
Gereon Wolters#

Short laudation by Jürgen Mittelstrass#

Gereon Wolters, philosopher and mathematician by training, is one ofthe leading scholars in the area of history and philosophy of science in Germany. He is an expert on the philosophy of biology, on the history of modem physics, and Logical Empiricism. His doctoral thesis on Lamber“t’s logic (Basis und Deduktion: Studien zur Entstehung und Bedeutung der Theorie der axiomatischen Methode bei J. H. Lambert (1728-1777), Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1980, 194 pages) has been a milestone in the history of logic, his book on Ernst Mach (Mach I, Mach II, Einstein und die Relativitatstheorie: Eine Falschung und ihre Folgen, Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1987, 474 pages) a landmark in research on the early history of physics, in the context of Einstein’s achievements.

In his numerous studies on the history and philosophy of science, he combines deep insights in the development of modern physics and biology with a strong analytical view in the area of philosophy of science, including theory dynamics. Several volumes, edited with colleagues from the Centre for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh Pa. (USA) mirror in an exceptional way the present state and the major topics of modern history and philosophy of science. Gereon Wolters has also extensively written on ideological aspects within German philosophy during national socialism in Germany.

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