
Velkjo Milutinovic - Publications#

Veljko Milutinovic has published over 20 books with major USA publishers (Wiley, Prentice-Hall, McGraw-Hill, Kluwer, Springer, IEEE Press, and ACM Press). For 7 of his books, forewords were written by 7 different Nobel Laureates (Wilson, Cooper, Friedman, Perl, deGennes, Simon, and Richardson). He has published over 50 IEEE journals papers. He was the guest co-editor for two Special Issues of IEEE journals (Proceedings of the IEEE with Per Stenstrom and IEEE Transactions on Computers with Mateo Valero). His h-index is over 20, and his g-index is over 36 (Google: Publish or Perish). The number of his citations is over 2.000.

Full list of publications

Major publications

McNeley, K., Milutinovic, V.,
Emulating a CISC witd a RISC,
IEEE Micro, Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1987, pp. 60-72. (impact factor 3.205/2010).

Vlahos, H., Milutinovic, V.,
GaAs Microprocessors and Digital Systems: An Overwiew of R&D Efforts,
IEEE Micro, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1988, pp. 28-56. (impact factor 3.205/2010).

Milutinovic, V.,
Mapping of Neural Networks on the Honeycomb Architectures,
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 77, No 12, December 1989, pp. 1875-1878. (impact factor 4.878/2010).

Helbig, W., Milutinovic, V.,
The RCA's DCFL E/D MESFET GaAs 32-bit Experimental RISC Machine,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 36, No. 2, February 1989, pp. 263-274. (impact factor 1.822/2010).

M. Tomasevic, V. Milutinovic,
A Survey of Hardware Solutions for Maintenance of Cache Consistency in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems, IEEE MICRO (Part #1), October 1994. (impact factor 3.205/2010).

M. Tomasevic, V. Milutinovic,
A Survey of Hardware Solutions for Maintenance of Cache Consistency in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems, IEEE MICRO (Part #2), December 1994. (impact factor 3.205/2010).

Milutinovic, V., Knezevic, P., Radunovic, B., Casselman, S., Schewel, J.,
Obelix Searches Internet Using Customer Data,
IEEE COMPUTER, July 2000. (impact factor 2.205/2010).

Milutinovic, V., Skundric, N., Patricelli, F., Neuhold, E., Milutinovic,
D., Bueno, A., Espinosa, E., Ramos, F., Hemmje, M.,
The Computing Professional and the Global University,
IEEE COMPUTER, May 2003. (impact factor 2.205/2010).

Milanovic, N., Malek, M., Davidson, A., Milutinovic, V.,
Standardization Efforts for Routing and Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
IEEE COMPUTER, February 2004. (impact factor 2.205/2010).

Tafa, Z., Rakocevic, G., Mihailovic, Dj., Milutinovic, V.,
Effects of Interdisciplinary Education On Technology-driven Application Design
IEEE Transactions on Education, August 2011. (impact factor 1.328/2010).

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