
Ricard Solé - Selected Publications#

JM Montoya, S. Pimm and R. Solé. 2006 Ecological networks and their fragility Nature 442, 259-264.

R. Solé and J.Bascompte. 2006 Self-organization in Complex Ecosystems. Princeton U. Press (Monographs in Population Biology). Princeton.

R. Solé, S. Rasmussen and M. Bedau, editors. 2007 Towards the artificial cell, special issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

S. Regot, J. Macia, N. Conde, T. Peeters, F. Kentaro, S. Hohmann, E. de Nadal, F. Posas, R. Solé. 2011 Distributed Biological Computation with Multicellular Engineered Networks Nature 469, 207-11.

R. Solé, 2012. Phase transitions Princeton U.Press.

J Macía, F Posas and R Solé 2012. Distributed computation: the new wave of synthetic biological devices. Trends in Biotechnology, 30(6), 342-349

R Solé and S Valverde, 2013. Before the Endless Forms: Embodied Model of Transition from Single Cells to Aggregates to Ecosystem Engineering. PloS one, 8(4), e59664

R. Solé, 2015. Bioengineering the biosphere? Ecological Complexity 22, 40-49.

R. Solé 2016. Synthetic transitions: towards a new synthesis. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B

A. Ollé-Vila, S Duran, N Condee, R Montañez and R. Solé 2016. Design principles for synthetic organs and organoids: the possible and the actual. Integrative Biology 8, 485 - 503

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