Paulo Borges - Biography#
Prof. Paulo A. V. Borges is a leading island macroecologist and biogeographer who has made several important contributions to our understanding of island biology. He is broadly interested in understanding pathways that impact oceanic indigenous assemblages under global change for conservation purposes, focusing on arthropod biodiversity. In his research, he is collecting long-term ecological data to investigate the processes affecting patterns of species diversity, abundance and distribution at different spatial scales. He and his team have assembled and / or significantly contributed to high profile global biodiversity databases such as GBIF, IUCN RED LISTING and AZORESBIOPORTAL.
Paulo A.V. Borges has published extensively using Azorean Islands as a model for understanding arthropod community structure in island ecosystems, with 231 published papers in SCOPUS recognized journals (SCOPUS h-Index 39). From those, 50% are from the First Quartile in the areas of Ecology, Entomology and Multidisciplinary Sciences. He has also published 21 books as author or editor (including the complete lists of the terrestrial biodiversity of Azores and Madeira archipelagos), 66 Book Chapters and about 60 published or accepted papers in Refereed Journals without Impact Factor.
He is the leader of the Azorean Biodiversity Portal (

Overall, he has supervised 24 Post-Doc projects, 14 Ph.D. students and 32 MSc Students, and is currently supervising four Post-Docs and seven Ph.D. Students.
Over the last eight years he coordinated/participated in 40 projects, funded by different agencies (12 international; 12 national (FCT) and 16 regional). For example, in the last years he coordinated five FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation) projects obtaining about 900 000 Euros in funding.
Complete CV