

Scientific Papers: Well over 650 Patents: 2

Scientific Reviews: 18 Books: 10 Book Chapters: 20

A selection of representative publications (since 2002)

Yuan, M.V. Jiménez, E. Sola, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro Sequential C-H activation and dinuclear insertion of ethylene promoted by a diiridium complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 752-753 (2002).

M.V. Jiménez, E. Sola, J. Caballero, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Alkene C-H activations reactions at dinuclear complexes promoted by oxidation Angew. Chem., 114, 1256-1259 (2002). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 41, 1208-1211 (2002).

C.Tejel, M.A. Ciriano, M. Bordonaba, J.A. López, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Structural and dynamic studies on amido-bridged rhodium and iridium complexes. Chem. Eur. J., 8, 3128-3138 (2002).

M. Martín, E. Sola, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Trans additions of silanes to 1-alkynes catalyzed by ruthenium complexes: the role of in situ formed polynuclear aggregates. Organometallics, 21, 4027-4029 (2002).

J. Navarro, M. Sági, E. Sola, F.J. Lahoz, I.T. Dobrinovitch, A. Katho, F. Joó and L.A. Oro. Unusual 1-alkyne dimerization/hydrogenation sequences catalyzed by IrH2(NCCH3)3(PiPr3}BF4: evidence for homogeneous-like mechanism in imidazolium salts. Adv. Synth. Catal., 345, 280-288 (2003).

C. Tejel, M.A. Ciriano, B.E. Villarroya, J.A. López, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. A novel hexanuclear chain. Angew. Chem., 115, 547-550 (2003). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 42, 529-532 (2003).

L.A. Oro. Hydrogenation by homogeneous catalysts In Encyclopedia of Catalysis, I.V. Horváth, E. Iglesia, M.T. Klein, J.A. Lercher. A.J. Rusell and E.I.Stiefel, Eds, John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 4, 55-107 (2003).

L.A. Oro, E. Sola and J. Navarro. Recent developments on hydride iridium triisopropylphosphine complexes: IrH2(NCCH3)3(PiPr3}BF4 as hydrogenation catalyst. In Perspectives in Organometallic Chemistry, C.G. Screttas and B.R. Steele, Eds, RSC, 297-305 (2003).

M. Martín, E. Sola, O. Torres, P. Plou and L. A. Oro. Versatility of cyclooctadiene ligands in iridium chemistry and catalysis. Organometallics, 22, 5406-5417 (2003).

L.A. Oro, M.A. Ciriano, C. Tejel, M. Bordonaba, C. Graiff and A. Tiripicchio. Heteronuclear rhodium, palladium, platinum and gold organoimido complexes from dinuclear organoamido rhodium precursors. Chem. Eur. J., 708-715 (2004).

D. Carmona, M.P. Lamata, F. Viguri, R. Rodriguez, L.A. Oro, A.I. Balana, F.J. Lahoz, T. Tejero, P. Merino, S. Franco and I. Montesa. The complete characterization of a rhodium lewis acid-dipolarophile complex as an intermediate for the enantioselective catalytic 1,3-dipolar cycloadition of C,N-diphenylnitrone to methacrolein. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 2716-2717 (2004).

M.A. Casado, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M.A. Ciriano, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Tetranuclear Rh4(µ-PyS2)2(diolefin)4 complexes as building blocks for new inorganic architectures: synthesis of coordination polymers and heteropolynuclear complexes with electrophilic d8 and d10 metal fragments. Inorg. Chem., 43, 1558-1567 (2004).

J. Navarro, E. Sola, M. Martín, I.T. Dobrinovitch, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro. C–H Activation and C–C coupling reactions in 2-vinylpyridine cationic complexes of iridium. Organometallics, 23, 1908-1917 (2004).

F.E. Hahn, C. Holtgrewe, T. Pape, M. Martín, E. Sola and L.A. Oro. Iridium complexes with N-allyl-substituted benzimidazol-2-ylidene ligands and their application in catalytic transfer hydrogenation. Organometallics, 24, 2203-2209 (2005).

M.V. Jiménez, E. Sola, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Reactions of diamidonaphthalene-bridged diiridium tetrahydrides with alkynes: hydrogenation, vinylidene formation, and catalytic C-C coupling. Organometallics, 24, 2722-2729 (2005).

D. Carmona, M. P. Lamata, F. Viguri, R. Rodríguez, L. A. Oro, F. J. Lahoz, A. I. Balana, T. Tejero, P. Merino. Enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrones to methacrolein catalyzed by (5-C5Me5)M{(R) Prophos} containing complexes (M = Rh, Ir; (R)-Prophos = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane): on the origin of the enantioselectivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 13386-13398 (2005).

B.E. Villarroya, C. Tejel, M.M. Rohmer, L.A. Oro, Mi.A. Ciriano and M. Bénard. Discrete iridium pyridonate chains with variable metal valence: nature and energetics of the Ir-Ir bonding from DFT calculations. Inorg. Chem., 44, 6536-6544 (2005).

M. Martín, O. Torres, E. Oñate, E. Sola and L.A. Oro C-H Activations at iridium(I) square-planar complexes promoted by a fifth ligand. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 18074-18084 (2005).

M. Martín, E. Sola, S. Tejero, J.L. Andrés, and L.A. Oro. Mechanistic investigation on imine hydrogenation catalyzed by cationic iridium complexes. Chem. Eur. J., 12, 4043-4056 (2006).

M. Martín, E. Sola, S. Tejero, J.A. López, and L.A. Oro. Mechanistic investigation on imine hydrogenation catalyzed by dinuclear iridium complexes. Chem. Eur. J., 12, 4057-4068 (2006).

L.A. Oro, D. Carmona and J.M. Fraile Hydrogenation Reactions In Metal-Catalysis in Industrial Organic Processes, G. P. Chiusoli and P.M. Maitlis, Eds, RSC, 79-113 (2006).

L.A. Oro and D. Carmona. Rhodium In The Handbook of Homogeneous Hydrogenation, J.G. de Vries and K. Elsevier, Eds, Wiley-VCH, 3-36 (2006).

M.A.F. Hernandez-Gruel, F.J. Lahoz, I.T. Dobrinovich, F.J. Modrego, L.A. Oro and J.J. Pérez-Torrente. Reversible opening of the triangular structure of a sulfido-bridged ZrRh2 early-late heterobimetallic complex induced by bis(diphenylphosphino)methane. Organometallics, 26, 2616-262 (2007).

D. Carmona, M.P. Lamata, F. Viguri, R. Rodríguez, T. Fischer, F.J. Lahoz, I.T. Dobrinovich and L.A. Oro. Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between -unsaturated aldehydes and nitrones catalyzed by well-defined iridium and rhodium catalysts Adv. Synth. Catal., 349, 1751-1758 (2007).

M.A.F. Hernandez-Gruel, I.T. Dobrinovitch, F.J. Lahoz, L.A. Oro and J.J. Pérez-Torrente The anions Cptt2Zr(µ-S)2M(CO)2- (M = Rh, Ir) as versatile precursors for the synthesis of sulfido-bridged early-late heterotrimetallic (ELHT) compounds. Organometallics, 26, 6437-6446, (2007).

M.V. Jiménez, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M.I. Bartolomé, V. Gierz, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro Rhodium(I) complexes with hemilabile N-heterocyclic carbenes: efficient alkyne hydrosilylation catalysts. Organometallics, 27, 224-234 (2008).

A.B. Rivas, J.M. Gascón, F. J. Lahoz, A.I. Balana, A.J. Pardey, L.A. Oro and J.J. Pérez-Torrente. Synthesis, structural characterization and ligand replacement reactions of gem-dithiolato-bridged rhodium and iridium complexes. Inorg. Chem., 47, 6090-6104 (2008).

A. Alvarez, R. Macías, J. Bould, M.J. Fabra, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Alkene hydrogenation on an 11-vertex rhodathiaborane with full cluster participation. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 11455-11466 (2008).

L.A. Oro Dihydrido iridium triisopropylphosphine complexes: from organometallic chemistry to catalysis, In Iridium Complexes in Organic Synthesis, L.A. Oro and C. Claver, Eds, Wiley-Blackwelll 15-38 (2008).

J. Langer, M.J. Fabra, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. A C-H activation/CO2-carboxylation reaction sequence mediated by an “Iridium(dppm)” species. Formation of the anionic ligand (Ph2P)2CCOOH. Chem. Commun., 4822-4824 (2008). A. Alvarez, R. Macías, J. Bould, C. Cunchillos, F.J. Lahoz, M.J. Fabra and L.A. Oro. Alkyne-promoted H2-loss in a metallaborane: nido-to-closo cluster transformation and sp C-H bond oxidative addition. Chem. Eur. J., 15, 5428-5431 (2009).

D. Carmona, M.P. Lamata, F. Viguri, R. Rodríguez, F.J. Lahoz, M.J. Fabra and L.A. Oro. Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of –unsaturated nitriles with nitrones catalyzed by chiral-at-metal rhodium and iridium complexes. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 20, 1197-1205 (2009).

P.J. Alonso, O. Benedí, M.J. Fabra, F.J. Lahoz, L.A. Oro and J,J. Pérez-Torrente Synthesis of tetranuclear rhodium and iridium complexes directed by 6-mercaptopyridin-2-ol: electrochemical behavior, chemical oxidation and coordination chemistry. Inorg. Chem., 48, 7984-7993 (2009).

M.V. Jiménez, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M.I. Bartolomé, E. Vispe, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro Cationic rhodium complexes with hemilabile phosphine ligands as polymerization catalyst for high molecular weight stereoregular polyphenylacetylene. Macromolecules, 42, 8146-8156 (2009).

J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M.V. Jiménez, M.A.F. Hernandez-Gruel, M.J. Fabra, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro On the synthesis and chemical behaviour of the elusive bis(hydrosulfido)-bridged dinuclear rhodium(I) complexes Rh(-SH)(CO)(PR3)2. Chem. Eur. J., 15, 12212-12222 (2009).

J. Langer, W. Imhof, M.J. Fabra, P. García-Orduña, H. Görls, F.J. Lahoz, L.A. Oro, and M. Westerhausen. Reversible CO2 fixation by iridium(I) complexes containing Me2PhP as ligand. Organometallics, 29, 1642-1651 (2010).

M.V Jiménez, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M.I. Bartolomé, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro Rational design of efficient rhodium catalysts for the anti-Markovnikov oxidative amination of styrene. Chem. Commun., 46, 5322-5324 (2010).

J. Bould, C. Cunchillos, F.J. Lahoz, L.A. Oro, J.D. Kennedy and R. Macías. New Iridathiaboranes with reversible isonido ↔ nido cluster flexibility Inorg. Chem., 49, 7353-7361 (2010).

L.A. Oro and D. Carmona. Homogeneous hydrogenation. In Encyclopedia of Catalysis, I.V. Horváth, E. Iglesia, M.T. Klein, J.A. Lercher. A.J. Rusell and E.I. Stiefel, Eds, John Wiley & Sons, 1-81 (2010).

J. Langer, M.J. Fabra, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz, H. Görls, L.A. Oro, and M. Westerhausen. An iridium-mediated C-H activation/CO2-carboxylation reaction of 1,1-bisdiphenyl-phosphinomethane. Dalton Trans., 39, 7813-7821 (2010).

A. Di Giuseppe, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, F.J. Lahoz, V. Polo, and L.A. Oro. Mild and selective H/D exchange at the -position of aromatic -olefins by N-heterocyclic carbene-hydride-rhodium catalysts. Angew. Chem., 123, 4024-4028 (2011). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 3938-3942 (2011).

D. Carmona and L.A. Oro Iridium–catalyzed 1,3–dipolarcycloadditions In Iridium Catalysis, P Andersson, Ed, Springer-Verlag, 209-229 (2011).

M.V. Jiménez, J. Fernández-Tornos, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, F.J. Modrego, S. Winterle, C. Cunchillos, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro. Iridium(I) complexes with hemilabile N-heterocyclic carbenes: efficient and versatile transfer hydrogenation catalysts. Organometallics, 30, 5493-5508 (2011).

L. Palacios, X. Miao, A. Di Giuseppe, S. Pascal, C. Cunchillos, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Perez-Torrente, F.J. Lahoz, P. Dixneuf and L.A. Oro. Synthesis of a square-planar rhodium alkylidene N-heterocyclic carbene complex and its reactivity towards alkenes. Organometallics, 30, 5208-5213 (2011).

D.H. Nguyen, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, L. Lomba, M.V. Jiménez, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Unsaturated iridium pyridinedicarboxylate pincer complexes with catalytic activity in borylation of arenes. Dalton Trans., 40, 8429-8435 (2011).

I. Mena, M.A. Casado, P. García-Orduña, V. Polo, F.J. Lahoz, A. Fazal and L.A. Oro. Direct access to parent amido complexes of rhodium and Iiidium through N-H activation of ammonia. Angew. Chem., 123, 11939-11942 (2011). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,, 50, 11735-11738 (2011).

B. Calvo, R. Macías, C. Cunchillos, F. J. Lahoz and L. A. Oro. Brønsted acid/base driven chemistry with rhodathiaboranes: a labile {SB9H9}-thiodecaborane fragment system. Organometallics, 31, 2526-2529 (2012).

D. Carmona, F. Viguri, A. Asenjo, F.J. Lahoz, P. García-Orduña and L.A. Oro. Enantioselective catalytic Diels-Alder ractions with enones as dienophiles. Organometallics,31, 4551-4557 (2012).

A. Di Giuseppe, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M. Crucianelli, V. Polo, R. Sancho, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Ligand-controlled regioselectivity in the hydrothiolation of alkynes by rhodium N-Heterocyclic carbene catalysts. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 8171-8183 (2012).

D. Carmona, F.J. Lahoz, P. García-Orduña, L.A. Oro, M.P. Lamata and F. Viguri. Half-sandwich complexes of osmium(II) with L-α-amino carboxylate ligands as asymmetric transfer hydrogenation catalysts. On the origin of the enantioselectivity. Organometallics, 31, 3333-3345 (2012).

I. Mena, M.A. Casado, V. Polo, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. The dehydrogenation of alcohols through a concerted bimetallic mechanism Involving an amido-bridged diiridium complex. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 8259-8263 (2012).

D. Carmona, F. Viguri, A. Asenjo, F.J. Lahoz, P. García-Orduña and L.A. Oro. Enantioselective catalytic Diels-Alder ractions with enones as dienophiles. Organometallics, 31, 4551-4557 (2012).

M.V. Jiménez, M.I. Bartolomé, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, F.J. Lahoz, and L.A. Oro. Rhodium(I) complexes with hemilabile phosphines: rational design for efficient oxidative amination catalysts. ChemCatChem., 4, 1298-1310 (2012).

R. Lalrempuia, M. Iglesias, V. Polo, P.J. Sanz Miguel, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, J. J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Effective fixation of CO2 by iridium-catalysed hydrosilylation Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 12824-12827 (2012).

R. Castarlenas, A. Di Giuseppe, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. The emergence of transition metal-mediated hydrothiolation of unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds: a mechanistic outlook Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 52, 211-222 (2013).

G. Lázaro, M. Iglesias, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, P.J. Sanz Miguel, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Synthesis of poly(silyl ether)s by Rh(I)-NHC catalysed hydrosilylation: homogeneous versus heterogeneous catalysis. ChemCatChem., 5, 1133-1141 (2013).

I. Mena, E. A. Jaseer, M. A. Casado, P. García-Orduña, F. J. Lahoz, and L. A. Oro. Terminal and bridging parent amido 1,5-cyclooctadiene complexes of rhodium and iridium. Chem. Eur. J., 19, 5665-5676 (2013).

F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, M. Iglesias, L.A. Oro and V. Passarelli. Bond activation and catalysis. In Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, J, Reedijk and K. PoeppelmeierI, Eds. Vol. 8, 399-432 (2013).

L. Rubio-Pérez, R. Azpíroz, A. Di Giuseppe, V. Polo, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, and L.A. Oro. Pyridine-enhanced head-to-tail dimerization of terminal alkynes by a rhodium–N-heterocyclic carbene catalyst. Chem. Eur. J., 19, 15304-15314 (2013).

F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, M. Iglesias, L.A. Oro and V. Polo. CO2 activation and catalysis driven by iridium complexes ChemCatChem, 5, 3481-3494 (2013).

L. Palacios, M.J. Artigas, V. Polo, F.J. Lahoz, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Perez-Torrente, and L.A. Oro. Hydroxide-rhodium–N-heterocyclic carbene complexes as efficient catalysts for alkyne hydrothiolation ACS Catalysis, 3, 2910-2919 (2013).

M. Iglesias, P.J. Sanz Miguel, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. An alternative mechanistic paradigm for the-(Z)-hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes: the role of acetone as silane shuttle. Chem. Eur. J., 19, 17559-17566 (2013).

I. Mena, M. A. Casado, V. Polo, P. García-Orduña, F. J. Lahoz, and L. A. Oro. P-H activation of secondary phospanes on a parent amido diiridium complex Dalton Trans., 43, 1609-1619 (2014).

I. Mena, M.A. Casado, V. Polo, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro C-NH2 bond formation mediated by iridium complexes Angew. Chem., 126, 9781-9785 (2014). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 9627 –9631 (2014)

F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, A.M. Aitani and L.A. Oro. Homogeneous catalytic reduction of CO2 with hydrosilanes. Catal. Sci. Technol., 4, 611-624 (2014).

K. Garcés, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, V. Polo, R. Lalrempuia, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Iridium-catalyzed hydrogen production from hydrosilanes and water. ChemCatChem, 6, 1691-1697 (2014).

A. Di Giuseppe, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, F.J. Lahoz and L.A. Oro. Hydride-rhodium(III)-N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for vinyl-selective H/D exchange: a structure-activity study. Chem. Eur. J., 20, 8391-8403 (2014).

M. Iglesias, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez and L.A. Oro. Outer-sphere ionic hydrosilylation catalysis. ChemCatChem., 6, 2486-2489 (2014).

L. Rubio-Pérez, M. Iglesias, R. Castarlenas, V. Polo, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro Selective C-H bond functionalization of 2-(2-thienyl)pyridine by a rhodium N-heterocyclic carbene catalyst. ChemCatChem, 6, 3192-3199 (2014).

E. A. Jaseer, M.N. Akhtar, O. Mogahid, A. Al-Shammari, H. Oladipo B., K. Garcés, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, S. Al-Khattaf, and L.A. Oro. Solvent-free iridium catalyzed CO2 hydrosilylation: experimental and kinetic modelling study. Catal. Sci. Technol., 5, 274-279 (2015).

M. Blanco, P. Alvarez, C Blanco, M.V. Jiménez, J. Fernández-Tornos, J.J. Perez-Torrente, L.A. Oro, and R. Menendez. Hydrogen transfer by graphene-NHC-iridium hybrid catalysts built through -OH covalent linkage. Carbon, 83, 21-32 (2015).

G. Lázaro, V. Polo, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M. Iglesias and L.A. Oro. Catalytic hydrodechlorination of benzyl chloride promoted by Rh-NHC catalysts. ChemSusChem, 8, 495-503 (2015).

L. Rubio-Pérez, M. Iglesias, J. Munárriz, V. Polo, P.J. Sanz Miguel, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. A bimetallic iridium(II) catalyst: {Ir(IDipp)(H)}2][BF4]2 (IDipp = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl-imidazol-2-ylidene)). Chem. Commun., 51, 9860-9863 (2015). M. Iglesias, M. Aliaga-Lavrijsen, P.J. Sanz Miguel, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Preferential -hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes by bis-NHC Rh(III) catalysts. Adv. Synth. Catal., 357, 350-354 (2015). M. Iglesias, A. Iturmendi, P.J. Sanz Miguel, V. Polo, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Tuning PCP-Ir complexes: the impact of a N-heterocyclic olefin Chem. Commun., 51, 12431-12434 (2015). L. Rubio-Pérez, M. Iglesias, J. Munárriz, V. Polo, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Efficient rhodium-catalysed multicomponent reaction for the synthesis of novel propargylamines. Chem. Eur. J., 21, 17701-17707 (2015). M.V. Jiménez, J. Fernández-Tornos, F.J. Modrego, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, and L.A. Oro. Oxidation and β-alkylation of alcohols catalysed by iridium(I) complexes with functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligands. Chem. Eur. J., 21, 17877-17889 (2015). A. Di Giuseppe, R. De Luca, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M. Crucianelli and L.A. Oro Double hydrophosphination of alkynes promoted by rhodium: the key role of an N-heterocyclic carbene ligand. Chem. Commun., 52, 5554-5557 (2016). M. Blanco, P. Álvarez, C. Blanco, M.V. Jiménez, J. Fernández-Tornos, Jesús J. Pérez-Torrente, J. Blasco, G. Subías, V. Cuartero, L.A. Oro, and R. Menéndez Effect of structural differences of carbon nanotubes and graphene-based iridium-NHC materials on the hydrogen transfer catalytic activity. Carbon, 90, 66-74 (2016). L. Rubio-Pérez, E. A. Jaseer, N. García, V. Polo, M. Iglesias and L. A. Oro. Experimental and computational studies on the reactivity and binding mode of thiophenwith N‑heterocyclic carbene iridium complexes. Organometallics, 35, 569-578 (2016). A. Di Giuseppe, R. De Luca, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente, M. Crucianelli and L.A. Oro Double hydrophosphination of alkynes promoted by rhodium: the key role of an N-heterocyclic carbene ligand. Chem. Commun., 52, 5554-5557 (2016). M. Iglesias, E. Sola and L.A. Oro Binuclear Iridium Complexes in Catalysis In Homo- and Heterobimetallic Complexes in Catalysis: Cooperative Catalysis, P. Kalck, Ed, Book Series: Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 59, 31-58 (2016). A. Iturmendi, N. García, E. A. Jaseer, J. Munárriz, P. J. Sanz Miguel, V. Polo, M. Iglesias and L. A. Oro N-Heterocyclic olefins as ancillary ligands in catalysis: a study of their behaviour in transfer hydrogenation reactions. Dalton Trans., 45, 12835-12845 (2016). K. Garcés, R. Lalrempuia, V. Polo, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez, P. García-Orduña, F.J. Lahoz, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. Rhodium catalyzed dehydrogenative silylation of acetophenone derivatives: formation of silyl enol ethers versus silyl ethers. Chem. Eur. J., 22, 14717-14729 (2016). A. Iturmendi, P.J. Sanz Miguel, S.A. Popoola, A.A. Al-Saadi, M. Iglesias, L.A. Oro Dimethylphosphinate bridged binuclear Rh(I) catalysts for the alkoxycarbonylation of aromatic C–H bond. Dalton Trans., 45, 16955-16965 (2016). V. Polo, R.R. Schrock and L.A. Oro. A DFT study of the role of water in the rhodium-catlyzed hydrogenation of acetone. Chem. Commun., 52, 13881-13884 (2016). A. Iturmendi, M. Iglesias, J. Munárriz, V. Polo, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro Efficient preparation of carbamates by Rh-catalysed oxidative carbonylation: unveiling the role of the oxidant. Chem. Commun., 53, 404-407 (2017). E. Wächtler, L.A. Oro, M. Iglesias, B. Berke, R. Pöttgen, R. Gericke and J. Wagler Synthesis and oxidation of a paddlewheel-shaped rhodium/antimony complex featuring pyridine-2-thiolate ligands. Chem. Eur. J., 23, 3447-3454 (2017). A. Julián, V. Polo, F.J. Fernández-Alvarez and L.A. Oro. Iridium-NSiN catalyzed formation of silylphosphinecarboxylates from reaction of CO2 with P(SiMe3)R2 (R = Ph, Cy). Catal. Sci. Technol., 7, 1372-1378 (2017). L. Palacios, Y. Meheut, M. Galiana, M.J. Artigas, A. Di Giuseppe, F.J. Lahoz, V. Polo, R. Castarlenas, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro Design of highly selective alkyne hydrothiolation Rh(I)-NHC catalysts: carbonyl-triggered non-oxidative mechanism. Organometallics, 36, 2198−2207 (2017). L. Rubio-Pérez, M. Iglesias, J. Munárriz, V. Polo, V. Passarelli, J.J. Pérez-Torrente and L.A. Oro. A well-defined NHC-Ir(III) catalyst for the silylation of aromatic C–H bonds: substrate survey and mechanistic insights. Chemical Science, 8, 4811-4822 (2017). I. Mena, P. Garcia-Orduña, V. Polo, F.J. Lahoz, M.A. Casado, and L.A. Oro Reactivity of the parent amido complexes of iridium with olefins: C-NH2 bond formation versus C-H activation. Dalton Trans., 46, 11459-11468 (2017) A. Julián, J. Guzmán. E.A. Jaseer, F. J. Fernández-Alvarez, R. 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