
Hongbo Jiang - Selected Publications#

[1] H. Jiang, J. Hu, D. Liu, J. Xiong, and M. Cai. DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar. In Proceedings of ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2021. (First work on dangerous driving detection using active sonar on smartphones, with 180+ downloads)

[2] H. Jiang, H. Cao, D. Liu, J. Xiong, and Z. Cao. SmileAuth: Using Dental Edge Biometrics for User Authentication on Smartphones. In Proceedings of ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2020. (First work on user authentication using teeth information with smartphones, with 300+ downloads, and this work was featured by ACM NEWS at https://cacm.acm.org/news/249831-finally-apps-to-sink-your-teeth-into/fulltext)

[3] J. Wang, H. Jiang, J. Xiong, K. Jamieson, X. Chen, D. Fang, and B. Xie. LiFS: Low Human-Effort Device-Free Localization with Fine-Grained Subcarrier Information. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), 2016. (First real-time subcarrier information based device-free localization system, with 1,900+ downloads, 210+citations according to Google Scholar)

[4] J. Wang, J. Xiong, X. Chen, H. Jiang, R. Balan, and D. Fang. TagScan: Device-Free Target Imaging and Material Identification with Commodity RFID Devices. In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), 2017. (First material identification system using RFID, with 2,100+ downloads, 100+ citations according to Google Scholar)

[5] H. Jiang, Z. Xiao, Z. Li, J. Xu, F. Zeng, and D. Wang. An Energy-Efficient Framework for Internet of Things Underlaying Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Vol.21(1):31-43, 2022. (This paper first coined the IoT in small cell environments, with 240+ downloads)

[6] H. Jiang, M. Wang, P. Zhao, Z. Xiao, and S. Dustdar. A Utility-Aware General Framework with Quantifiable Privacy Preservation for Destination Prediction in LBSs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN). Vol.29(5):2228-2241, 2021. (One of the earliest research on privacy preservation for destination in LBSs, with 220+ downloads)

[7] H. Jiang, W. Liu, G. Jiang, Y. Jia, X. Liu, Z. Lui, X. Liao, J. Xing, and D. Liu. Fly-Navi: A Novel Indoor Navigation System with On-the-Fly Map Generation. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Vol.20(9):2820-2834, 2021. (First work on on-the-fly map generation during navigation with smartphones, with 320+ downloads)

[8] W. Liu, H. Jiang, G. Jiang, J. Liu, X. Ma, and Y. Jia. Indoor Navigation with Virtual Graph Representation: Exploiting Peak Intensities of Unmodulated Luminaries. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN). Vol.27(1): 187-200. 2019. (First work on map generation using luminaries with smartphones, with 410+ downloads)

[9] H. Zhang, H. Jiang, B. Li, F. Liu, A. Vasilakos, and J. Liu. A Framework for Truthful Online Auctions in Cloud Computing with Heterogeneous User Demands. IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). Vol.65(3):805-818, 2016. (One of the earliest research on truthful online auctions in distributed cloud systems, with 1,400+ downloads, 260+ citations according to Google Scholar, and already been integrated into commercial systems such as ChinaCache services deployed on 17,000 servers across 120 cities in the world, serving more than 10,000 enterprises worldwide)

[10] H. Jiang, S. Jin, and C. Wang. Prediction or Not? An Energy-Efficient Framework for Clustering-based Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS). Vol.22(6): 1064-1071, 2011. (This paper first discussed the condition of prediction scheme, with 3,800+ downloads, 230+ citations according to Google Scholar)

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