
Stephen Mennell#

Download the list of publications(info) and visit http://www.stephenmennell.eu./publications/index.php.

Books: Authored and co-authored#

The American Civilising Process. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007. 388 pp.

The Course of Human History: Economic Growth, Social Process, and Civilization. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1996, 156 pp. (Co-authors: E.L. Jones and J. Goudsblom.) [Heavily revised version of Human History and Social Process]

The Sociology of Food: Eating, Diet and Culture. London: Sage/International Sociological Association, 1993, viii + 156 pp. (Co-authors: Anne Murcott and Anneke H. van Otterloo.)
Also published as Current Sociology 40 (2) 1992: iii–152.
Also published in Croat: Prehrana i kultura: Sociologija hrane. Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Hravatsko sociološko društvo, 1998, 158 pp.

Norbert Elias, Civilisation and the Human Self-Image. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989, xiv + 319 pp.
Paperback edition, under title Norbert Elias: An Introduction and with an Afterword covering Elias’s last works, 1992, xiv + 339 pp.; reissued, Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 1998.

With E.L. Jones and J. Goudsblom, Human History and Social Process. (Exeter Studies in History) Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1989, 151 pp. (Own contributions: ‘Introduction: Bringing the Very Long-Term Back In’, pp. 1– 10, and Chapter 6, ‘Short-Term Interests and Long-Term Processes: the Case of Civilisation and Decivilisation’, pp. 93–127.)

All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985, xii + 380 pp. Second edition, with new Afterword, Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1996.

Also translated as:
Français et Anglais à Table. Paris: Flammarion, 1987, 532 pp.
Die Kultivierung des Appetits. Frankfurt: Athenäum Verlag, 1988, 496 pp.
Smaken Verschillen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 1989, 523pp. [With new introductory essay: ‘Voorspel: eten in de Lage Lande’, pp. 15– 29]
Shokutaku no Rekishi. Tokyo: Chuokoron-Sha, 1989, 542 pp.

With F.M.M. Lewes, Leisure, Culture and Local Government: A Study of Policies and Provision in the City of Exeter. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1976, 75 pp.

Cultural Policy in Towns. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1976, 166 pp.

Also translated as: Politique culturelle dans les villes. Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1976, 186 pp.
Stedelijk cultuurbeleid. Brussel: Ministerie van Nederlandse Cultuur, 1976, 173 pp.
Kulturpolitik in Städten. Wien: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst, 1977, 230 pp.
Kaupunkikulttuurin Kuva. Helsinki: Suomen Kaupunkiliitto, 1977, 70 pp.
Politica Cultural en las Ciudades. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 1978, 234 pp.
Kulturna Politika u Gradovima. Beograd: Zavod za Proucavanje Kulturnog Razvitka, 1982, 134 pp.

Sociological Theory: Uses and Unities. London: Thomas Nelson, and New York: Praeger, 1974. 189pp.
Second Edition, extensively revised, London: Nelson, 1980. xi + 191 pp.

Books: Edited#

With Eric Dunning, Norbert Elias (Sage Masters of Modern Social Thought). London: Sage, 2003, 4 vols: I: xxxvii + 334 pp.; II: 406 pp.; III: + 391; IV: 385 pp.

With Johan Goudsblom, The Norbert Elias Reader: A Biographical Selection. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. xii + 295 pp.

With Johan Goudsblom, Norbert Elias on Civilisation, Power and Knowledge. Heritage of Sociology Series, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, x + 302 pp.

With John Rundell, Culture and Civilisation: Classic Essays. London: Routledge, 1998, viii + 248 pp.

Lettre d’un pâtissier anglois et autres contributions à une polémique gastronomique du XVIIIe siècle. Exeter French Texts LII, Exeter: University of Exeter, 1981, xxxi + 65 pp.

With John Stone, Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy, Revolution and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980, 390 pp. (Heritage of Sociology series. Edited with an Introduction [pp. 1–46]

Partial translation into Spanish: Alexis de Tocqueville: Revolucion y sociedad. San José, Libro Libre, 1987, 144 pp. (Pirate edition)

Translation into Bahasa Indonesia: Alexis de Tocqueville: Tentang Revolusi, Demockrasi, dan Masyarakat. Jakarta: Freedom Institute, 2005. 410 pp.

With Barbara Mennell, Explorations in Cultural Policy and Research/Réflexions sur la politique culturelle et la recherche. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1978, 92pp.

Collected Works of Norbert Elias: General Editor#

The Collected Works are to be published in 18 volumes, to be completed in 2012.

Volumes published to date

1 Early Writings, edited by Richard Kilminster (Dublin: UCD Press, 2006). xx + 136 pp.

2 The Court Society, edited by Stephen Mennell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2006). xvi + 331 pp.

4 The Established and the Outsiders, edited by Cas Wouters (Dublin: UCD Press, 2008). xx + 244 pp.

6 The Loneliness of the Dying AND Humana Conditio, edited by Alan and Brigitte Scott (Dublin: UCD Press, 2009). xxii + 250 pp.

7 Quest for Excitement, by NORBERT ELIAS and ERIC DUNNING, edited by Eric Dunning (Dublin: UCD Press, 2008). xvi + 320 pp.

8 Involvement and Detachment, edited by Stephen Quilley (Dublin: UCD Press, 2007). xvi + 252 pp.

9 An Essay on Time, edited by Steven Loyal and Stephen Mennell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2007). xvi + 172 pp.

14 Essays I: On the Sociology of Knowledge and the Sciences, edited by Richard Kilminster and Stephen Mennell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2009). xxviii + 316 pp.

15 Essays II: On Civilising Processes, State Formation and National Identity, edited by Richard Kilminster and Stephen Mennell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2008). xxii + 288 pp.

16 Essays III: On Sociology and the Humanities, edited by Richard Kilminster and Stephen Mennell (Dublin: UCD Press, 2009). xxiv + 312pp.

Volumes in advanced preparation

10 The Society of Individuals, edited by Robert van Krieken (Dublin: UCD Press, forthcoming autumn 2010

Volumes in press

12 Mozart, and Other Essays on Courtly Culture, edited by Eric Baker (Dublin: UCD Press, forthcoming summer 2010).

Supplementary volume

The Genesis of the Naval Profession. Dublin: UCD Press, 2007, edited with an Introduction by René Moelker and Stephen Mennell, the editors. xii + 172 pp.

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