulis (1938-2011)”. (Lynn Margulis died five years ago, on Nov. 22, 2011.)

Chaired by Christophe Thébaud (Toulouse). Speakers: The Universe, by Gloria Ga. Cuadrado (Barcelona); Thermodynamics, by David Jou (UAB); Minimal Life, by Ricard Guerrero (BKH); Intelligent Life, by Mavi Sanchez-Vives (IDIBAPS); Artificial Life, by Ricard Solé (UPF); and Extraterrestrial Life, by Annia Domènech (Paris).


With the collaboration of the Catalan Society for Biology (SCB), the Catalan Institution for Natural History (ICHN) and the Catalan Society for History of Science and Technology (SCHCT).

Wednesday 23 November#

17.00 h-21.00 h. IEC. Preview screening of “Symbiotic Earth: How Lynn Margulis rocked the boat and started a scientific revolution”. A film by director John Feldman (Hummingbird Films, New York).


With the collaboration of the SCB, the ICHN and the SCHCT.

Thursday 24 November#

12.00 h-14.00 h. The Industrial School complex (carrer Urgell). Guided visit to the buildings of the Industrial School of Catalonia (1872–2016), by Jaume Rosell, UPC. The complex will be the site of the new BIST, presided by Andreu Mas-Colell.

With the collaboration of the SCHCT.

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