
Franz Wotawa - Biography#

Franz Wotawa received a M.Sc. in Computer Science (1994) and a PhD in 1996 both from the Vienna University of Technology.

He is currently professor of software engineering at the Graz University of Technology and Dean of the Computer Science Faculty. Since the founding of the Institute for Software Technology in 2003 to the year 2009 Franz Wotawa had been the head of the institute. His research interests include model-based and qualitative reasoning, theorem proving, mobile robots, verification and validation, and software testing and debugging.

Currently, Franz Wotawa works on applying model-based diagnosis to software debugging and automated test-case generation as well as on program repair. Beside theoretical foundations he has always been interested in bringing research into practice. For this purposes he founded Softnet Austria in 2006. During his career Franz Wotawa has written more than 200 papers for journals, books, conferences, and workshops. He supervised 56 master and 21 PhD students. Franz Wotawa has been member of the a various number of program committees and organized several workshops and special issues of journals. He is a member of IEEE Computer Society, ACM, AAAI, the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), and the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence.
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