Wolfgang Pross - Biography#
Biography and List of Publications

Wolfgang Pross studied Modern Languages and Philosophy at the Universities of Munich, Pavia (Italy) and Oxford. In 1974 he took his Ph.D. with Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, with a study on the poet Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. In 1974/75, he was Volkswagen Research Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford. From 1975 to 1988 he was teaching at the German Institute at the University of Munich and held guest professorships at the universities of Giessen and Vienna. In 1986 he passed his habilitation for German and Comparative Literature in Munich, with a study on the concept of organism in the work of Kant’s pupil and Goethe’s friend Johann Gottfried Herder. From April 1988 to January 2011, he has been Professor at the University of Bern (CH); from 1999 to 2001 he was Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of his University.