Frederick van der Ploeg - Selected Publications#
Detailed publication list:

Abrupt positive feedback and the social cost of carbon, European Economic Review, 67, 28-41 (2014).
Growth, renewables and the optimal carbon tax, International Economic Review, 55, 1, 283-311. With C. Withagen.
Do natural resources attract non-resource FDI?, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 95 (3), 1047-1065. With S. Poelhekke.
Absorbing a windfall of foreign exchange: Dutch disease dynamics, Journal of Development Economics, 103, 229-243. With A.J. Venables.
War and natural resource exploitation, European Economic Review, 56, 8, 1714-1729. With D. Rohner.
Too much coal, too little oil, Journal of Public Economics, 96, 1-2, 62-77. With C. Withagen.
Is there really a Green Paradox?, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64, 3, 342-363. With C. Withagen.
Natural resources: curse or blessing?, Journal of Economic Literature, 49, 2, 366-420.
Harnessing windfall revenues: optimal policies for resource-rich developing economies, Economic Journal, 121, 551, 1-30. With A.J. Venables.
Voracious tranformation of a common natural resource into productive capital, International Economic Review, 51, 2, 365-381.