
Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger#

Short laudatio by Reinhard Selten#

Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger is considered as belonging to the upper 5% of researchers in business administration, combining methods from computer simulation, statistics and operations research.

She is editor in chief of THE journal in that area, and has built around her a group of right now more than 30 researchers.

In addition to being a top researcher, Loepold-Wildburg brings unbounded energy to organizing symposia, participating in important bodies, and the like. She was on the board of governors of Graz University of Technology for four years, was asked to become president of the University of Klagenfurt/ Austria, but declined, and is now debating whether to accept the offer of vice-president research at another major Austrian University.

Leopold-Wildburg has established operations research with a solid dose of mathematics, statistics and computer science in an almost unique fashion in Austria and has received much international recognition. She is also responsible to a large degree for merging some areas of natural sciences at the University of Graz with the ones at Graz University of Technology, something no other two universities in Austria have managed so far: pooling of research and teaching potential.

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