
Paul Spirakis - Curriculum vitae#

Full CV(info)

Born 1955 in Greece.


Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Computer Science) Harvard University, December 1981. Official degree date: March 1982, Title: Probabilistic Algorithms, Algorithms with Random Inputs and Random Combinatorial Structures. Advisor: John H. Reif.

S.M. in Applied Mathematics (Computer Science) Harvard University, June 1979.

Electrical Engineering Diploma. (National Tech. University of Athens); Grade: Excellent; Athens, Greece, June 1978.

Professional Experience:

Research: Senior Researcher of the Computer Technology Institute of Greece from July 1985 up to now. Associate Professor (tenured) of the Computer Science and Engineering Dept. of Patras University, Greece, from July 1985 to October 1990. Full Professor of the same University from October 1990 to today.

Assistant Professor in the Courant Inst. of Math. Sciences, New York University, from September 1982 up to 1987 , tenure track position. Paul Spirakis passed succesfully the 3rd year tenure review process.

Post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University, (Feb. 82 to Sept. 82). Research in distributed systems, probabilistic algorithms, parallel algorithms and performance of database concurrency control.

Research Assistant, Harvard Univ., June 81-June 82. Research in probabilistic algorithms, probabilistic methods in combinatorics, distributed systems, synchronization.

Research Assistant, Harvard Univ., June 80-June 81. Research in distributed systems, graph theory, performance of database concurrency control, computer networks.

Research Assistant, Harvard Univ., June 79-June 80. Research in efficient algorithms with random inputs, queueing theory.

Consulting and Programming (partial list): Evaluator and Panel Member of the ERC IDEAS Programme since 2009; Projects Reviewer of the ISF (Israel Science Foundation) Spring 2007; Senior Consultant of the Greek Lottery Organization (OPAP AE) since 1999; Consultant of the Greek State in Informatics in Education, Health, Commercial Naval applications and Information Society; Member of the Executive Council of the State Firm "National Network of Research and Technology SA” , under auspices of the Ministry of Industry , Sept 98 to June 99;NATO Research evaluator , Spring 96; many similar consulting/evaluating tasks also before 1996, not listed here for space reasons, such as ESPRIT II Evaluator, January 90; or even earlier: Author of the study for the Greek Computerized ID system (Ministry of Interior, 1987).

Member of the New York Academy of Sciences since Jan. 1995, Member of the Algorithms & Theory Committee of IFIP since March 1989, Voting Member in Association for Computing Machinery. SIGACT (Special Interest Group on Automata and Computation Theory), SIGMETRICS (Special Interest Group on Performance Analysis of Computer Systems), EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science), AMS (American Mathematical Society) , the MAA ( Math Assoc of America) , the Greek Tech. Chamber and the Greek Computer Society, Voting Member IEEE.

Editor in Journals
  • Area Editor in various Lemmata in the Encyclopedia of Algorithms, 2008.
  • Editor of the 2006 WINE (Internet and Network Economics) volume , LNCS, Springer
  • Editor of the 2006 ACM SPAA Volume
  • Co-Editor of the IPDPS 2006 Volume
  • Editor of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3560/05: Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems. *Co-Editors: V. Prasanna, S. Iyengar, M. Welsh. ISBN 3-540-26422-1
  • Area Editor in JPDC (J Parallel and Distributed Computing)
  • Co-editor of TCS 291(1) 2003 with Shay Kutten
  • Co-editor of the ICALP 2001 volume (LNCS Springer Verlag)
  • Editor of the Volume 30, 1, 1997 of the Theory of Computing Systems Journal, Springer - Verlag
  • Editor of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Sept. 1995 "Algorithms", for the ESA 1995 conference (LNCS Springer Verlag).
  • Editor of the 1996 SIROCCO volume with N Santoro
  • Editor of the journal "Theoretical Computer Science"
  • Editor of volume 277, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, "VLSI Algorithms and Architectures", Springer-Verlag, with F. Makedon, K. Mehlhorn, T. Papatheodorou.
  • Editor of the volume 579 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer Verlag) of the proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG 91) with S. Toueg and L. Kirousis
  • Editor in the Algorithms Review Journal.
  • Editor in the Computational Geometry Journal (Theory and Applications) of Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Editor of The Parallel Processing Letters (PPL) journal.
  • Editor of the Mathematical Systems Theory (MST) journal now called Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS).
  • Editor of the volume 865 of TCSA (Theoretical Computer Science Algorithms) of the ESA 95 best papers (1998).
  • Co-editor of the DISC 98 best papers volume in Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) journal.


Paul Spirakis has participated in 39 projects since 1983 and has won three grants for beeing the principal investigator and one for beeing a member of the research team.

On-going projects:

Paul Spirakis is the CTI scientific leader of the FP6 EU FET Global Computing II Integrated project AEOLUS, which started on Sep/2008 and will last for 4 years.

Paul Spirakis leads the PENED GGET/Greece scientific project Algorithmic and Evolutionary Game Theory, which started on July/2005 and will last for 3 years.

Paul Spirakis is the Scientific Coordinator of the FP7 EU FET Proactive project FRONTS, which started on Feb/2008. The project will last 3 years and is about Foundations of Adaptive Networks of Tiny Artefacts.

Honors and Awards
  • Fifth (among 50 competitors) in the Postdoctoral and junior faculty research competition in Mathematical Research, IBM Math. Sci. Dept. March 82).
  • The First Prize (among students of all over Greece), Greek Mathematics Society, May 1973.
  • Elected unanimously as Member of the Board of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) in July 1997 in Bologna Italy.
  • Appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Scientist of Max Planck Informatik (MPI) in Germany, for the Fall of 2001.
  • Conference Chair of STOC 2001 and Global Chair of ICALP 2001.
  • Awardee of a prize for the Keynote speech in the 2001 High Performance Computing Conference, Hyderabad India Dec 2001.
  • Elected unanimously as one of the two vice -Presidents of the Council of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science(EATCS), in July 2002 in the ICALP that took place in Malaga Spain.Re-elected in the same position unanimously , in ICALP 04 , in the ICALP that took place in Turku , Finland. *Re-elected in the same position unanimously , in ICALP 2006 , which took place in Venice , Italy.
  • Co-author of a distinguished paper in EUROPAR 2003.
  • Appointed Member of ISTAG ( Information Society Technologies Advisory Group),which is a honorary group of 40 experts from Europe, aiming at designing future European Research in Information Technology.Since Jan 03.
  • Best presentation co-awardee of the Poster " A software tool for Distributed Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks" with T. Komninos , Y.C. Stamatiou, E. Valeontis and H. Yannakopoulos , in the 2004 ACM PODC Conference.
  • Acknowledged between the top 50 scientists worldwide in Computer Science with respect to "The best Nurturers in Computer Science Research" , published by B. Kumar and Y.N. Srikant , SIAM Data Mining , 05.
  • Scientific Chair of the 2005 ACM Conference "Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) ". SPAA is the top Conference in Foundations of parallelism.
  • Scientific Chair of IPDPS 06.
  • Scientific Chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2006).
  • Conference co-chair of ICALP 2009.
  • Scientific Leader of the project and its result (e-Voting System PNYKA) that got the First Prize in the Pan-European Competition for Open Source non-commercial e-Voting Systems. The competition was conducted by the Internet Foundation of Austria (IFA) and its Competence Center for e-Voting and participation. August 2008.
  • Member of the ACM Europe Task Force , from 2008 on.Now called ACM Europe Council.
  • Member of the Panel for ERC/IDEAS for Senior Scientists , 2009.
  • Co-author of a paper that got the Gold Creative Showcase Award in the 5th ACM Conference on Advances in *Computer Entertainment Technology , ACE 2009.
  • Deeply honoured by the article of Professor Richard Lipton "Rumors and Playing Games" in his Web page, about the joint work with Haralampos Tsaknakis "A Graph Spectral Approach to Computing Approximate Nash Equilibria" in ECCC TR09-096.
  • Recipient of a Technology Excellence Award , as a Technology Pioneer, in the Technology Excellence Awards 2009 of the PC magazine (Greek Edition) and T3 , April 2010 , Volume 4 of the PC Magazine.
  • Scientific Chair of Track A (Algorithms) in ICALP 2010.
  • Invited Plenary Lecturer in the Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI) in July 2010 in Hong Kong . P. Spirakis lectured on Bimatrix Games and Indefinite Quadratic Programs.
  • Member of Academia Europaea since October 2010.

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