
Torsten Hothorn - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Habilitation in Biostatistics, University Erlangen - Nüremberg, Germany, 2006
  • PhD in Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany, 2003
  • Diploma in Statistics with minor subject Computer Science, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany, 2000

  • Professor ad personam in Biostatistics, April 2013 – present. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, Department of Biostatistics, University of Zurich. Joint affiliation with the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science
  • Professor in Biostatistics (with tenure), November 2007 – March 2013. Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
  • Lecturer in Biostatistics, March 2003 – March 2007. Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany

Supervision (PhD Students)

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Karin T. Eckel (Ensemble Methods for Survival Analysis, 2007), Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Hofner (Boosting in Structured Additive Models, 2011), Dr. rer. nat. Nora Fenske (Structured Additive Quantile Regression with Applications to Modelling Undernutrition and Obesity of Children, 2012), Dr. rer. nat. Esther Herberich (On the Behavior of Multiple Comparison Procedures in Complex Parametric Designs, 2012), Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Hapfelmeier (Analysis of Missing Data with Random Forests, 2012), Dr. rer. nat. Nikolay Robinzonov (Advances in Boosting of Temporal and Spatial Models, 2013), Dr. rer. Nat. Lisa Möst (Conditional Transformation Models - Interpretable Parametrisations and Censoring, 2015), Dr. rer. nat. Lorenzo Tanadini (Prognostic Factors in Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Trials, 2017), Dr. rer. nat. Heidi Seibold (Statistical Methods in Statified and Personalised Medicine, 2018).

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