
Mondher Bouzayen - Biography#

I am leading since 1998 the laboratory of Genomics and Biotechnology of Fruit (GBF), a joint unit between the National Institute of Agronomical Research (INRA) and the National Institute of Polytechnics of Toulouse (INPT). For the last 10 years, my laboratory has been given the highest mark (A+) by the national evaluation panels (AERES). The GBF group made a substantial contribution to the characterization of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and transduction signal before focusing on hormone signalling and cross-talk during fruit set and ripening. While addressing the basic mechanisms of the fruit developmental process, my research also deals with translational biology and biotechnology as illustrated by the patents issued. My group is one of the major contributors to the tomato genome sequencing project and to other initiatives of the SGN consortium (Solanaceae Genome Network) aiming at generating genomic resources for the tomato (tomato ESTs and DNA microarrays). I am currently leading as Chair the European network on fleshy fruit research (COST Action FA1106 QualityFruit).

Scientific Production:
  • Papers in international journals (93)
  • Book chapters (13)
  • Book edition (3)
  • Patents (4)
  • Symposium proceedings (45)
  • Invited lectures at foreign Institutes and Universities (46)
  • Invited speaker in International Meetings (34)
  • Ph.D. supervision (21)
  • Postdoct supervision (11)

Coordination of international projects:
  • Chair of the European research network on fleshy fruit COST Action FA1106
  • Leader of the French contribution to the Multinational “Tomato Genome Sequencing” Project
  • Coordinator of France-China bilateral project on fruit biotechnology
  • Coordinator of France-Brazil (CAPES-COFECUB) project on fruit biotechnology

Administrative responsibilities:
  • Director of the Laboratory of Genomics and Biotechnology of Fruit
  • Member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Polytechnics of Toulouse
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the Federative Research Institute (FR 3450) “Agrobiosciences, Interactions and Biodiversity”
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Labex “Towards a Unified theory of biotic Interactions: the roLe of environmental Perturbations”
  • Co-chair of the Master courses in Plant Biosciences at the University of Toulouse
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