Sergiy Shyp - Selected Publications#
Shyp Sergiy (2023). Teoriya muzychnikh styley. Monografiya [Theory of musical styles. Monograph]. Sumy. Ed.:FOP Tsioma.

Shyp Sergiy (2020). Metodologiya muzykoznavstva. Postanovka problemy i osnovy ponyattya. [Methodology of musicology. Statement of the problem and the basis of the concept]. Scientific Bulletin of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. Vol. 129. Kyiv, 2020. S. 9-25.
Shyp Sergiy (2018).The Pedagogic Aspects of Church Music [Professional Artistic Education and Culture within Modern Global Transformations].P. 57-64. ISBN (10): 1-5275-0663-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-0663-3.
Shyp, S. (2016). Noty kak semiotičeskij fenomen v tipologičeskom aspekte: opyt klassifikacii znakov muzykal'nogo pis'ma. [Notes as a semiotic phenomenon in the typological aspect: experience of classification of signs of musical writing]]. Arsinterculturas. Słupsk: Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, 5, 335-349. URL:

Shyp, S. (2015). Čto takoe "muzykal'noe proizvedenie"? [What is a "piece of music"?]. Scientific Gerald of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 14: Theory and methods of art education, 18, 8-13.
Shyp, S. (2015). Muzykal'noe myšlenie kak priblizitel'nye izmereniâ i rasčetnye operacii. [Musical thinking as approximate measurements and computational operations]. Δόζα / Doxa. Collection of non-scientific works on philosophy and philology. The Hermeneutics of the Text and the Hermeneutics of Fate. 2nd Issue (24). Aquatoria, 258 - 272.
Shyp, S. (2009). Zadum muzičnogo tvoru v lіngvosemіotičnomu aspektі. [The idea of a musical composition in the linguistic semiotic aspect]. Musical Ukrainian Studies: Contemporary Dimension: a collection of scientific articles in memory of the composer and musicologist, Doctor of Arts, Professor A. Mukha. Editor O. Kushniruk. Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 3, 105 – 119.
Shyp, S. (2002). Znakova funkcіâ ta movna organіzacіâ muzičnogo movlennâ. [The sign function and linguistic organization of musical speech]]. D. thesis. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.
Shyp, S. (2002). Die Musik in den christlichen Kirchen Odessas (Das Problem des Stiles). Die Kirchenmusik in Südosteuropa. Zur Musikgeschichte einer europischen Region. Herausgegeben von Franz Metz. München: Edition Musik Südost, 67-73.
Shyp, S. (2001). Muzykal'naâ reč' i âzyk muzyki: Teoretičeskoe issledovanie. [Musical Speech and the Language of Music: A Theoretical Study]. Ed. of the Odessa State Conservatory named after A. Nezhdanova
Shyp, S. (1998). Muzična forma vіd zvuku do stilû: navčal'nij posіbnik. [Musical form from sound to style: a study guide]. Zapovit. 368 p.