
Maurizio Lenzerini - Biography#

Maurizio Lenzerini graduated in Computer Engineering in 1980 at La Sapienza. Since 1990 he is a full professor at La Sapienza. He was the chairman of the Bachelor Program in Computer Engineering from 1993 to 2000, and the chairman of the PhD Program in Computer Science and Engineering from 2002 to 2008. He is the current chairman of the PhD School in Information and Communication Technologies.

Since 1987 he has been leading a research group that is considered worldwide one of the top research groups in the above areas. He is currently a member of the Editorial board of several International Journals. He has been regularly a member of the Program Committee of the most important international conferences in the areas of interest. He was the Program Chair of many international conferences, and he organized several scientific international conferences and workshops. He has been a member of the following Steering Committees of scientific events or associations. He is currently the Chair of the Executive Committee of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. He has delivered several Keynote Speech at the major conference of the areas of interest, including the Principles of Database Systems (2002), Logic in Computer Science (2002), International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2003).

Maurizio Lenzerini has a wide teaching and academic experience. In the last three decades he has taught a huge number of courses at the Università di Roma La Sapienza, both at the under-graduate and the graduate level, on Software Engineering, Formal Methods, Data Management, and Knowledge Representation. He has also taught PhD courses worldwide, and has organized several international PhD schools. He has supervised a large number of PhD students. All of them are carrying out a brilliant research career, both in academia and in industry. Many of them now hold academic positions in Europe.

Maurizio Lenzerini is currently a member of the Editorial board of: Information Systems, Journal of Applied Logic, IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering, Logical Methods in Computer Science, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Journal of Web Service Research, and Journal of Algorithms in Cognition, Informatics and Logic.

Maurizio Lenzerini has been invited to serve as Program Chair for various international conferences, including PODS 2008, ICDT 2003, and CoopIS 1999. He has been a member of the Steering Committee of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, the International Conference on Database Theory, and the IFIP WG2.6 on Data Semantics. He has been a member of Steering Committees of scientific events or associations, including the Description Logic Workshop Series. He is currently the Chair of the Executive Committee of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems.

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