
Huibert Mansvelder - Selected Publications#

Selection from a total of 190+ scientific publications that have been cited over 13,450 times, h-index 65 (source Google Scholar).

1. Guillem K, Bloem B, Poorthuis RB, Loos M, Smit AB, Maskos U, Spijker S, Mansvelder HD (2011). Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor β2-subunits in the medial prefrontal cortex control attention. Science, 333:888-891.

2. Testa-Silva G, Verhoog MB, Linaro D, de Kock CP, Baayen JC, Meredith RM, De Zeeuw CI, Giugliano M, Mansvelder HD (2014) High bandwidth synaptic communication and frequency tracking in human neocortex. PLoS Biology 12(11):e1002007.

3. Verhoog MB, Obermayer J, Kortleven CA, Wilbers R, Wester J, Baayen CJ, De Kock CP, Meredith RM, Mansvelder HD (2016) Layer-Specific Cholinergic Control of Human and Mouse Cortical Synaptic Plasticity. Nature Communications, 7:12826.

4. Obermayer J, Heistek TS, Kerkhofs A, Goriounova NA, Kroon T, Baayen JC, Idema S, Testa-Silva G, Couey JJ, Mansvelder HD (2018) Lateral Inhibition by Martinotti Interneurons is Facilitated by Cholinergic Inputs in Human and Mouse Neocortex. Nature Communications, 9(1):4101.

5. Goriounova NA, Heyer DB, Wilbers R, Verhoog MB, Giugliano M, Verbist C, Obermayer J, Kerkhofs A, Smeding H, Verberne M, Idema S, Baayen JC, Pieneman AW, de Kock CP, Klein M, Mansvelder HD (2018) Large and fast human pyramidal neurons associate with intelligence. eLife, 7:e41714.

6. Obermayer J, Luchicchi A, Heistek TS, de Kloet SF, Terra H, Bruinsma B, Mnie-Filali O, Kortleven C, Galakhova AA, Khalil AJ, Kroon T, Jonker AJ, de Haan R, van de Berg WDJ, Goriounova NA, de Kock CPJ, Pattij T, Mansvelder HD (2019) Prefrontal cortical ChAT-VIP interneurons provide local excitation by cholinergic synaptic transmission and control attention. Nature Communications, 10(1):5280.

7. Terra H, Bruinsma B, de Kloet SF, van der Roest M, Pattij T, Mansvelder HD (2020) Prefrontal Cortical Projection Neurons Targeting Dorsomedial Striatum Control Behavioral Inhibition. Current Biology. 30(21):4188-4200.e5.

8. de Kloet SF, Bruinsma B, Terra H, Heistek TS, Passchier EMJ, van den Berg AR, Luchicchi A, Min R, Pattij T, Mansvelder HD. (2021) Bi-directional regulation of cognitive control by distinct prefrontal cortical output neurons to thalamus and striatum. Nature Communications, 12(1):1994.

9. Berg J, Sorensen S, Ting J, Miller JA, U01 BICCN consortium (125 authors), Mansvelder HD, Tamas G, Zeng H, Koch C, Lein ES (2021) Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification. Nature, 598(7879):151-158.

10. Wilbers R, Metodieva VD, Duverdin S, Heyer DB, Galakhova AA, Mertens EJ, Versluis TD, Baayen JC, IdemaS, Noske DP, Verburg N, Willemse RB, de Witt Hamer PC, Kole MHP, de Kock CPJ, Mansvelder HD*, Goriounova NA* (2023a) (*senior authors) Human voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channel properties underlie sustained fast AP signaling. Science Advances, in press.

11. Wilbers R, Galakhova AA, Driessens SLW, Heistek TS, Metodieva VD, Hagemann J, Heyer DB, Mertens EJ, Deng S, Idema S, de Witt Hamer PC, NoskeDP, van Schie P, Kommers I, Luan G, Li T, Shu Y, de Kock CPJ, Mansvelder HD*, Goriounova NA* (2023b) (*senior authors) Structural and functional specializations of human fast spiking neurons support fast cortical signaling. Science Advances, in press.

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