
John Tucker - Curriculum vitae#


University of Bristol, 1973-1976

  • 1974 MSc in Mathematical Logic and Foundationsof Mathematics and Computer Science
  • 1977, PhD in Mathematical Logic

Supervised 16 PhD students. Samples: K Meinke (now Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm); S Eker (now SRI International); N Harman & V Wang (Swansea U.); M Poole (Portsmouth U.); K Johnson (INRIA Centre Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique). Iin Uppsala Tucker helped supervise the thesis of Prof. Parosch Abdulla.

Tucker founded 3 new journals and 2 book series: Tracts in Theoretical Computer Sc. (Cambridge UP) and History of Computing (Springer). He is board member of two publishing companies. Tucker has given invited lectures and courses at many conferences and summer schools (3 Marktoberdorf, BRICS, EU Projects, CiE, EPSRC, NATO, ICALP, ASL, Swedish Nat. Research School). He created a 5-year programme of public debate on science in Wales through the Institute of Welsh Affairs. Was advisor and evaluator on EU projects (FP3,4), chair appointments, promotions, grant proposals, PhDs (21), degree courses, and prizes, and on numerous PCs.

In the 1990s, Tucker developed equational specification methods for (1) micro-processors (13 papers), later used by A Fox to prove in record time the correctness of ARM6 - the first verification of a COT processor; (2) 3D graphics (7 papers) [4]; and (3) algorithmic models of non-linear systems, incl. the first study of multi-scaling in whole-heart modelling with A Holden (1996) [5]. He created the British Colloquium on Theoretical Computer Science in 1985, was Chair for the first 8 years.

He was founding editor of Cambridge Tracts in TCS (1985); a new Springer series on History of Computing (2008) and Managing Editor of J. of Logic and Algebraic Programming. Also on Editorial Board of leading journals: Editorial Board of leading journals: Sci. of Comp. Prgr., Formal Aspects of Computing Sc., JAL.
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