
Katri Räikkönen - Selected Publications#

452 original publications, reviews and meta-analyses in peer-reviewed scientific journals
H-INDEX 74 (Scopus) — 39 publications with >100 citations, citations 24 018
9 book chapters in national and international compilations
As first author: 54 publications
As last author: 104 publications

1. Räikkönen K, Gissler M, Tapiainen T, Kajantie E. Associations Between Maternal Antenatal Corticosteroid Treatment and Psychological Developmental and Neurosensory Disorders in Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(8):e2228518.

2. Girchenko P, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lipsanen J, Heinonen K, Lahti J, Rantalainen V, Hämäläinen E, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Kajantie E, Räikkönen K. Maternal early-pregnancy body mass index-associated metabolomic component and mental and behavioral disorders in children. Mol Psychiatry. 2022; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-022-01723-3

3. Lähdepuro A, Lahti‐Pulkkinen M, Pyhälä R, Tuovinen S, Lahti J, Heinonen K, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Reynolds RM, Kajantie E, Girchenko P, Räikkönen K. Positive maternal mental health during pregnancy and mental and behavioral disorders in children: A prospective pregnancy cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;jcpp.13625.

4. Rantalainen V, Binder EB, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Czamara D, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Girchenko P, Kvist T, Hämäläinen E, Kajantie E, Lahti J, Räikkönen K. Polygenic predicition of the risk of perinatal depressive symptoms. Depression and Anxiety 2020;37:862-875.

5. Suarez A, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Girchenko P, Czamara D, Arloth J, Malmberg AK, Hämäläinen E, Kajantie E, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Reynolds RN, Provencal N, Binder EB, Räikkönen K. A polyepigenetic glucocorticoid exposure score at birth and childhood mental and behavioral disorders. Neurobiology of Stress 2020; 13: 100275.

6. Räikkönen K, Gissler M, Kajantie E. Associations between maternal antenatal corticosteroid treatment and mental and behavioral disorders in children. JAMA. 2020;323(19):1924‐1933. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3937.

7. Girchenko P, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Heinonen K, Reynolds RM, Laivuori H, Lipsanen J, Villa PM, Hämäläinen E, Kajantie E, Lahti J, Räikkönen K. Persistently High Levels of Maternal Antenatal Inflammation Are Associated With and Mediate the Effect of Prenatal Environmental Adversities on Neurodevelopmental Delay in the Offspring. Biological Psychiatry. 2020;87(10):898‐907. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.12.004.

8. Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Girchenko P, Tuovinen S, Sammallahti S, Reynolds RM, Lahti J, Heinonen K, Lipsanen J, Hämäläinen E, Villa PM, Kajantie E, Laivuori H, Räikkönen K. Maternal Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorders and Mental Disorders in Children. Hypertension. 2020;75(6):1429‐1438. doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14140.

9. Suarez A, Lahti J, Czamara D, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Knight AK, Girchenko P, Hämäläinen E, Kajantie E, Lipsanen J, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Reynolds RM, Smith AK, Binder EB, Räikkönen K. The Epigenetic Clock at Birth: Associations With Maternal Antenatal Depression and Child Psychiatric Problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018, 57(5): 321-328.e2. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.02.011.

10. 13. Girchenko P, Tuovinen S, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lahti J, Savolainen K, Heinonen K, Pyhälä R, Reynolds RM, Hämäläinen E, Villa PM, Kajantie E, Pesonen A-K, Laivuori H, Räikkönen K. Maternal early pregnancy obesity and related pregnancy and pre-pregnancy disorders: associations with child developmental milestones in the prospective PREDO Study. International Journal of Obesity, 2018 42(5): 995-1007. DOI: 10.1038/s41366-018-0061-x

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