
Alenka Šelih#

Short laudatio by Joseph Straus#

Alenka Šelih has been a leading figure in criminal law not only in her own country but has been highly regarded by colleagues Europe and worldwide. She has engaged herself especially in areas of high sensitivity for society, and has greatly contributed to a better understanding of social implications of the system of punitive law. Her research and organizational skills and profound knowledge on human rights are highly recognized among her colleagues.

In fields of her activities, Prof. Selih was in the 60s the first to analyze the problem of the victim within criminal law; in the 70s she drew attention to the problem of protection of privacy within criminal law; in the 80s she dealt with the problem of children's rights and drew attention to the problem of violence against children as a hidden problem within society and within criminal law. In her work, she has dealt with the problems of criminal sanctions, especially the alternatives to imprisonment. She is the co-author of the most comprehensive presentation of this area of law in Slovenia. Its analytical and systematic approach has been very well received by critics and enjoys great esteem in legal as well as criminological community ("The System of Substantive Criminal Law, co-authored with L. Bavcon (editions of 1978, 1987, 1996), later on joined by further co-authors for the additions of 2003 and 2009. In her recent work, A.S. especially emphasizes the need for preserving the level of protection of human rights in criminal law when this is being confronted with the demands for safety of society. In 2001, she took it as her duty as a female researcher to initiate and later edit a project on life and work of women in the second half of the XIX and the first half of the XX. Century in Slovenia who have had an impact on the arts, science or public life.

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