
Arnold Smeulders - Biography#

Arnold Smeulders received an M.Sc from Delft Technical University in Physics in 1977 in computer vision, and in 1983, a PhD from the Medical Faculty of Leyden University on the topic of visual pattern analysis. Subsequently, he was associated professor in medical image analysis at the VU University Amsterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 1989, he moved to Amsterdam to become part-time full professor of biological information processing and part-time associated professor in computer science. In 1994, he became full professor in computer science, multimedia information analysis and computer vision. Since 2011, he is director of COMMIT, housed at CWI the national research center, and still part-time full professor in image search engines at the University of Amsterdam.

He leads the ISIS-group in the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam with 60 PhD students over the years from all over the world, conducting research in the theory and practice of computer vision, visual learning machines, and pictorial semantics. ISIS’s video search engine has been in the top 3 uninterrupted since 2006 of TRECvid, the international competition with many participants. ISIS has an extensive record of co-operations with Dutch and international industry and academia, such as SRI, UCD and KACST. In the six-year review of computer science research by international peers, ISIS came out best in 2003 and 2009, sharing the maximum score “excellent” with few groups in the Netherlands.

He is a past associated editor of the IEEE trans PAMI, the IEEE trans MM, and Cytometry. He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision. He is fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition and an honorary member of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. In 1987, he received a Fulbright scholarship at Yale University. He was visiting professor at the City University Hong Kong, ETL Tsukuba Japan, Modena University, the University of Cagliari, and the University of Florida. He was chair of the IEEE Conference on Multimedia 2005 in Amsterdam, and of the ACM Conference on Multimedia in Florence in 2010, and will be chair of ECCV in 2016 in Amsterdam. In 2010 he co-founded a university spin-off, Euvision http://www.euvt.eu.

Summary of recent recognitions
  • Principal Investigator COMMIT, NL, 100 Meuro, 2012-2016.
  • Principal Investigator MultimediaN, NL, 32 MEuro, 2004-2008.
  • Principal Investigator VidiVideo, EU - Strep 2007-2010.

  • Best paper ACM CIVR 2009 with Jasper Uijlings, Remko Scha, 2009.
  • Best paper ACM CIVR 2010 with Xirong Li, Cees Snoek, 2010.
  • Keynote at CIVR, London, 2002. at ACM-MIR on multimedia search, Augsburg, 2007. at CAIP on visual search, Vienna, 2007. at ICIAP on computer vision, Modena, 2007. at ESA-workshop on visual search engines, Varese Italy, 2011. at EU-Workshop on cultural heritage, Varese Italy, 2011. at KACST on visual search, Riyadh 2011. at Hebrew University Jerusalem on visual security learning, 2011. at farewell lectures for Bob Duin on a priori knowledge, 2011. at opening of DOME, the astronomy research institute, 2012, with Peter Apers. at SOFSEM, Špindlerův Mlýn,Czech Republic, 2013, with Cees Snoek.
  • Tutorial IEEE Int Conf Comp Vision Rio de Janeiro 2007, with Theo Gevers. IEEE Comp Vision Patt Recognition Miami 2009, with Theo Gevers. IEEE Int Conf Comp Vision Kyoto 2009, with Theo Gevers and Cees Snoek. IEEE Comp Vision Patt Recognition San Fransisco, 2010, with T. Gevers, C. Snoek. Tutorial IEEE Int Conf Comp Vision Barcelona, 2011, with Theo Gevers and Cees Snoek. Tutorial IEEE EU Conf Comp Vision Florence, 2012, with Theo Gevers and Cees Snoek. Tutorial ACM MM Florence, 2010, with Cees Snoek. Tutorial on tracking and detection, Int Summerschool Modena, 2011 and 2013.
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