
Ole Misund - Major Publications#

Haug, T., Røttingen.I, Gjøsæther, H. and Misund, O.A. 2009. Fifty years of Norwegian – Russian collaboration in marine research. Marine Biology Research, 5(1): 1-3. (1)

Skjoldal, H.R. and Misund, O.A. 2008. Ecosystem Approach to Management: Definitions, Principles and Experiences from Implementation the North Sea. In The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, Bianchi, G. and Skjoldal, H.R. (eds)., CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 209-227.

Nøttestad, L., Misund, O.A, Melle, W., Ulvestad, B.K.H. and Orvik, K. 2007. Herring at the Arctic front: influence of temperature and prey on their spatio-temporal distribution and migration. Marine Ecology- An Evolutionary Perspective, 28, 123-133 (0)

Misund, O.A., Torrissen, O.J., Bjordal, Å., Moksness, E., Lønne, O.J. and Toft, K.Ø. 2007. A reorganized Institute of Marine Research, Norway, to meet the requests for ecosystem approach in science, surveillance and management advice. Proceedings from the 5th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, 2004, (accepted)

Misund, O.A. 2007. Review of Von Brandt’s Fish Catching Methods of the World. Ed. By Gabriel, O., Lange, K., Dahm, E. and Wendt, T. Fish and Fisheries, (accepted)

Kvalsvik.K, Huse. I., Misund, O.A., Gamst, K. 2006. Grid selection in the North Sea industrial trawl fishery for Norway pout: Efficient size selection reduces bycatch. Fish. Res. 77, 248-263. (2)

Misund, O.A. and Skjoldal, H. 2005. Implementing the ecosystem approach: experiences from the North Sea, ICES and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, MEPS, 300, 260 – 264. (4)

Misund, O.A., Luyeye, N., Boyer, D., Coetzee, J., Cloete, R., Dalen, J. and Oechslin, G. 2005. Near surface behaviour of sardinella schools. African J.Mar.Sci., 27: 169 – 176.

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