
Arnold Smeulders - Publications#

The total number of citations 14200 with an h-index of 47. H-factor since 2008 is 32. Cites in 2012 were 1580.

These two papers brought early recognition in visual search:
  • Content Based Image Retrieval at the End of the Early Years, AWM Smeulders, M Worring, S Santini, A Gupta, R Jain. IEEE trans Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence 22, 1349-1380, 2000. Cited 4694 times.
  • Color-Based Object Recognition, Theo Gevers, AWM Smeulders. Int Journal Pattern Recognition Artificial Intelligence 32, 453-464, 1999. Cited 636 times.

These current papers give an impression of the current performance. The first one is first prices regularly won in the major international competitions on visual search algorithms.
  • The MediaMill TRECVID 2009 Semantic Video Search Engine, CGM Snoek, KEA van de Sande, O de Rooij, B Huurnink, JRR Uijlings, M van Liempt, M Bugalho, I Trancoso, F Yan, M Tahir, K Mikolajczyk, J Kittler, M de Rijke, JM Geusebroek, T Gevers, M Worring, DC Koelma, AWM Smeulders, Proc TRECVID Workshop, 2009. Cited 295 times.
  • Visual word ambiguity, JC van Gemert, CJ Veenman, AWM Smeulders, JM Geusebroek. IEEE trans Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence 32, 1271 - 1283, 2010. Cited 235 times.

This is an old paper still being cited on how to represent a straight line on a grid.
  • Discrete Representation of Straight Lines, L Dorst, AWM Smeulders. IEEE trans Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence 6, 450-463, 1984. Cited 184 times.

This is work on the theory of active learning with illustration on the visual classification of written numbers
  • Active Learning Using Pre-Clustering, HT Nguyen, AWM Smeulders, Proc Int Conf Machine Learning, 623-630, 2004. Cited 181 times.

This is work on the best algorithm for Gaussian filtering.
  • Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering, JM Geusebroek, AWM Smeulders, J van de Weijer, IEEE trans Image Processing, 12, 938-943, 2003. Cited 162 times.

These two papers are recent work on object classification from images without any help other than the bit content of the image.
  • What is the Spatial Extent of an Object?, JRR Uijlings, AWM Smeulders, RJH Scha, IEEE Conf Computer Vision Pattern Recognition, 2009. Cited 40 times.

This one won a best paper award.
  • Real-Time Bag of Words, Approximately, JRR Uijlings, AWM Smeulders, RJH Scha, Proc ACM Int Conf Image Video Retrieval, 2009. Cited 70 times.
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