
Bart Jacobs - Biography#

Prof. Dr. Bart Jacobs (1963) studied mathematics and philosophy at Nijmegen.

He got his PhD in 1991, also at Nijmegen, in the area of theoretical computer science.

He worked at universities of Cambridge (UK) and Utrecht, and at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam.

In 1996 Jacobs returned to Nijmegen on a research position of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW).

Since 2002 he is full professor in the area of security and correctness of software. His work was supported by a prestigious Pionier grant of the Netherlands science foundation NWO. With his research group he has worked over the last decade on a number of societally relevant security topics such as chipcards (eg. in passports and transport), electronic voting, smart metering, road pricing and privacy.

During 2005-2011 Jacobs was also parttime professor at the Technical University Eindhoven.

In 2007 he served as a member of the "Korthals Altes" committe that advised on the future of the voting process in the Netherlands.

In 2008 his research group attracted worldwide attention by showing severe security vulnerabilities in the Mifare Classic, the most widely used smart card.

He is a member of the newly formed National Cyber Security Council that provides cabinet level advice in the Netherlands on strategic computer security matters. He heads the Board of Advice of the digital rights organisation Bits of Freedom.

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