
Ole Arve Misund – Short CV (2011)#

Since 2000 Ole Arve Misund has had a leading role in Norwegian Academia through the post as a Research Director at Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway. IMR is among the largest marine research institutes in Europe with about 700 employees (see http://www.imr.no), and the central advisory body to Norwegian authorities concerning management of living marine resources and the marine environment in waters of Norwegian jurisdiction.

From 2000 – 2003 Ole Arve Misund was in charge of the Centre of marine Environment of IMR, from 2004 – 2007 he was in charge of the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and North Sea programs, and since 2007 he has been responsible for programs and projects of IMR, and had the position as Deputy Director. During the years 2002 – 2007 IMR went through a complete reorganisation to a modern, project oriented research and advisory institute, and Ole Arve Misund had a leading role in this process, and reported regularly to the Board and the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs.

Internationally Ole Arve Misund has had leading roles in fisheries science as an elected Chairman of International Council of the Exploration of The Sea (ICES) Fishing Technology Committee 1999 – 2001. Since 2004 he is an alternate member of the European Science Foundation Marine Board. Ole Arve Misund has lead the Science Group of the Joint Norwegian – Russian Fisheries Committee since 2005.

Ole Arve Misund has been a scientist at IMR from 1990, and he worked with ORSTOM (now IRD), France, in 1992. His specialities are fisheries technology, abundance estimation of fish, and fish behaviour. He has published about 50 scientific articles, several books and book chapters, and given many presentations (about 25 a year the last 10 years).

Ole Arve Misund has supervised 4 master students as an external supervisor at University of Bergen, and 1 master student at University of Cape Town, and been an external adviser to 3 students to the degree of Dr. Scient at University of Bergen.

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