
Jennifer Robinson - Selected Publications#

2002. Global and World Cities: A view from off the map, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26, 3: 531-554. [Reprinted in “The Global Cities Reader”, edited by Neil Brenner and Roger Keil, London: Routledge, 2007; Reprinted in Taylor, P. et al. (eds) Global Cities, London: Routledge] GOOGLE CITATIONS: 1462

2003. "Postcolonialising Geography: Tactics and Pitfalls” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 24, 3: 273-289. [Reprinted in Philo, C. (ed) Theory and Methods: Critical Essays in Human Geography (Ashgate, 2008)] GOOGLE CITATIONS: 349

2006. Ordinary Cities: Between Modernity and Development. London: Routledge. [2] [Received RGS-IBG Murchison Award (2009) for “the publication judged to contribute most to geographical knowledge in recent years”] [Introduction translated into French, “Les villes ordinaires de Jennifer Robinson”, (traduit par Damien Carrière), in, Villes Contestées: Pour une géographie critique de l’urbain, (Paris: Les prairies ordinaiare), dirigé par Cécile Gintrac et Mathieu Giroud (2014). Pgs 25-56; Extract reprinted in: The City Reader (2020)] GOOGLE CITATIONS: 2393

2007. The Handbook of Political Geography (Edited with Kevin Cox and Murray Low). London: Sage. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 87

2011. Cities in a World of Cities: The comparative gesture’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35, 1: 1-23 (2nd most downloaded article for IJURR as recorded by October 2011 and October 2012) (translated into Spanish) Ciudades en un mundo de ciudades: el gesto comparative, Volumen 13, número 32, septiembre-diciembre, 2016, pp. 163-210 Andamios, Traducción: Víctor Delgadillo. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 1005

2012. (With Sue Parnell) (re)theorising cities from the global south: looking beyond neoliberalism, Urban Geography, 33, 4: 593-617. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 427

2014. New Geographies of Theorising the Urban: Putting Comparison to Work for Global Urban Studies, in S. Parnell and S. Oldfield (eds) Handbook for Cities of the Global South. London: Routledge. Pgs 57-70. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 77

2015. Comparative Urbanism: New Geographies and cultures of theorising the urban, in Robinson, J. and Roy, A. (eds) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Debates and Developments Symposium, Global Urbanisms and the Nature of Urban Theory. Vol 41, 1: 187-199. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 255

2016. Thinking cities through elsewhere: Comparative tactics for a more global urban studies. Progress in Human Geography, 40, 1: 3-29. GOOGLE CITATIONS: 320

2020. Robinson, J. and Attuyer, K. Extracting Value, London Style: States and Developers, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12962

2020. Robinson, J., Harrison, P., Shen, J. and Wu, F. 2020. Financing Urban Development, Three Business Models: Johannesburg, Shanghai and London. Progress in Planning. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.progress.2020.100513

Google Scholar Search: i10-index = 60
Google Scholar Search: h-index = 38
Total citations = 9708
Citations since 2016 = 5271

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