
Vera Sós - Selected publications#

1. Borgs, C.; Chayes, J. T.; Lovász, L.; Sós, V. T.; Vesztergombi, K. Convergent sequences of dense graphs II. Multiway cuts and statistical physics. Ann. of Math. (2) 176 (2012), no. 1, 151–219,

2. Borgs, C.; Chayes, J. T.; Lovász, L.; Sós, V. T.; Vesztergombi, K. Convergent sequences of dense graphs. I. Subgraph frequencies, metric properties and testing. Adv. Math. 219 (2008), no. 6, 1801–1851

3. Lovasz,L.; Sos,V.T. Generalized quasirandom graphs.J.Combin.Theory,Ser B 98 (2008), no.1, 146-163

4. Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer; Lovász, László; Sós, Vera T.; Szegedy, Balázs; Vesztergombi, Katalin Graph limits and parameter testing. STOC'06: Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 261–270, ACM, New York, 2006.

5. Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer; Lovász, László; Sós, Vera T.; Vesztergombi, Katalin Counting graph homomorphisms. Topics in discrete mathematics, 315–371, Algorithms Combin., 26, Springer, Berlin, 2006.

6. Biro,A.; Sos, V.T. Strong characterizing sequences in simultaneous diophantine approximation, J.of Number Theory 99 (2003) no.2, 405-414.

7. Bíró, A.; Deshouillers, J.-M.; Sós, V. T. Good approximation and characterization of subgroups of R/Z. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 38 (2001), 97–113.

8. Simonovits, Miklós; Sós, Vera T. Hereditarily extended properties, quasi-random graphs and not necessarily induced subgraphs. Combinatorica 17 (1997), no. 4, 577–596.

9. Erdős, P.; Hajnal, A.; Simonovits, M.; Sós, V. T.; Szemerédi, E. Turán-Ramsey theorems and Kp-independence numbers [MR1300968 (96b:05078)]]. Combinatorics, geometry and probability (Cambridge, 1993), 253–281, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997.

10. Sárközy, A.; Sós, V. T. On additive representation functions. The mathematics of Paul Erdős, I, 129–150, Algorithms Combin., 13, Springer, Berlin ,1997, Extended version: in Mathematics of Paul Erdos I, 1xx--1xx , Algorithms Combin, Springer, Berlin, 2013
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