
Francesco Salamini - Selected publications#

  • Olguín, Eugenia Judith; Porro, Danilo; Giuliano, Giovanni; Tuberosa, Roberto; Salamini, Francesco, “Biotechnology for a more sustainable world,” Biotechnology advances 2012;30(5):931-2.
  • Malacarne, Giulia; Perazzolli, Michele; Cestaro, Alessandro; Fontana, Paolo; Sterck, Lieven; Van de Peer, Yves; Velasco, Riccardo; Viola, Roberto; Salamini, Francesco, “Deconstruction of the (paleo)polyploid grapevine genome based on the analysis of transposition events involving NBS resistance genes,” PloS one 2012;7(1):e29762.
  • Osnato, Michela; Stile, Maria Rosaria; Wang, Yamei; Meynard, Donaldo; Curiale, Serena; Guiderdoni, Emmanuel; Liu, Yongxiu; Horner, David S; Ouwerkerk, Pieter B F; Pozzi, Carlo; Müller, Kai J; Salamini, Francesco; Rossini, Laura, “Cross talk between the KNOX and ethylene pathways is mediated by intron-binding transcription factors in barley,” Plant physiology 2010;154(4):1616-32.
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