
Boitani Luigi - Publications#

Google Scholar january 2023:

All Citations: 32732
H-Index: 90

Scopus, January 2023:

H-Index: 62

Luigi Boitani's list of publications includes more than 400 papers, 10 books, 90 technical reports. The following list is a selection of 10 papers showing the types of contribution to a variety of topics throughout his career:

Rodrigues, ASL; Andelman, SJ; Bakarr, MI; Boitani, L; et al. 2004. Effectiveness of the global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature, 428, 640-643. -

Mech, L D; Boitani, L. 2003. "Wolves: behavior, ecology, and conservation". University of Chicago Press. (This book is widely recognized as the most comprehensive compendium on wolves.)-

Boitani, L; Falcucci, A; Maiorano, L; Rondinini, C, 2007. Ecological networks as conceptual frameworks or operational tools in conservation. Conservation biology, 21,1414-1422.-

Rondinini, C;...., Boitani L. 2011. Global habitat suitability models of terrestrial mammals, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366, 2633-2641.-

Chapron, G;......; Boitani, L, 2014. Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science, 346, 1517-1519. -

Linnell, JDC; Trouwborst, A; Boitani, L; Kaczensky, P; Huber, D; Reljic, S; Kusak, J; Majic, A; Skrbinsek, T; Potocnik, H. 2016. Border security fencing and wildlife: the end of the transboundary paradigm in Eurasia? PLoS biology,14,6,e1002483-

Ranc, N; Santini, L; Rondinini, C; Boitani, L; Poitevin, F; Angerbjörn, A; Maiorano, L. 2017. Performance tradeoffs in target‐group bias correction for species distribution models. Ecography, 40,1076-1087-

Benazzo, A; .....; Boitani, L;....Bertorelle, G. 2017. Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown stragglers. PNAS,114, 45, E9589-E9597.-

Cimatti, M; Ranc, N; Benítez‐López, A; Maiorano, L; Boitani, L; Cagnacci, F; Čengić, M; Ciucci, P; Huijbregts, MAJ; Krofel, M. 2021. Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes. Diversity and Distributions, 27, 602-617.-

Di Bernardi, C; Wikenros, C; Hedmark, E; Boitani, L; Ciucci, P; Sand, H; Åkesson, M. 2021. Multiple species‐specific molecular markers using nanofluidic array as a tool to detect prey DNA from carnivore scats. Ecology and Evolution,11,11739-11748.-

Boitani, L; Kaczensky, P; Alvares, F; Andrén, H; Balys, V; et al. 2022. Assessment of the conservation status of the Wolf (Canis lupus) in Europe. Council of Europe, Bern Convention, T-PVS/Inf(2022)45.

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