Jeroen van den Bergh#
For details about Jeroen van den Bergh see

Research fields:
- Environmental and resource economics
- Energy and climate economics
- Environmental science and ecological economics
- Evolutionary economics and innovation studies
- Spatial (regional, transport and urban) economics.
Academic background:
- PhD in Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, (1991).
- Master in Econometrics, Universiteit van Tilburg, (1988).
Postdoctoral training and fellowship appoinments:
- Fellow of NAKE. Netherlands Network of Economics. (2001-2030).
- Fellow of Tinbergen Institute. Tinbergen Institute. (1994-2030).
Professional experience:
- ICREA Research Professor at UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) - (2007-Present)
- Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics. VU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - (2007-Present)
- Professor Associat. UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) - , Department of Economics and Economic History (2007-Present)
- Professor of ‘Nature, Space and Water’. VU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Institute for Environmental Studies (2002-2007)
- Professor of Environmental Economics. VU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1997-2007)
Honours and Awards:
- Editor-in-Chief of a new journal, "Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions" (Elsevier Publishers).. (2010).
- Among top 5% economists in Europe and listed number 21 (highest position) in the ranking of economists of Spain by IDEAS/RePEc ( (2010).
- Article "The GDP Paradox” in Journal of Econ. Psychology 30(2) awarded "Citation of Excellence" by Emerald Management Reviews. Based on reviews of 15,000 articles in > 400 journals.
. (2010).
- Member of the Steering Group of the international Sustainability Transitions Research Network. (2010).
- Appointed member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Resources, Conservation and Recycling". (2009).
- Appointed member of the editorial board (“Scientific Advisory Board”) of the journal "Environmental and Resource Economics". (2008).
- Nominated as candidate for President in 2007 elections of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE). (2007).
- Member of the advisory council of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (January 2007 – March 2008). (2007).
- Member of the scientific board of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in Vienna (since July 2004). (2004).
- Editor of Book series “Advances in Ecological Economics”, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK (since 2004). (2004).
- Member of the Energy Council of the Netherlands (“Algemene Energieraad”) (2003-2007). (2003).
- Royal/Shell Prize 2002 for research on ‘Sustainable Development, Environment and Resources’. The selection was done under auspices of the “Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences”. (2002).
- Member of the Committee Genetic Modification (COGEM), and vice-chair of its subcommittee “Ethics and Social Aspects” (2002-2005).. (2002).
- Member of the advisory board of the Research Program “Evolution and Behaviour”, resorting under The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (2002-2005). (2002).
- Ranked among 30 best publishing and most cited economists of the Netherlands (since 2001). (2001).
- Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics (1999) awarded “Outstanding Academic Title” by Choice Magazine. (2000).
- Elected member of The Board of Directors of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) (2000-2002). (2000).
- Chairman of three committees of the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO): Social, Economic and Spatial Sciences (1999-2001), Social Science Research on Climate Change (VAM, 2003-7), and Environmental Sciences ("Duurzame Aarde", 2006-7). (1999).
- Member of the program committee of the Multidisciplinary Research Program “Biodiversity”, resorting under The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (1998-2008). (1998).
- Member of the permanent Dutch KNAW-LOICZ committee (land-ocean interactions in coastal zones), resorting under the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and IGBP (International Geosphere-Biospere Program) (since 1998). (1998).